Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray that I might find a good, devout Catholic woman to be my wife.

8/9/2004 5:15:26 PM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/10/2004 5:49:27 AM

 Susanna Bellino


Please help me to change courses this year. I would love to rad SPS but there are so many obstacles. Please help me to remove these obstacles, God. Amen.

8/10/2004 8:18:46 AM


Hungary  IP:

PRAISE REPORT Thank you for Prayers. I could confess, for which I asked you to pray here. Lucy

8/10/2004 10:05:40 AM


canada  IP:

i thank God for blessing us with a beautiful child after 8 years of marriage. he's almost 3 months now and he has hemangioma near his eye. pls pray that this won't get any bigger and will fade soon and no damage will be made on his eye.

8/10/2004 11:38:17 AM

 helen rutto

us  IP:

I will be fifty next year. I never have been able to cincieve a child due to some unfortunate circumstances. I have been married nine years, first marriage. I want to have a child and need prayer for wisdom and direction. I probably could only do this with incemination. Anyway please pray for wisdom and Gods miraclous intervention.

8/10/2004 11:48:58 AM



Pray for my husband that has had 3 back surgerys with no success and is always in pain. Also Pray that my husband and I will be able to see our 3 grandkids. Their mother will not take my son to court for DNA and support. She has had cancer and is in remission. I feel that we need to be there for them. But All she says is that we want to take her kids from her, it's not true. I feel that both my son and exdaughter in law have a committen to the kids

8/10/2004 1:50:57 PM



Prayer request for a job - I have been unemployed for over two years. I currently have no income and can not meet the paying of my bills. The substitute teaching opportunities have halted. Send out resumes everyday, pray the rosary everyday and ask God that I receive meaningful, useful and gainful employment to use the gifts, talents and education that he has bestowed upon me, and that I feel I am doing everything humanly possible to find employment. I say a pray everyday for those who have written to the pray chain. Thank you and God bless. Kevin.

8/10/2004 3:57:16 PM



Dear Friends, I am asking your prayers for myself, I have been not so well this week with my Lupus, high blood pressure, stomach, plus under a lot of stress and anxiety from too much going on in our lives. I would so appreciate you sending up some prayers for me, to regain some strength, and for the pain and nausea to subside, and the pressure to go down. Thank you and God bless you. In Jesus, Paula

8/10/2004 8:54:23 PM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/11/2004 5:53:04 AM


Zambia  IP:

I pray that God may fight my battles and help me not to fear but trust in him for everything. I have may intentions which God alone knows best. For myself and the salvation of my family, the healing to those of my relatives that are sick one way or the another. For love and unity in the family. For all my intention. I pray that your will pray for me and with me. May the blessed Mother of God intercede for me and those that need her prayers most. Amen.

8/11/2004 7:04:38 AM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/12/2004 5:39:45 AM


usa  IP:

Prayer needed for my healing of bad acid reflux and sever lower back pain.please help me with your very much needed prayers for healing. thank you and god bless each one of you for your much needed prayers. a sister in christ jesus. A.O.

8/12/2004 7:45:36 AM


usa  IP:

please pray, urgent request, Brother's friend has leukemia and has been taken to the emergency room. Please pray for a healing

8/12/2004 1:52:03 PM



I humbly come to you to ask for prayer for the reconciliation and restoration of my marriage to Brett. Last year my body was broken and I was so vulnerable and the devil took total advantage of that and invaded my life. He took something very precious from me, my love, my husband. my life. I ask that you stand and pray with me. Jennifer

8/12/2004 8:36:00 PM

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