Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Mai Parnell

Australia  IP:

Please pray to God to bring peace in this family especially among the three children that they will united in their love for each other

2/16/2004 4:07:35 PM



Please pray for the reconciliation of Michael Crosby and Claudia Munoz

2/16/2004 9:20:44 PM



True God with all peoples prayers worldwide from creation combined for healing of the sick, true God descend down from heaven and heal my true families brains, bodies, souls. We live next to a cell tower, I am now beginning to see what appear to be rainbow waves like on water, they run from the top of my vision down to the floor very fast and my tv is doing the same thing, I am also suddenly now loosing my hair, my head tingles like ants are on it, if I put a metal football type helmet on my head or a large thick metal can it stops. I live in SANTA FE NM USA on Lower West Alameda. Many people here could be seeing the same stuff soon and they live closer to it than I do. Amen.

2/17/2004 12:40:28 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara and heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting the results from my Mother’s CT Scan be good – we are all so THANKFUL. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord our Mother is seeing the eye surgery today, please let the results from her eye surgery be successful. Please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr and heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. My Father is having back problems, please Lord heal him and make my father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you'd please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

2/17/2004 5:16:50 AM


usa  IP:

I need a job. I recently interviewed for one. I really want this job. Please pray for me.

2/17/2004 11:34:30 AM


america  IP:

for peace of mind

2/17/2004 11:47:15 AM


united states  IP:

please pray for my sister carmen who went fro an operation, but went downhill afterwards, she made a little progress but got worse and has to go for another operation tonite 2/17/04 at beth israel hospital, god gave us hope and gave us hope, but with everyones prayer we believe god is understanding our pain, it's destroying everyone in our famil, please give us the strengh on not giving hope, please guide us in our most cruial pain, she's sweet loving person, never did any harm to anyone, please guide us with prayers for hope

2/17/2004 3:46:50 PM


united states  IP:

first, thank you god, my sister carmen fernandez, got out of surgery at 9pm, and is back in sicu at beth israel hospital 2/17/04, thank you jesus, it's still too soon, but please eveyone say a prayer in her name, for a wonderful and fast recovery, we all need ur prayers and suppor, especially my mom naomi, pray and give us strengh, god only you can do that for us and our faith in you, carmen is a truly angel in our life and heart, she is loved by many, please god and friends give her support to endure this. amen god bless all who has in faith in god almighty, amen blessings to you carmen from your sister nancy

2/17/2004 10:02:52 PM


philippines  IP:

Please pray for my sister who was diagnosed to have breast cancer. May she be enlightened to the will of God and may she be healed of her desease. Please also pray for me that may God use me as an instrument to help my brothers and sisters in their financial problem. these I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

2/17/2004 11:15:46 PM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara and heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting the results from my Mother’s CT Scan be good – we are all so THANKFUL. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr and heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. My Father is having back problems, please Lord heal him and make my father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you'd please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

2/18/2004 5:29:19 AM

 Ignatius Topno

India  IP:

Please pray for Nishi daughter of my sister suffering from cerebral malaria, now in ICU may Jesus save her and peace of Jesus may dwell in their home

2/18/2004 8:06:24 AM




2/18/2004 11:36:48 AM


usa  IP:

May Pete and Arlene win over the adversity that is presented today. May the sun shine brighter and brighter as the days pass by. May they join and enjoy a happy life together.

2/18/2004 3:11:29 PM


usa  IP:

please pray for my mother to get well,and for us to have her come back home.

2/18/2004 5:02:57 PM

 mark stobodzian

usa  IP:

please say a prayer for my nephew gene nearhouse who was in a very bad car accident on feb. 14th and needed brain surgery. he is a strong young man with a very strong family and faith.but, he can use the strong faith of people who beleive. thank you & god bless

2/18/2004 5:56:21 PM

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