Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 beatrice mukhwana

kenya  IP:

Dear Brethren, I thank the Lord for this site. pLease pray for me, i have received some two e-mails confirming that i have won some money in the lottery. I am believing God to confirm this information for i am His child and nothing happens in my life without Him. intervening. thankyou.

10/14/2004 8:31:52 AM



Please pray for a very painful condition I have with no cure in sight. Please also pray the Holy Spirit to touch my mind and heart to be able to see Christ in my sufferings.

10/14/2004 6:00:49 PM

 chris foster


Pray that the Boston Red Sox will win the 2004 World Series.

10/14/2004 7:00:07 PM

 randy patiag

vietnam  IP:

Lord, guide me for this in my work especially in my daily designs, thank you Lord that all wbsite that i have seen with furniture designs i know you help me to find those i know you are the one who teach in how draw designs evryday, cause without you i can't do nothing, Lord, thank you for the talent that you gave me. Lord bless my wife candy always and always enligthen her heart in our realationship to faithfull. I ask this in Jesus name our Lord. Amen

10/14/2004 7:46:47 PM

 jun joaquin

philippines  IP:

Dear Lord, All praises and glory be unto you! I thank you with all my heart for the blessings and guidance that you lovingly provide for all the days of our lives. I lift up my family to you; I invite you to dwell in the center of our home. Keep our bonding strong by being in the center of our lives. Shower us with love, humility, patience, compassion, and understanding. Continuously bless us with good health and prosperity. Make us a blessing for others; use us to be your instrument in leading other souls to you. I pray to you in Jesus' name. Amen.

10/14/2004 8:19:03 PM



For finances to finally straighten out; for tumor to disappear and the opportunity for more children. That Mary will touch Tom's heart and conscience to do right by the boys and I and that he will realize the beauty of what he had. For Alex to have a normal family life and to know that we loved her. To lead me in the right direction and to the right person. For my mom to find someone special to love again. For Pam's mom to find strength and get better. For the health of Lucy's baby. To be a good mother and the health and happiness of my boys. Thanks to St. Jude and Mary for answers.

10/14/2004 8:47:15 PM


finland  IP:

I ask a prayer for me and my becoming sweat husband so that God would let us meet in love. I am an EU citizen and embassy denied a visa from me because I could not provide all the documents and said something wrong in the interview that I have a fiance and would like to work in the USA. This may prevent me arrive at USA and visit there as a tourist. They return so many of us at the airport without any reason. Please pray for me that the officers at the airport let me to come and meet my dearest. I need you!!!

10/15/2004 5:47:58 AM



Please pray that Jaimie comes to me soon. She has and is doing things that have been destroying our relationship and it hurts me so much that she continues to do this. When I ask her why her response is "Because that's what I want to do". We have been together for over 2 years. I have and would continue to be with her through all this but I am so miserable, hurt and depressed. I feel so unwanted by her, so unloved, so not worth it. I pray that God speaks to her heart and changes her ways, I love her and want to be with her, but I told her I can't do this anymore. It hurts me so much.

10/15/2004 7:53:47 AM

 jun joaquin

philippines  IP:

Dear Lord, All praises and glory be unto you! I thank you so much for the words that you gave us during our prayer meeting last night. Bless us with a deeper understanding of your messages and guide us to be able to live our lives in accordance with the gospel. Thank you for leading us to this prayer group; it has done wonderful changes in our lives. Continue to guide us and give us strength in our spiritual journey. Teach us to pray with overflowing faith that we may give you the highest praise and glory that you deserve. To you I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

10/15/2004 8:29:23 PM


kenya  IP:

praise be to jesus nad God i kinldy would like to be prayed for i suffer from hypertension that i believe can be healed thru prayer and also pray for my husband to get employment and me for a very needed promotion please also pray for my son and daughter who are in school and arr grwoing up thamks

10/16/2004 12:27:13 AM


Indonesia.  IP:

Please pray for my son Andy (in Austin - Texas); please ask Jesus our Lord to help him get a job. Thanks for your kindness. From: Jusuf - Indonesia.

10/16/2004 6:18:28 AM



Lord my family needs your help to get passed the difficult times we are going through, to get us all together again, this situation with all the debts and no money coming in is making us dsperate by the second, sometimes I think we will never have tranquility in our lives, everything has always been such A struggle,even though I try to keep an optimistic attitud sometimes it's so hard,but I always remember that no matter what your with us but we really need your help desperatly because it's not getting any easier,please help us get a breather and get freed of all of our debts,please I ask.

10/16/2004 6:37:00 AM



Most sweet Jesus, Please grant James healing of body, mind and spirit. Give him grace to recognize You as one and only true Lord and Savior. Guide him with Your Divine Hand so that he may finally find love, peace, joy and beauty in friendship with You. Please take him home, Good Shephard, for he is like a lost sheep without You. Dear Jesus, I aks this by the pain that pierced the Immaculate Heart of Your most loving Mother and by the tears she silently cried watching Your passion and death. I love you very much, Jesus and I trust in Your Sacred Heart. Please, hear my prayer.

10/16/2004 12:09:07 PM



I am asking you pray for healing to take place in my body so that I am able to walk. I have spent six long years in this wheelchair and I know God can heal me. I just don't know why he has not. I have and I believe and I know my faith is much larger than a grain of mustard seed. I just want my health back so that I can take care of myself and my own needs with having to get help. I want to have my independence back. Pleas pray for me, Maybe God will answer you if you pray on my behalf. God Bless you and thank you for taking the time to pray for me and others.

10/16/2004 1:34:11 PM

 Patricia Cheadle


Please pray for my Husband & children to return to the church and sacraments and our jobs that we have good bosses and our health

10/16/2004 3:14:45 PM

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