Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


u  IP:

Please pray for my dauthter and her husband and their marital problems to be solved so that they may return to happiness together once again. It is tearing the families apart. For health, happiness,jobs, success, special intentions for all.

5/27/2003 12:16:59 PM



Please pray that I find a part time job that allows me to be self supporting as I finish my book. Anne

5/27/2003 5:14:58 PM



I ask that prayers be offered for my sister Susan, wife and mother of two beautiful children. Susan lost the sight in one eye, and now is in serious danger of losing the sight in her remaining eye. She has faced the loss of her eye with such courage, and faith. Now she faces blindness with the same courage and faith, although she is very afraid of the dark. I ask that you send her blessings, and she is trying to send her children to good Catholic schools, but now may be unable since she had to give up her job, and her husband loses much time taking her back and forth to the doctors. Please God help my sister. She has been a good and faithful woman, honest and sweet with a firm faith in You. Please bless her and her family in their time of need.

5/27/2003 9:34:46 PM



I have been diagnosed with cervical cancer and have undergone treatment to have it removed. Please pray that the treatment was a success and that I will continue to be blessed with healthy children. Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. Gratefully, Sara (27 yr. old mother of 1)

5/28/2003 6:58:27 PM

 Marsha Anne Talitimu


Thank God for this opportunity to lift these petitions up!! Please pray for Vanessa Romero-- stricken with an unknow virus or infection----- in critical condition today--also for Malia Rice and family for a healing---For Rowena Stout, Leilani Stout, Art Dacascos, and Jenny, for Milovale Talitimu--for his discernmnet for his life, and also his music to praise the Lord-- For Marsha and Siaosi and projects in Samoa! For this I pray to the Lord!! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!!!!

5/29/2003 3:33:18 PM


Canada  IP:

Due to the breakdown of our marriage many years ago, and my ex-husband's (DEP)decision to move far away and rebuild his life, our disabled, now adult son (JJP) has missed out on a relationship with his father. My ex moved back to the area a while ago, and after some good early visits between them, things have come to a standstill. Our son aches to have the acknowledgement, respect, and yes, the love of his father who has great difficulty accepting his role as father of a disabled person. Please help us bring about a miracle for them.

5/29/2003 4:00:15 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for our daughter and her husband to work out their marital differences so they may be one again. For all family, friends, relatives who need our prayers, the sick, elderly, lonely.

5/29/2003 4:07:47 PM



Please bring my wife back to love me and restore our marriage. Please help her heal and repent from the shame of alcoholism and adultery, and stay away from the religious con men that had seduced her. Please bring these men to repentance, first through justice, then mercy, both given by God through Jesus Christ. Please help me focus and do things I must do every day to stay as a decent productive man. Please help me to keep my job and do an excellent job and be excellent in life. Please help me work my program in love. Please protect my sons in all of this, and let them not lose focus, and let them be productive and excellent in their lives. Please help all those in this situation repent and do the right things, and help us all heal and be productive and decent people, and not vindictive, and let us focus on doing the right things every day and for the kingdom of God. Striving to be a man of God, through Jesus Christ, Frank (

5/30/2003 6:00:54 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord we need Your prayers for our daughter and her husband to seek counseling to save their marriage. For health, happiness, love, security and good jobs for all family, friends and relatives

5/31/2003 4:16:30 AM

 kristopher kenderes


Please pray for my two sons Andrew and JonathanTo keep them safe and for them to return home to their father and family.

6/1/2003 7:23:14 PM



Please pray for healing for Betty's friend, Lori, Tara, Howard's conversion, for George's anger and conversion, for my special intention. Thank you.

6/1/2003 11:10:17 PM



MAy God bless each of you who read and pray for the requests on this list. Dear Heavenly Father and friends, Please pray for DAvid Krummenacker who will run at Stanford this weekend June 7. His event is the 1000. Yesterday he ran 2Nd to a man from Stanford. The race will be tough. Please offer prayers for David and that he will bring honor and glory to God through these races. MAy you each draw ever nearer to God, Our Creator, Our Lord,, the unifier of Mankind.

6/2/2003 10:20:14 AM



MAy God bless each of you who read and pray for the requests on this list. Dear Heavenly Father and friends, Please pray for DAvid Krummenacker who will run at Stanford this weekend June 7. His event is the 1000. Yesterday he ran 2Nd to a man from Stanford. The race will be tough. Please offer prayers for David and that he will bring honor and glory to God through these races. MAy you each draw ever nearer to God, Our Creator, Our Lord,, the unifier of Mankind.

6/2/2003 10:23:02 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my emotional healing and my conversion. Thank you!

6/2/2003 3:05:33 PM



Please pray for our daughter and her husband to settle their marital differences. May they find true love as when they met, dated and were married. Bring them closer together and help them in their jobs, health, happiness and future.

6/2/2003 6:33:36 PM

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