Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Mike Jackson

U.S.A  IP:

to be granted and maintain a chaste God centered life.

11/27/2005 8:57:42 PM


australia  IP:

Please pray for Jessica and her deliverance and that Our Lord may heal her spiritually. That He may remove all fear from her and that she may see clearly in what is right in her life.That He may bring her peace that her spirit will be united with her soul. That all that is holding her back may be removed from her life. That Our Lord will bless our union and bring us together.That He palces it in her heart to call me so we can get back together again. That she will not be afraid to call me. That Our Lord may bless me finacially so I may be able to assist Jessica so she may never live in vice again. Bless my business Lord. Amen

11/28/2005 12:31:50 AM


us  IP:

My neighbors are satanic I need prayers to heal this situtation,also for my wife .God Bless.

11/28/2005 2:33:24 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for our daughter Jessica Laruen Wheeler. She needs to leave her boyfriend Tony. He beat her once and we need prayer to help her understand that this is a dangerous relationship. This is an urgent request. Love her family

11/28/2005 8:25:00 AM


India  IP:

Hello, Please pray for me and for my intentions, i am faced with so much of hazzles in my new job in the software line. I feel very miserable at times, I do not have the strength to go on. I’m also going thro’ a lot of trials, tribulations and temptations which are leaving behind a lot of inner wounds. Please, pray for my inner healing & protection. Also, please pray for my friend Cecelia who lies paralyzed on the bed (for the last 4 months) and who needs to depend on others (children) to do everything for her. Please, pray for her, pray for her speedy recovery and protection. Thanks, Asha Bangalore 9845987288

11/28/2005 8:45:57 AM



Please help me pray for my husband Kevin who has liver cancer and the only hope for cure is a miracle from God. I believe in the power of his Love as he died for us in the cross. He has been denied liver transplant due to his cancer. Thank you for including him in your prayers

11/28/2005 3:43:00 PM



ORACION Suplicando a Dios por salud,honor,protecciòn,bendiciòn honor,mirericirdia y larga vida (Y ANTE TODO LA VOLUNTAD DIVINA) Por todas las areas de nuestra vida,y los tiempos pasado,presente y futuro Agradezco sus oraciones a Dios N.S. por intercesiòn suplicando a Dios por las intenciones necesidades y ayudas Divinas para : Prayers to Lord Jesús for us: Angèlica Rodriguez Velasquez (my wife) mi esposa (26 years old) 26 años de edad Javier SANTIAGO Montaña Rodriguez (my son) mi hijo de 5 (months) meses de nacido Javier (PABLO) Eduardo Montaña Santos (me) (yo) 32 años de edad Agradezco sus oraciones a Dios N.S. por intercesiòn Gracias por sus oraciones. Cordialmente, Javier (Pablo) Eduardo Montaña Santos Bogotà,Colombia South America

11/28/2005 4:04:04 PM

 pauline abernathy

uae  IP:

pls pray for my husband to be delivered from heavy drinking and smoking, for his repentance, to be free from all financial mess, for help in daughters exams and their good health and peace of mind

11/29/2005 1:32:26 AM



For Sandra,Charlene,my family,this website,my neighbor who is stanic.God bless.

11/29/2005 2:39:25 AM


Singapore  IP:

please pray for my friend, a teacher, may he be able to keep his job as he faces job insecurity due to his compassion to help student in their exam mark, amen

11/29/2005 6:40:56 AM


Singapore  IP:

please pray for my friend, a teacher, may he be able to keep his job as he faces job insecurity due to his compassion to help student in their exam mark, amen

11/29/2005 6:40:56 AM



Blessed Mother---we place all of our needs and petitions at your feet---Tracey, Casey,Rowena, Johnny,Siaosi and Marsha-, Cindy in Foxboro---pleae help us and guide---we are all hrting and anxious in some way!! Thank you---JESUS WE TRUST IN YOU!!!

11/29/2005 7:57:13 AM



For my wife who is going through extremely difficult changes at work. That she is granted faith, hope and the strength to get through this most difficult time in her life. That our Lord may grant her peace and happiness. For our children that they may turn to Jesus for His direction, and for me that I may give all to Jesus through Mary, and trust in Him completely. That we may find the money needed to pay our bills and to get through Christmas. Thank You and may God Bless You!

11/29/2005 9:14:13 AM



Please pray for my wife and I that we will work out our problems and not seperate That my wife will work out her problems from her childhood that were caused by her parents.

11/29/2005 10:07:58 AM


usa/dominican republic  IP:

Please pray for myself and my husband , that we are reunited again soon. He has been out of the country (usa)and we have been seperated for 20 months. please pray that our family is reunited again soon. In Jesus name. Thank you for all of your blessings.

11/29/2005 3:56:58 PM

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