Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



For :Por : Angèlica Rodriguez Velasquez (my wife)she have 25 years old and for our baby on pregnacy he/she have fourth (5) months (en estado de embarazo) (and for the baby ) (y el bebè en gestaciòn) And olso for me I have 31 years old : Javier (Pablo) Eduardo Montaña Santos (all my needs and for best job (mejor empleo) and blessing finantial )(y bendiciòn financiera) y por mis estudios teològicos.

2/15/2005 10:30:44 AM


Vietnam  IP:

LORD, pls. blessed my son Christian they told me that he is in hospital..pls, LORD put your holy hand to my son so that he get better, LORD, your the only one that knows what is the best thing for us..pls, LORD HELP MY SON..I ASK THIS IN JESUS name our LORD. Amen.

2/15/2005 4:56:00 PM

 Steve Komark


Please pray for Steve Komark. He is a young man with rapidly spreading cancer.

2/15/2005 5:21:47 PM


India  IP:

Prayer for suitable life partner - settlement in marriage. Seeing a proposal of Saturday, 19th February, 2005 please prayer that this is the right match & everything goes fine

2/16/2005 1:52:08 AM


usa  IP:

please pray that I get a miracle of financial aid to save my home and pay off all my debts. love sharon

2/16/2005 9:41:58 AM



Please pray for my daughter the she get the help she from SSI and her medical,please keep her in your prayers and for her depression,that if is the will of God she will regain her health.Thank you for your prayers

2/16/2005 9:00:25 PM


us  IP:

dear jesus christ our savior i ask you from the bottom of my heart to please hold my dad's hand tomorrow while he is getting his surgery done tomorrow please dont let ther be nothing wrong with him please let him be healthy and let him and my mom, brother, sister, and grandfather live a long and healthy life in your name jesus christ. lord also help me do a good job throughout my job and let my parents trust me out there and protect me from all evil. also please help romeo and his family. thank you my dear lord. please lord once again let my dad be healthy.i love u lord and holy virgin mary.

2/17/2005 1:18:22 AM

 Bernadetta & Ignatius


Lord the Almighty Father, make us to see your way. The way you have prepared for us. Bless us with the virtue of patience and charity. Lord, please show us a way so we can continue and finish our education. We promise that we will use the knowledge you give us to serve others in Your Name. Holy Trinity, in you we trust. Amen.

2/17/2005 5:32:45 AM

 Kevin Chroniger


I praise God for the life I have had thus far. I am 46 Years Old and am suffering from Anxiety and depression and the fear that I will become Mentally Ill... I have a great wife and 6 great children, 1 grand child and another one on the way. Pray for me that God will lead me out of this dark tunnel that has beset me... and let me be a blessing to my family instead of a burden. I want to be of sound mind and be part of my family again. It is as if Life goes one around me. I remember the story of the woman with the blood disorder that touched the hem of the Lord's robe and was healed.. I know that I am in need of the masters touch.. Please Pray that I get that touch.. Thanks KC

2/17/2005 11:49:19 AM

 Isaac N. Reed Jt


Isaac is my brother, he is in his 40"s and is in an advance stage of cancer, the doctors have all but written him off, but I know with your prayers, Dr. Jesus can heal him. Thank you for your prayers and God Bless you

2/17/2005 8:31:53 PM



I am requesting prayer for employment changes for the better to help me with my financial difficulties. I am seeking prayer for advancement in with my current employer and it seems difficult to obtain. I know that He is watching over me but right now I currently am under serious financial duress it is causing incredible stress. I know he will meet my needs however I am having a difficult time coping right now. Thank you in advance, In Him, Scott

2/17/2005 9:09:43 PM



Rapid healing of my mother Mary who had several strokes. An excellent, new full time job best matching the talents God gave me. Financial blessings, health , spiritual for myself, family and friends. Many thanks! Corie

2/18/2005 12:01:07 PM


Singapore  IP:

Please pray for my son Alex who is down with severe asthma. Please pray for a speedy recovery. May the Lord Jesus heal him.

2/18/2005 4:01:58 PM



Rebecca is a girl I have been dating. She's not a Christian. I've tried to talk to her about Christianity so far she doesn't seem to receptive. She says she would like to believe but can't. Will you pray for me that she will come to believe. That God will move her heart and lead it to Jesus.

2/18/2005 8:37:43 PM


tz  IP:

Praise Lord, Please pray for me I am facing problems (debts, case, distress) due to crooks.I am asking God to forgive all my sins i have done since my birth and HELP ME in this very terrible situation.Next month is the hearing of the case God give me the Holy Spirit to speak on my behalf so that the truth will set me free.Let Holy spirit touch the hearts of crooks and return back my money. Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy spirit.AMEN

2/19/2005 3:05:32 AM

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