Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 randy patiag

vietnam  IP:

Lord, thank you for the new house that you gave us, last saturday we just move in, i know that it will be happy home, especially when our baby arrives, Lord, bles our children always, Christian, Maureen, Chester, Jane and Klien. give them always good health and keep them in harm, We ask this in Jesus name our Lord. Amen

10/31/2004 6:17:13 PM

 Susana Trevino


I pray for healing for my mother Mary Ann Mares who suffered a stroke on Friday October 29th that God may heal her and help us and her through these very rough moments.

10/31/2004 9:34:24 PM

 Bella Gonsalves


Lord I praying for Judy, Nawal, Arwa, Kavita Kanjiri, Mariam, Khilna, Bhindi and all the students in Tanzania who are doing thier National exams they should pass with division 1. Thank you Jesus, Praise You Jesus. Amen

10/31/2004 9:40:50 PM

 Bella Gonsalves


Lord I praying for Judy, Nawal, Arwa, Kavita Kanjiri, Mariam, Khilna, Bhindi and all the students in Tanzania who are doing thier National exams they should pass with division 1. Thank you Jesus, Praise You Jesus. Amen

10/31/2004 9:44:11 PM


phils  IP:

please pray for my family especially my kids, their future, and my good friend joe to be enlightened spiritually and help him to overcome his trials and all my family and friends (esp joe a.) to walk uprightly in the Lord, to be blameless and holy and pleasing to the Lord. Thank you for all the blessings and graces.

10/31/2004 11:12:14 PM


phils  IP:

please pray for my husbands bro in law Mamerto Cruz who was diagnosed to have malignant bone tumor. May God who is Our Great Healer grant full healing of this sickness and May God use him to spread His Good News to all those people who are swayed by all the material concerns of this world. Please also heal Tita Araceli Rivera of her sickness in the spinal column that makes her feelings numb from waist down. I know that you annointed her to be the good servant of GSMEC and guide all the members of this community in your Kingdom. Amen.

10/31/2004 11:17:01 PM


India  IP:

Dear Brothers and Sisters I am in lots of trouble. I am being forced to do Idol worship I am being taken to many Idols and forced to eat those offerings I am not able to read bible , pray ,and sing praises I want to be delivered from all these I want to get back to my mother and sister My family and my wifes family should be joined I am worried about what will happen to me , my mother and sister as we dont have any support I want to love my wife and lead life with her without fear as her husband and not as a slave there is lots of tensions I am leading life life a slave I want to

10/31/2004 11:25:14 PM


Australia  IP:

Pray that Alex repays me the money he borrowed from me to get himself back on his feet within the next month. Help me to understand the anger he feels towards me for whatever reason. I have only helped him through difficult times. I have done nothing wrong to him. Bring love into my life. Let me have a reason to wake up each day.

11/1/2004 1:12:26 AM

 Mariana James

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  IP:

Please pray with me so that I could go home as soon as possibe to Malaysia before christmass. With love..........mariana

11/1/2004 10:24:18 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my son Michael that he goes to collage and get a good education so that he can make educated decions in life. I ask that you pray for my brother Ralph he has been a drug adict for a long time, I know he needs help but will not seek it. I also, would like to pray for my home that we always peace. Please pray for my mother, she is the only grandparent for my children and she is the pilar to all of us that she may feel peace in here home and that she lives for many many years may she find a companion so she does not have to be alone. florisa

11/1/2004 12:23:20 PM

 randy patiag

vietnam  IP:

Lord, pls. my design today they are asking me to print my design and present them to our boss, Lord, bless them so that our boss will like them and make a sample of my design. Lord, i know that without you i can not do anything. thank you Lord, I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

11/1/2004 9:13:36 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for the salvation and conversion of all unbelievers, especially my husband Dan. For all marriages and families, parents, children the unborn and the broken. Please pray for the healing and restoration of my marriage-for the stopping of the divorce, the softening of my husband's heart and for him to begin thinking right. Pray especially for God's will to be done in our lives. Also for the healing and restoration of Pete and Summer, Don and Suzie and Cheryl and Andy's Marriages. Please pray that I am able to carry my baby full term and that she is born happy and healthy in Body, spirit and mind. I pray that my family, husband, children and myself will be anointed by & filled with the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit fill us with your love, wisdom and your gifts. Please protect and love my children and family. Please pray that I will be a better mother and wife, please guide me in all ways. Please pray for financial providence for me. Please pray for Israel. For peace in the world, in Israel, in the middle east and in Iraq. For the military, contractors & families, especially Gregg, Jud and Dan (my husband). Please pray for all the leaders of the world especially President Bush, that people will vote for life. Thank you and God bless you. In the precious name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen

11/2/2004 4:00:59 AM


Hungary  IP:

Pls my grandpa FERENC deceased in 1987 gets to heaven. He died without sacraments and was non-believer -but only THE LORD sees the soul of everyone! Ferenc was a good man,a baker. taken soldier in the war and came back emaciated. I regret treating him so badly whileI was a child. Lord, look upon his life of suffering, look at FERENC' working for us, in fact today we live on the value he created, forgive his sins, be Merciful to Him and allow him graciously in Heaven, we beseech Thee , through Jesus Christ, amen

11/2/2004 4:29:01 AM

 Christine & Iva


Most sweet Jesus, By Your sacred passion and the pain You experienced for the love of us, Christine and I ask You, our Lord, for Your help on our exam. Please grant us to get one of the two essay questions we are most confident with. Help us to get at least 80% on it, possibly even more. We place our trust in Your Sacret Heart, and in the Immaculate Heart of Your most loving Mother. As a thanksgiving for Your help, we offer our help to the poor and hungry by passing out food for the Thanksgiving drive at the church. Thank you, Jesus. We trust in You.

11/2/2004 10:41:47 AM

 E. Hdz

usa  IP:

Please pray for the deceased: Nestor, Guadalupe, Delia, Natividad, Rafael, Frank, Eusebio, Elias, John, Margarita, Martina, Gregorio, Lupe, Ernesto, Manuela, Clemencia, Juana, Justo, Juanita, Jose, Juana B., Francisco, Bernarda, Blas, and Gregoria. May they rest in Peace.

11/2/2004 6:17:18 PM

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