Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


h  IP:

My family is falling apart. I've been separated from my family for about 3 years, but I feel I want to go back, because we have two little children together, my boy is 5 and my daughter is 3 years old. We didn't have serious marital problems, except that my ex-wifes eating habit was an issue at that time. She didn't consider the health risk. Now she doesn't want to have anything to do with me at all. She's said No to all my proposals, even to have a word with her and be friends. Sometimes she's nice to me but most of the times she ignores me. How can we raise children together if we're not on good terms? I'd wish that you intercede with me so that, she'll have a change of mind and heart. Even if she really doesn't want to continue our relationship, we could still be good friends for the sake of the children. I think I still love her and I've asked her to forgive me. Aparently she hasn't, if she'd not want to have lunch with me and even talk about the children

3/15/2004 6:00:22 AM

 Carol Vano-Diaz


My Dearest Mom, Happy 23rd. Anniversary in Heaven. Everyday since, my thoughts and eternal love, is with you. Even though you are truly "home" restored to good health and happy to be with reunited with your family, my heart has a tremendous void, that will remain until we meet again. I know and can feel that you are with us everyday. Please pray for all your loved ones that remain. Watch over us, and protect us from evil and evil-doers. I/We Love and Miss you with all our heart and soul. Your Loving Daughter Carol xoxo

3/15/2004 6:21:13 PM



Dear Lord, Please put your heavenly hand on my husband, Fairol, so that his heart catherization will go well and that he will have a good report and have any easy time so that he can come home after the procedure. We are so thankful that my biopsy and reports are normal and that you will continue to bless me with good health. I Thank you Dear Lord. Also, please guide Fairol's doctors with both the catherization and with his prostrate cancer that the right decision will be made. We love you Dear Lord and thank you. Judy

3/17/2004 11:37:52 AM


united states  IP:

please God save my marriage. I have been married for 25 years and my husband told me he is not sure if he is in love with me like a husband should. and has to decide what to do. I love him with all my heatt and am in love with him. please I ask Jesus to realize that he is in love with me and wants to make this work. I don't know what's going on in his mind. I ask Jesus to heal this marriage. I am hurting so bad my heart is bleeding. He does not say much to me and that hurts. In Jesus name help this marriage work. Amen

3/17/2004 5:07:26 PM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara and heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Thank you Lord Jesus for letting the results from my Mother’s CT Scan be good – we are all so THANKFUL. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr and heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. My Father’s back problems are improving, Thank you Lord, please Lord keep my father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you'd please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

3/18/2004 5:30:11 AM

 james francis steele

usa  IP:

i humbly request prayer to GOD on my behalf. i ask for Rest, Mercy, Pardon and Help with my situation.

3/19/2004 3:22:23 PM



Please pray for employment for our son-in-law especially now as they are expecting their first child and with no hospitalization, my daughter is getting upset, discouraged and I told her to keep praying. God will answer their prayers in a special way. For safe deliveries for my daughter and my son's girlfriend. May happiness, good jobs, success and love of God always be in their hearts.

3/19/2004 3:34:28 PM



Please pray for my son. He is in prison for damaging a machine. He was 6000 miles away at the time it was damaged, this was proven. Pray that Col. William Stranko and Major General Robert Wilson have the eyes and ears opened, that they hear what God wants them to hear, and they act how God wants them to act. They will be hearing his appeal this coming week. Jesus, please set him free. Thank you to all who pray, God Bless you all!

3/19/2004 3:55:01 PM



Dear Lord< I thank you for putting your heavenly hand on my husband, Fairol, and bringing him through his heart catherization with much success through your divine intervention. You are almighty and we are forever thankful and grateful for your blessings. We trust you and love you Dear Lord. Thank you for your blessings of my biopsy and benign report; we love you and thank you our Dear Lord and all Almighty. Judy

3/19/2004 4:29:18 PM

 Gail M. Jones


Conversion of Roger C. Parkin and Richard H. Jones

3/19/2004 5:05:04 PM


Philippines  IP:

I pray that my husband would be given a second chance to the NHS International Fellowship Programme in England. Tho we come from a developing country, I pray that he would be offered the post for 2 years. In that way, we can both have the opportunity to live and work in another country, save enough to build a house of our own and save for our children's future. This we ask from you Lord, please don't fail us in this once in a lifetime opportunity.

