Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Mercy Munoz


Heavenly Father, please take away the pain and suffering that my brother-in-law Gabriel C. Rodriguez is going through. He's in dire need of a liver transplant and I pray that you send a miracle our way. I pray to your dear God that you hear my prayer and answer soon as he doesn't have much time left.

3/1/2004 12:30:33 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara and heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting the results from my Mother’s CT Scan be good – we are all so THANKFUL. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr and heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. My Father’s back problems are improving, Thank you Lord, please Lord keep my father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you'd please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

3/1/2004 5:44:00 AM


Phils.  IP:

Please include my intentions in your prayer. For my children may the Lord give them wisdom, knowledge and guidance to make good in their last quarter exam;for protection and safe travel of my husband on Mar.11-10,2004.Thank you & God bless.

3/1/2004 4:02:53 PM

 E. Hdz

usa  IP:

Please pray that the enemies of the church in Westmorland be defeated. That more people help to build the new St. Joseph church. That those trying to take our house and land will stop. Thank you

3/1/2004 8:29:49 PM



Please pray for healing for Diana, Briana, mom & dad, and Keana, for my special intentions, for my patience, Dixie, David, Mary, Isabella, Bernadine, and for all of their families. Thank you.

3/1/2004 9:45:23 PM


Philippines  IP:

Please pray that my grandmother is able to sell her house. She and her four daughters all have their own financial woes and the sale of the property will greatly ease the tension of these financial strains. We have all been suffering difficult times for several years now.

3/1/2004 11:04:33 PM



Please pray for me and my family. I'm in constant pain my son is deaf my daughter is sick and my husband is facing a challenge. Pray that my children will remain safe. Also pray for my whole family, my mother and brothers and their families and my dear friend Norma who has learned she has cancer.

3/1/2004 11:34:58 PM

 Kathy Mahoney


For the greater Glory of God, please hear my prayer intention Lord. Please help me to overcome my problems and do a better job in life. Please grant my special request that I make in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Savior who suffered and died for me and endured a great Passion and Death for our sakes. Please give Gene and I your peace. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. Amen.

3/2/2004 5:11:35 AM

 Steven Kendrick

United States  IP:

Please pray for my family and friends? There are alot of things going on right now. I have so much to do and it has made me so tired. I need all the prayer I and get. Thanks.

3/2/2004 9:39:06 PM


qatar  IP:

Please pray for all students answering their board exams from 3/3/04 onwards.There are many who are weak in studies. Oh God send your Holy Spirit and enlighten K/C/L/E/J/N/A/N and all who I do not know. This pray I make through Jesus Christ. Amen

3/2/2004 10:05:33 PM



From Many Violated Children:: All praise, honor, glory be to you the true holy holy holy God. We command through our true Jesus Christ and in his name that the blood of the true Jesus Christ fill and paralyze in every way the true Pat, Gene, Beverly, and the rest of the true demons truely associated with them that have taken human names from the tips of there toes to the tips of there head, further we command that they spontaneously combust, and finally there ashes sent to the true hell in the future all today. Thank you true God, Jesus, others. God bless you all. 3+ Catholic priests said to send all demons we hear to hell. This area is riddled with true satanists so they must know what needs to be done. Amen. NTNRND.

3/3/2004 3:22:56 AM


Philippines  IP:

Please pray for good health of my friend Alice and may she find true love and happiness to her new found partner.Lord,pls. let her daughter Marie understand the situation and help her to be good responsible girl.Thank you.

3/3/2004 4:50:52 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara and heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting the results from my Mother’s CT Scan be good – we are all so THANKFUL. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr and heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. My Father’s back problems are improving, Thank you Lord, please Lord keep my father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you'd please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

3/3/2004 6:08:40 AM



Please pray for our sister Michele Rice who has cancer she is loved very much by all her family and friends.

3/3/2004 10:44:46 AM



True God through our true Jesus Christ and in his name we claim that, with all beings prayers, faiths, fastings, sacrifices, universally from true creation combined for world peace, healing the sick, to end terrorism, we begg you the true God(YHWH) to accept all that and descend down upon this earth today and defeat and destroy for all time sakes the true source of the Voices that the true Gabbies family and others are hearing and the technology being used against these victims globally. Via addendums parables to protect the innocent. He lives in an area where satanists(sorcerers) are actuially running the churches somehow externally. Thank you true GOD, Jesus, others, God bless you all. Amen. If possible agree in 3.

3/3/2004 5:03:09 PM

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