Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Through Christ’s infinite mercy and perfect love my life is now turning around. I was in the depths of despair, unemployed for months, crushed under mounting debts, and in love with a woman who didn’t love me in return. Now all that was wrong in my life is being made right. Even I was heard in heaven and one as utterly unworthy as I received divine intervention. I am filled with joy and gratitude, and am in awe that God looked down upon me, and said “yes.” My eternal gratitude to the Holy Trinity, the Holy Mother, John Paul the Great, holy saints Jude, Joseph, Francis, Anthony, Rita, Therese, and Christopher. Prayer is real, prayer works – never doubt for an instant.

10/9/2005 9:02:59 PM


Philippines  IP:

For the healing of Mr. Hermogenes B. Dameg,Sr. He was recently found to have cancer of the lungs. For his wife Marcelina, that she may have courage and strength to bear her problems. Thaank you so much!

10/9/2005 11:52:45 PM


Malaysia  IP:

1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and show them the right path - Enna, Lucy, - marriage Matthew - relocation 2. For Anthony,- finances S. Hung, S. Leng, S. Hiong - healing of relationships. That the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to see the light and truth. 4. Patricia - personal needs

10/10/2005 12:13:26 AM


usa  IP:

For Roderick To remove all evil forces and interferences with his life, his job and his relationships especially with his close family.

10/10/2005 5:53:05 AM


Hungary  IP:

for my aunt Judit 68 lonely for decades -to turn out to be free from malignant cells when tested on October 26.

10/10/2005 5:55:58 AM


Trinidad  IP:

I recently found out the man I have been seeing for 3 years had an affair with an old friend of his. I have reason to believe it happened with others.I can't find the strength to forgive him because he does not think he did anything wrong. I do love him.I am losing hope.Please pray for me.

10/10/2005 8:49:52 AM


usa  IP:

sale of house soon and continued good health if it be God's will.

10/10/2005 9:22:37 AM


Ireland  IP:

Please pray for the soul of George McCauley who died on 20 September, 2005. He fell into a depression and committed suicide. May God have mercy on him. May he rest in peace.

10/10/2005 9:59:35 AM


India  IP:

Dear Prayer Warriors, Please do pray that Our Lord Almighty answer my prayer.Due to conufsion i made a very big mistake..... i want my guy(Mr.C) back into my life.guilty feeling is killing me...I regret for what ive done.I dont know what to do..No chance for contacting him..he's gone too far from me...Please pray that some miracles happen and we are back together and god give wisdom for me to take up good decisions in my life.Jesus,please forgive me and give me one more my mind is clear and u've shown me the way..... Amen

10/10/2005 11:48:35 AM


usa  IP:

cathy-moves out of my house and finds her own house soon/a ssi-raise of 90000/still keep cards.this is extremly urgent p-requests

10/10/2005 12:02:26 PM


Philippines  IP:

Please help me with my problem. I know God will listen to my prayer.I hope God is not sleeping.I really need help..

10/10/2005 12:06:06 PM



please pray for my family , my son for wisdom, guidance, strength >as how to handle his problems . also pray that his xwife appeal does not go Thur and that he gets to keep his own personal item, and household item, and that he get a lawyer that will work for him and do a good job. Also that the property sells. thank you. + pray for my husband who found out that his one kidney left is not fully working right,pray that his health will improve he has been thru a lot with parkinson, cancer of lung and one kidney remove plus other illness. pray that the cancer does not come back>we have some personal problems going on in our life > right now. pray that the >Lord will guide us and give us wisdom in > getting this straighten out, and keep us healthy and give us peace of mind please pray for my grand children also, thank you and God Bless you carol p.s. pray for the victims of Katrina and Rita, thank you

10/10/2005 2:19:00 PM



please pray for my family , my son for wisdom, guidance, strength >as how to handle his problems . also pray that his xwife appeal does not go thru and that he gets to keep his own personal item, and household item, and that he get a lawyer that will work for him and do a good job. Also that the property sells. thank you. + pray for my husband who found out that his one kidney left is not fully working right,pray that his health will improve he has been thru a lot with Parkinson, cancer of lung and one kidney remove plus other illness. pray that the cancer does not come back>we have some personal problems going on in our life > right now. pray that the >Lord will guide us and give us wisdom in > getting this straighten out, and keep us healthy and give us peace of mind please pray for my grand children also, thank you and God Bless you carol p.s. pray for the victims of Katrina and Rita, thank you

10/10/2005 2:19:28 PM



A Prayer Request from a friend that needs our prayers very badly. Please pray for my daughter Jennell. She has been diagnosed with SMI which is seriously mentally ill...She has been under so much stress involved in a terrible relationship which needs to be broken..It has nearly destroyed her and cost her everything good and precious in her life..She was raised in a Christian home and has known God..Please help me touch God for her and that God will grant her a miracle and restore her ...Thank you so much. A Desperate MOM

10/10/2005 7:38:43 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for the health of Ricky & Eva-heart, Mark & Harley-stress problems at work & at home, Greg-degerative disc disease, Diane-stomach problems, Markie & Ronnie-drug addiction. Please pray that Allan will pay Ev what he owes her for the house, that I can pay my $88,000 mortage & taxes. Thank u

10/10/2005 8:24:53 PM

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