3/20/2004 4:03:10 PM

 Mary Garcia

Texas  IP:

Please pray for my friend Shelly and her husband, Mark A. Ayala. Pray that god will bring Mark back home soon. They've been separated for the last 9 mos. but they are talking again and trying to work it out but Mark is having a little problem coming home... I also pray that he will come home to Shelly and their son, Mark A. Jr.(4 yrs. old).... I feel that it is Satan that is keeping them apart and has taken ahold of Mark and God is more powerful than the dark force that has come between Mark and Shelly Ayala, they were married in God's house and therefore I ask for prayer that God will guide Mark A. Ayala Sr. home soon to his family and if more people pray for him , he will come home...Please my Brother's and Sister's join me in prayer for this family. God Bless You....Love You Always, Mary Garcia...March 23, 2004

3/21/2004 10:25:43 PM


philippines  IP:

Lord, I humbly pray that you would heal dad of all his sicknesses (colon, hyperthyroid, surgery wounds, heart and lung problems). Have mercy on him Jesus. We put our trust in you.

3/22/2004 12:14:20 AM

 Mary Garcia

Texas  IP:

March 22, 2004/Monday My Dear God,Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you and ask for prayer for my family, myself,Mary,father of my children,Richard, and our children, Ashley Nicole (21 yrs.), Derrick R. (18 yrs.), and Michael Jon (9 yrs.).... God take good care of our two older children, Ashley and Derrick, they are in Houston right now, they left Saturday and will be coming back home Wednesday---will be stopping in Austin Monday and leave from there Wednesday at noon to come back home to Arlington,TX., please I ask for a safe trip to and back home for both.....God I ask for prayer for guidance and renewal of marriage vows for my husband and myself...We were married for 17 yrs. when he decided to have a new life with another woman, he lived with her for 2 1/2yrs...We separated September 16, 1995 and after 4yrs being apart Richard realized during the time being apart that he had made a mistake leaving me for another woman--we divorced and slowly but surely we started communicating and seeing eachother and on March 16, 1999 we moved in together.. We did not remarry and eventhough we are divorced I feel in my heart that he is still my husband because we were married in your house before you......Satan came into our lives and got ahold of Richard and he committed adultery because we were still married when he had an affair, but you God are most powerful please come into our lives right this minute and restore our marriage...I pray for us to remarry. I want to remarry Richard , I don't want to live like this anymore-----I ask for prayer for Richard, to guide him back into our marriage and to take steps to walk with me down the aisle in your house of prayer once more in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, most Powerful..I ask all my Brothers and Sisters that come across this Prayer Request/Petition to join in and pray for my Family...Please restore our lives in Unity to become one and make it right in your eyes my Dear Lord Jesus Christ, my Beautiful,Great,and Wonderful God.....Please I pray that I will receive a Positive Sign/Answer from you and all my Saints and Angels up in Heaven that you received this Petition....And what I ask for here right now will happen.........FOR ME.......I Love You My Dear Lord Jesus Christ, My God...Please take good care of our Family, keep us together always and guide us to walk with you in this beautiful life forever and ever....Thank You so much for all you have given us, and Thank You to All my Beautiful Saints and Angels up in Heaven for your Guidance and Miracles and to you my Dear Lord Jesus Christ, My God, You are First in Our Lives.......AMEN....Love You Always, Mary Garcia and Family,Richard,Ashley Nicole, Derrick R. and Micharel Jon Garcia.....AMEN....

3/22/2004 2:06:03 AM

 Mary Garcia

Texas  IP:

Please pray for my friend Shelly and her husband, Mark A. Ayala. Pray that god will bring Mark back home soon. They've been separated for the last 9 mos. but they are talking again and trying to work it out but Mark is having a little problem coming home... I also pray that he will come home to Shelly and their son, Mark A. Jr.(4 yrs. old).... I feel that it is Satan that is keeping them apart and has taken ahold of Mark and God is more powerful than the dark force that has come between Mark and Shelly Ayala, they were married in God's house and therefore I ask for prayer that God will guide Mark A. Ayala Sr. home soon to his family and if more people pray for him , he will come home...Please my Brother's and Sister's join me in prayer for this family. God Bless You....Love You Always, Mary Garcia...March 22, 2004

3/22/2004 2:36:02 AM

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