Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Canada  IP:

Holy Mary, St. Anthony, Blessed Marie-Leonie... Thank-you. I pray for continued grace and direction...especially, in creativity and volunteer work...lead me; show me as I am vigilant and in trust. I am filled with the light of Christ. Help me to shine ever more. Thanks be to God. Marie

11/12/2005 7:36:44 AM

 a friend

poland  IP:

please pray for bartek, so that jesus gives him peace in place of his fear and strength and wisdom to help his girlfriend kasia. and please pray for kasia so that jesus heals her of her psychological problems and casts out all the demons causing her spiritual problems as well -so that she is filled with jesus' light, peace, joy, life, truth and love. Mercy!

11/12/2005 4:07:42 PM



Please pray for Karl who has cancer. Also for Shawn. Both have young families with children. I pray for God's healing for both. His Spirit to give strength and courage to them and their families who love them. Also prayers for my friend's mother, Mary Jane who is ill. In your Holy Name Dear Jesus.

11/13/2005 5:01:36 AM

 varsha palke

India  IP:

My name is Varsha Palke. I am a student appearing for Common Admission Test (CAT - India) on 20th, November,2005. I am a hardworking student. It is only this time that I am not able put in my best efforts because of family problems. God has been helpful earlier, he will help this time also. Please pray for me so that I can pass this exam. Thankyou.

11/13/2005 5:19:14 AM

 Walt Klauder


My Dearest Grammy died this morning. She was a Saint in my eyes. I will miss her everyday. She was the inspiration of everything good in me.

11/13/2005 5:52:40 AM



Please pray for the restoration of my marriage, my husband Kurt as comitted adultery and now believes he is in love with the adulteress (marty, she is also married). Our children and I are heartbroken, please pray God turns Kurts heart back to his wife and children that love him and have forgiven him

11/13/2005 8:05:44 AM


United States Of America  IP:

Please pray for My wife and I. I have just found out that my Job as an engineer is being eliminated. Please pray that I can find a Job, and am able to keep my home, and family together.

11/13/2005 11:35:27 AM


riverside  IP:


11/13/2005 12:34:06 PM


ireland  IP:

Please pray for the soul of George McCauley who has died. Eternal rest grant unto him o lord. May perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. AMEN

11/13/2005 1:27:50 PM


saginaw  IP:

Please,pray that my brother has a good court date tomorrow and can get through this,my family can get through their finanical problems,for a perm. job at my work,that tara & myself find good husbands soon,my mother & I can lose the weight we need to be healthy & keep if off,& all other intentions

11/13/2005 4:47:31 PM

 Timothy Rinner


Please grant my petition for furthering my career as I interview for a position that would test my talents and gifts that You have given me, O Lord.

11/13/2005 6:44:48 PM

 Judy A

U.S.A.  IP:

please join me in prayers for my daughter Rhonda. And her daughter BreeAnn that they can resolve their diffrences. And BreeAnn can go home and have a good family life. Gods' will be done. Thanks for your prayers.

11/13/2005 8:17:49 PM

 Judy A


Please join me in praying for financial help for my sisters and I. And a happy Holiday season with our family. May God bless us and others, this comming Christmas season with his knowledge and wisdom. Praise and glory to him.

11/13/2005 8:26:13 PM


Asia  IP:

Please help me pray that my visa be granted. That me and my bf will be together this christmas. that our relationship will become stronger and better. good health to all and may we be blessed and guided always to all our prayers, plans, career, decisions. this we ask in the mighty name of God Amen

11/13/2005 8:51:31 PM

 Danielle Bouchard

Canada  IP:

" Jesus i want to be healthy to my body no more ( I.C. ) GASTROENTEROLOGY AMEN " THANK YOU

11/13/2005 9:55:12 PM

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