Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


usa  IP:

Need prayer for healing of health . for my self. thank you and may god bless each brother and sister whom is praying for the needs of others.

6/6/2004 7:35:47 AM


india  IP:

Dear God Brother, I request you to from the depths of my heart to heal me thru the miracolous healing prayes n powers of the lord.Im suffering terrible for the past 10 months from a psychosomatic problem which has ruined my life n im leading a helish life since then .Im suffering from intense fear, intense anxiety which has lead me to into deep depression.I am having many health problems.I hv tried all medicines but that too is not getting me out of this. Now I think only the lords mercy n grace n power n blessings, can hepl me to be out of this. Im suffering from work, finances, money, family, im 35 n not yet married... missing that too. Im just caught up from every where n i see no way. Im getting suicidal thoughts. Im suffering suffering n suffering from all ways . Please please help me thru ur prayers to get me out of this situation. Im literally fed up.Please bless my house, my family, bless that i get my life partner soon. Brother im fed up ...please treat my case as urgent n do some prayer which will get me out of this situation. From, Mr. Rajeev

6/6/2004 9:50:27 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body. The Doctor compared the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – there was one lymph node in the deep part of our Mom’s back that showed up on the new CT Scan, but the Dr. said it is only ½ cm in size. She told us not to worry and that they would just watch it very closely. PLEASE Lord, don’t let this be cancer. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father seen the Radiation oncologist on May 24, 2004 – THANK YOU LORD for letting the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

6/7/2004 5:39:52 AM



Please pray for me and Tony. We long to be back together,and serving the Lord! We were on the wrong path, but God has gotten us on the right path. Our only hope of being back together is for God to make a door were there isn't one. We need our family back together with the lord as our foundation. thanks!

6/7/2004 8:43:42 PM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body. The Doctor compared the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – there was one lymph node in the deep part of our Mom’s back that showed up on the new CT Scan, but the Dr. said it is only ½ cm in size. She told us not to worry and that they would just watch it very closely. PLEASE Lord, don’t let this be cancer. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father seen the Radiation oncologist on May 24, 2004 – THANK YOU LORD for letting the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

6/8/2004 5:56:58 AM

 ms sayle

usa  IP:

a few pets about us are being poisened, do to not enough helpers at the dog pound., and, others are poorly poorly kept and suffering...many bark and bark or its cats meow, and, many working that live here move do to unconfortable sleep conditions....since...moble homes aren't so us with your tiny tiny prayers...for I'v prayed and little corrections as yet....and...thanks. work hard for us please,,things are well extreem and sometimes suicide is an is dull or too too burdesome do to not enough money incomes and some mental or physical ills....for many of my family, kids, parents, sisters and brother help help help........ok

6/8/2004 8:27:25 PM


usa  IP:


6/8/2004 8:41:59 PM



Please pray for Pauline, Margaret - cancer, Mr. Green - cancer, Karen to find a job, Diana - w/being a mother and working, Wes, Phyllis and Wayne's stress w/things lately, for David's safety, for Keana's situation, for my intentions, for John, for Fr.'s E, A, S, S, T, B, N, B, C. Thank you.

6/8/2004 8:59:00 PM



Dear Lord, I ask that you hear my prayer for all the young women in the country beaten or brutalized by their boyfriends/husbands. I ask that send thenm strength and courage and self-confidence to keep them on the right path. I ask that you answer my prayers for financial blessing, and a beautiful apartment in the city of NY. That by this time next week, I have a different more lucrative job and wonderful career path. I ask, Lord, that you help me not repeat the same mistakes over and over. I ask that you find a strong partner in the Lord and faith of your son, Jesusu Christ,m and that he be strong enough in himself to handle temptation. In the event that I move, I ask Lord, that you hear my plea for a positive area and good friends. Oh Lord, New York City seems like the spiritual downfall of this world. I ask, Lord, that you help me to make these dcisions about placement, job, and finance quickly and decisively. I ask Lord, that you protect me and my family from har, Thank you oh Lord. Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. I do worship and love thee. AMEN.

6/9/2004 10:10:52 AM


us  IP:

>Please pray that my husband comes back to me and learns to love and appreciate me. I suspect that he may be involved with someone and I pray that he is not and that he has not been. I pray that he is led back to me and that our marriage may be saved. Please St. Jude I pray that I hear from him soon and that he realizes that he really wants me and our marriage now and forever. Also that he may realize the sacredness of our vows and never strays again. That trust can be regained and love renewed.

6/9/2004 4:18:46 PM




6/9/2004 10:11:24 PM


Hungary, europe  IP:

Pls ask the Lord in the Name of Jesus that I act in accordance with the Lord's Will this Sunday, June 13 in VITAL matter related to Railroad Boy Zsolt(30) amen Lucy

6/10/2004 7:41:34 AM

 Blana Moyer

usa  IP:

Dear Gos please I ask your help that my husband find the right job for him. you know that we need it. thank you Lord

6/10/2004 9:52:54 AM


united states  IP:

Please help me pray for my husband Rudy he left with another women and i what him to come back home to me and my Three sons i pray that saint anthony and jesus hears my prayers soon.we been married 24 1/2 years we were high school sweet hearts. i love him and miss him so so much.we have recintly got a devorice but i belive that god could change anything thats been done. thank you all for your help may god bless you all i'm catholic. good bless

6/10/2004 11:10:26 PM


usa  IP:

in need of imidiate prayer. for behaver control and pain relief. HEALING for n.g. thank you a sister in christ.

6/11/2004 5:46:25 AM

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