Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Abu Dhabi, U.A.E  IP:

my father always has a headache and he keeps on complaining about it.Today he's scheduled to have an examination and have a general check-up. please pray that all the tests that he undergoes will come out well. and also i met a guy from a Job Fair and he offer help to work in their company with a better salary than what i'm making now so please pray if it is God's will for me. one thing more, if we are going to move to a new house please pray that,that house is the will of God to us.

3/20/2003 12:03:50 AM


usa  IP:

in april my family is blessed with worm grant, our business at home brings favorble income and is a huge success,my wife never looses her job but gets a raise,my daughtor gets a raise from ssi ,the amount she wants, all my intetions

3/20/2003 9:26:17 AM



Please pray that my fiance doesn't get sent away to jail. Please I beg you Lord. He would miss the birth of our first child, and everything that goes with it. The first smile, the first recognition of love, the first bonding. Please dear Lord, and please everyone pray for us, for my unborn child's sake. He did not commit a violent crime, all he did was drive too many times without a license. Thank you God, and thank you good people who pray. Thank You. Amen.

3/20/2003 10:01:29 AM



please pray for my nephew's safety in the middle east and for the safety of all our troops there. May god protect them and this country and may this war be over soon!

3/20/2003 10:50:05 AM


usa  IP:

Pray that my bleeding is not a result of cancer spread...

3/20/2003 12:21:15 PM


usa  IP:

my family get the blessing of a worm grant,our business brings favorable income,and very successful, lord; you bless us with more worms some how,ssi,gives me a raise,the amount i want,lots of miraclous miracles,mom never looses her job,but gets a raise,dads knee heals,dad gets a new truck,we get anew building,sherry doesnt get it in her mind to sell what we sell or do what we do,sell worms,

3/20/2003 3:18:03 PM



URGENT! Pray for Peace! Everyone must pray fervently and storm heaven, pleading for peace in this world! The war in Iraq has already claimed too many lives of men and women fighting for peace and an end to terrorism. As Our Lady said at Fatima, "Wars are a punishment from God for sin" ... "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, Russia will be converted and a period of peace will be given to the world" ... "And, if my requests are not granted, Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church … the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be destroyed!" THE WORLD NEEDS FATIMA ... FATIMA IS THE ONLY WAY TO WORLD PEACE!! The Act of Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is still yet to be completed precisely as Our Lady requested at Fatima. Our Lord said the Consecration will be done, however, it will be late. Pray, pray, pray for Peace, for the Consecration and for Pope John Paul. Faith and prayers are more powerful than war and bombs. God permits evil in this world so that we will PRAY and TRUST Him … He knows what’s best for us in all situations and circumstances! God continuously wants to help us and patiently waits for us to ask. Too many people have turned away from God. Thank you … everyone praying together can help make this a peaceful world!

3/24/2003 8:35:57 AM



URGENT! Please pray for WORLD PEACE!! Pray for all the men and women in the armed forces (those from the USA and UK and other allied countries) as well as for all their families, while they are fighting for peace, justice and end of terrorism in Iraq. Pray that this War in Iraq will end very, very soon and the men and women will return home to their families! God Bless the United States and World Peace! Evil will fail ... Justice will prevail!

3/24/2003 10:11:11 AM

 Bill and Carol

oh. usa.  IP:

Updated. very urgent!!! the pain,agony and heavyness deep in our hearts cries out to god day and night for his mercy and peace!!! thank you for praying. please pray more then ever enlight of heavy envets....our hearts more then ever are crying out to god for his mercy and peace!!! his healing presence of peace in our lives and the situation in the middle east and else where!!! we must more then ever stay at our post in prayer and light a candle of hope!!! please pray with us in the days ahead....march,ap,may, is so critical!!! please pass this on world wide....w w w ......we must pray!!! thank you!! in his agony. bill and carol,husband and wife in agony. oh.usa.

3/24/2003 11:34:01 AM


U.K  IP:

Please pray that i may secure the right job and the right course,that i may heal completely and become a husband to the right girl and raise a family.

3/25/2003 12:29:18 PM


U.K  IP:

For peace in my life,in my family,community and in the whole world,for my hearts intentions and all intentions of the friends and readers of this site to rise from these pages to the immaculate heart of mary to god.lord read my heart you know all my wants and troubles,through mary queen peace answer my prayers lord be merciful to us.amen.thank you

3/25/2003 12:42:28 PM



For the end of hypocrisy and biased-unilateral world consciousness,for an end to the bloodshed of our brothers and sisters,we don't need another world war!for the humility of greedy world leaders who kill many just to further their plans,terrorism won't cease after extra terrorism from bush.prayer is necessary

3/25/2003 12:52:18 PM



URGENT!! For world peace … please say the following prayer and pass along to others: O Most Holy Mary, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart. I consecrate to you my soul and body, my family, my country and the whole world. I wish to be entirely yours, and through my consecration, I beg you to accept all that I am, all that I have, all that I love; the works, the sufferings and the prayers of the entire human race; for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the offenses by which the Sacred Heart of Jesus and your Immaculate Heart are continuously offended. Virgin Most Holy, accept and bless the renewal of my baptismal promises and those of my first Communion. Please obtain for me all the graces I need to perform my duties with dedication and to live my faith with courage. Assist me in all my actions. Keep sin away from my soul and be with me at the moment of my death. Amen.

3/26/2003 7:50:40 AM



A PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE Almighty God, Creator of all things, we place our request for world peace into Your hands. Continue to be our refuge and our strength as we undertake this challenge. Bless with Your divine protection our servicemen and women. Let their faith and trust in You never weaken. Bring them safely home to their loved ones. Let Your heavenly wisdom direct our world leaders to seek peace. Through their actions, may harmony and justice be secured. We pray for people of all nations. Fill their hearts with the desire to ensure justice and equality for all. We ask that You watch over those exposed to the horrors of war. Let Your compassion shine on all who dwell in these war-torn areas. Guide our daily path to the way of peace. Let us all, in some way, be an instrument of Your peace. Heavenly Father, let peace reign throughout the world. Amen. (prayer obtained from Prospect Hill Company - USA)

3/26/2003 7:52:59 AM

 Joan Guziec


Pray that Paul and Joan will marry soon. That he will get in touch with her soon.

3/27/2003 2:11:22 PM

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