Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray that the Lord will continue to guide me today as I take my driving test for the third time, pray that the weather shall be perfect just for an hour. Pray that I pass this time. Thank you

8/23/2004 2:59:46 AM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/23/2004 6:01:42 AM



please pray very much for me as I might have cancer again after 16 months. I just moved out from a very abusive husband who is also going to have a liver biopse. My daughter dropped out from college after just a few months there because of having history of emotional abuse and therefore, could not cope with campus life. I had to move out to save her. We had moved out quite a few time before but were never be able to make it as my husband always forced me back. He is not bad but has a personality disorder and was not aware of it. If something happens. I don't know how my daughter can surviv

8/23/2004 10:34:22 AM


Singapore  IP:

Dear Lord, I pray for your mercy upon my sinful soul that you may grant me peace in my heart from the ending of my relationship with Christopher Quek Furong, I know it is in your will that we are not meant to be together but grant me the strength to get through this period. I do not ask you to lessen my burden but for the strength to get through this hard times. I also ask for your assistance in finding my way back into the world as a lost sheep. Amen

8/23/2004 6:19:24 PM



Please pray for Corbin Churchill. He was in a serious motor vehicle accident and sustain life-threatening injuries. He is currently on lifesupport and is in a medically induced coma.

8/23/2004 7:50:58 PM


use  IP:

Pray for God to hear my prayers to help save my husband from drugs and my home from foreclosure because of his problems and my weakness. plese pray for us

8/24/2004 1:25:58 AM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/24/2004 6:19:07 AM



please pray for andy and jenni... for an impossible miracle to save our love... and for bev who has cancer

8/24/2004 7:31:40 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my friend. She was a member of the Sisters of Charity for 35 years. She is now hospitalized, trying to get her blood counts up as she heals from ovarian cancer. Also pray for my husband as he heals from a relapse in his colon cancer that has traveled to his liver. Pray that the tumors will shrink and be eliminated from his body and that God will restore him to health and wholeness and that mass at his neck is gone. Please also pray for my son. He did not graduate because he skipped school and refused to do homework. Pray that he will choose to study, do homework, find

8/24/2004 8:13:50 AM


canada  IP:

Please pray for the preparation and success of M's board examinations, peace and blessings on all our homes, healing of our fathers, healing of Jimmy, return to the sacraments of her brother, her new employment and our transfer to our new place. I ask these in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/24/2004 2:29:43 PM


usa  IP:

im asking for a miracle that god will place the right man in my desire is to asking him to guide me.

8/24/2004 5:48:55 PM


india  IP:

pls pray 4 our family bank give 20 day for 5 lsck rupees we dont know what to do.pray 4 my dady too h

8/25/2004 4:16:24 AM



Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

8/25/2004 6:05:27 AM

 dorie farrell


Blessed Virgin keep your protected arms around my brother as he struggles with accusations. Show him your mercy and love. Amen

8/25/2004 6:43:41 AM



Please pray fervantly for my son Andrew as he has made a poor choice and may suffer long term consequences from this. I ask for the power of prayers for his strength and understanding (spiritual, emotional and mental) and I ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede onhis behalf. Praise be to Jesus who I give my son unto thee. Spare him and keep him safe from harm.

8/25/2004 6:58:02 AM

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