Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


usa  IP:

please pry for reconciliation of my marriage. please remove the people or person causing this breakup.

11/1/2005 11:13:42 AM


Canada  IP:

May God bless me with employment and a good income. I have worked for many years and the wages was always very low although I am educated. Please dear God find me employment that I will be happy in. Pray for my anorexic sister. She is killing herself.

11/1/2005 11:29:24 AM



Please pray for me. I have to do something that is right, but unpleasant, I pray that the steps I have to take go smoothly. I also pray that my husband comes to fully understand and support me in this endeavor. Thank you.

11/1/2005 1:16:28 PM


usa  IP:

I ask the Lord for help for my son Alex. Most of the time he seems so angry and unhappy. We love him and I pray for him and I ask for patience. I know the Lord hears my prayers and will answer them. I know he has good plans for my son.

11/1/2005 2:16:37 PM



I ask that God soften my bosses heart towards me. So that each day is not a constant struggle to make him pleased with my work. I try very hard everyday to please him and he seems constantly irritated with my performance. It has not always been this way, please pray for his heart to be softened.

11/1/2005 4:09:04 PM


Canada  IP:

Please dear lord help us with our extreme financial burdens. They never get any better. Please help me be a good mother to my 3 children. I love them so much. Guide me to do right for them. I feel such extreme stress, my body is unhealthy and falling apart. Help me. Thank-you for everything.

11/1/2005 4:14:59 PM


Canada  IP:

for cure of emotional problems and for arthritis of feet and ankles

11/1/2005 4:56:41 PM



That I forgive myself and experience peace and happiness with my children for always. Amen.

11/1/2005 5:18:05 PM


Australia  IP:

I have diabetes, and finding life something of a struggle at the moment. Please pray for me that the Lord may heal me and bring me health in heart, mind, soul and body.

11/1/2005 7:46:08 PM



Please God I ask that you bless me with employment that would make my Grandpa proud and allow me to take care of my family. Thank you for all that you have given me and I ask for your help.

11/1/2005 8:54:37 PM



I have a prayer request for urgent help to save my relationship with my fiancee and then to have a happy life with her. I am desperate and don't have much time. Please help ASAP. Thank you Tom

11/1/2005 11:59:02 PM


vietnam  IP:

Please pray for my children Alex Denise, Christian, Maureen, Chester, Jane and Klein to be always in safe and to be protect in any sickness and harm please help me to pray for their daily food, i'm begging you help to pray for my children. I ask this in JESUS name our LORD and our GOD. Amen.

11/2/2005 1:15:05 AM

 Vince G


Please pray that my situation at work improves.

11/2/2005 3:36:52 AM


Italy  IP:

I need help at work, please pray

11/2/2005 3:39:24 AM


philippines  IP:

Heavenly father,please pray for my husband.heal &renew the heart& mind of my husband & keeps all Evil away from him.let u Yahweh, lead&guide him from Righteous life.Let u Yahweh,do a Mighty Work & do a Mighty Move in the Life of my Jesus Mighty name. Amen. thank you Yahweh.Glory to God.

11/2/2005 4:15:10 AM

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