Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray that my 18 year old son, may find a job & gain confidence in himself in college & let him realize that he does have something to live for. Right now he is so lost & sad & distraught. I ask these things & all things in Jesus Christ's name. Amen

11/3/2005 9:32:47 AM


us  IP:

Please pray for my grandson, Jesse who lost his eyesight in one eye due to an accident.Heee is beginning to see shadows in this eye, please God that they will become brighterand he will see more.

11/3/2005 4:45:45 PM



Desperate for prayers for peace from abusive ex-husband for myself and children - for truth to come out. Also for finances - applying for job with good benefits, but need flexibility as a single parent - please pray for our lives to finally fall into place. We are physically ill from this - Thanks

11/3/2005 9:10:54 PM


usa  IP:

Please heal Mr. Morales who has had his leg amputated several times. I believer in miracles and know he will be healed, his wife Maria works so hard to keep him healthy and she is also ill please heal these wonderful people so that they can have a great life and health. bless you all. Thank you.

11/3/2005 9:59:15 PM


usa  IP:

please pray for my son who is 20 years old, that he will calm down, treat his family nicer, and gain more interest in jesus and all things spiritual.

11/4/2005 1:29:30 AM

 Patricio S. Antimano

Philippines  IP:

Lord God, I pray that you would grant my wish to become a priest. Please continue to inspire me through Your Most Sacred Heart and Holy Spirit that I may contniue to conquer the evil in me, so with my weaknesses. Grant also that I may be able to settle my financial obligations. Amen

11/4/2005 1:40:01 AM


usa  IP:

Through the Blessed Virgin,our Mother I ask her intervention for my daughter. She is expecting her second child and feeling so ill. She becomes emotionally upset and is afraid she won't be able to "go through" with this situation.

11/4/2005 8:05:55 AM

 Dexter J. D.

Philippines  IP:

Lord please help me in my business grow. A lot of my employees now doesn't have any work and I have to let them go, because there are no clients coming in. Please help me oh lord cause I really want to help my employees, because they have families to feed. I love you lord and thank you. AMEN

11/4/2005 9:38:08 AM

 Fran Seidita


please pray for dale 52 years old has cancer throughout his body thank you

11/4/2005 9:39:06 AM



Please pray that my second mammogram will come out ok. I have to have it re-taken next Wednesday because both breasts are very dense and the right one is showing an abnormality. I am 53 and have been very blessed with excellent health. I have a very deep faith in God, and am very spiritual. Thanks!

11/4/2005 4:17:55 PM


us  IP:

I pray that my family is able to make the right decision about a possible career change. I pray for myself to be a good mother and wife. I pray for my mother and uncle who have cancer. I pray for my inlaws health and my sister in laws pregnancy. amen

11/4/2005 4:47:01 PM

 chris black

usa  IP:

Pray that myself and all people are free of individuals who wish control,manipulate,harrass, etc. Why do they do so? Just because they can. And, they think that their evil ways rule. But, those of us who know Jesus, know that no evil person's weapons prosper(even if living at home).

11/4/2005 6:07:16 PM


America  IP:

Please pray for healing in my body from assorted illnesses, and please pray for me to get rest, being able to sleep at night instead of tossing and turning. Thank you.

11/4/2005 7:18:40 PM


Korea  IP:

Please pray that Brant and I can pull through this rough patch in our relationship. We have loved each other for many years and wished to get married. His parents disapprove of me. If it is in God's will, I hope that we can get married. Please pray that the Lord answer my prayer.

11/5/2005 4:55:28 AM

 angela wheeler

usa  IP:

Please pray for Jessica Lauren Wheeler. She needs God to open her eyes and close her heart to her abusive boyfriend. She needs to leave him and return to her loving family and faith. Love her family.

11/5/2005 11:07:26 AM

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