Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


uk  IP:

please pray for my little boy who is 32 months and has severe global development delays. please pray that he will overcome this.

11/18/2005 3:23:21 PM

 Kerwin LeFrere

United States  IP:

My uncle, Milton Pichon, Sr., suffered a heart attack and has a cancerous tumor in his colon. He is currently in St. Tammany Hospital in Covington, LA. I ask that you pray for him, his health, and his recovery. He is my mother's only living brother, and he was my male role model when I was young.

11/18/2005 4:34:49 PM


usa  IP:

My husband is currently serving in the Marines. Stationed at ---- CA Because of some health issues with my son ( Not Serious ) we cannot currently be together as a family because the base does not have the doctor specialist that we need and the closest one would be a 3 hour drive.. to top it off he is supposed to be activated in February to Iraq for 7 months I hope and Pray that he will be able to get the transfer to the Marine Base in ----so we can be close to the right doctors and that we can all be together as a family

11/18/2005 6:43:22 PM


United States  IP:

Please pray that the operation I'm having Tuesday goes well....Also that when everything its over, I'm able to move to the house that I grew up on. And that my relationship with my boyfriend stays as good as it is now..... thank you.

11/18/2005 7:41:45 PM

 Donna Eib

U.S.A.  IP:

My friend needs fiance and a home asap. The home she lives in is a fire hazard and isn't up in city codes.

11/18/2005 7:44:11 PM



I ask for your help with my family needs. Especially those that our most burdening- they are written on my heart.

11/18/2005 10:51:41 PM


us  IP:

pray for my cousin, ex operation desert storm vet, to have feelings in his legs again, they don't know what's causing the parylizm, or how to treat it. For my mom to walk ok without her feet bothering her, for freedom from depression, fear, anxiety, loneliness,and a truck

11/18/2005 11:13:29 PM


Canada  IP:

Please pray for Cynthia and Brad, a fellow-teacher and student, burned in a lab fire at school today. They are in the hospital's burn unit.

11/18/2005 11:41:41 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for me, my ex fiancee is threatening to kill me, and to harm my family & friends. Pray for his heart to repent and for Gods will and for no harm to come to my family, me, nor my friends. Please pray for the Blessed Virgin Mary to guide us and protect us from all evil. Please pray for Jesus to have mercy on me and him, and for me to have peace. Thank you

11/19/2005 2:35:43 PM



Please pray for my mother inlaw who was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. I would apreciate it very much.

11/20/2005 5:52:40 AM

 l ann

usa  IP:

dear our lady,please ask your Son to deliver my son N111 from all forms of evil....he needs many saints & angels from heven to guide & protect him.....I have been suffering long enough he has been in & out of jail...he hangs around with people that use him & drag him down in life.Please Help.

11/20/2005 7:37:21 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray that I will be able to get pregnant and have a healthy child.

11/20/2005 7:52:40 AM

 sunil v paul

India  IP:

Sir, My 2-sem Examinations are on 7, 12, 14, and16, in December. Please pray for me. I got Distinction in the 1-sem due to your prayer .But the 2-sem is too difficult. So please pray for me, for a good result in the 2-sem

11/20/2005 10:11:01 AM



Thank you for prayers answered and thank everyone that prayed for me.

11/20/2005 12:39:57 PM



Please Lord open Brian's heart, feel him with your love and mercy. Let him see the errors of his ways. Open his eyes to see true love. Give him strenght and courage to over come his fears. Shower him with your mercy Lord. In Your Name I Pray Jesus Christ, Amen.

11/20/2005 1:16:09 PM

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