Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


India  IP:

Dear Brothers and sisters in Jesus, I need your kind prayers for my life and will of Lord. I am thankful to Lord for accepting our prayers and leading us in his path. Today i am asking your kind prayers for my wouldbe, as she is loosing her faith in Lord and me. She is a non christian her name is Gayathri and we love each other so much. I can marry her as a non christian but i wanted to give importance to faith in the true Lord Jesus rather then human love. So I am firm in faith and praying and making her to understand Jesus and his love and Sacrifice. She loved christianity and she used to come with me to all churches. We shared our happiness and sorrows with jesus and his Mother. She loved mother mary so much. God gives the Cross to those whom he love so much. When i was with her i used to comfort her with the word of Lord. But i got job in abroad two years before and i am now in Gulf and she is in India. And now it is really a tough time for us. She is not understanding me and not listening to me as the pain and truble from the society is too much and she cannot face it. And i do not want to force her. Also i do not want to give up my faith. I firmly beleive in Our Lord Jesus as he will not forsake us. I am living in faith for nearly two years. And God is Great he saves us from every toubles. I believe in Him that He will make her to understand myself and make her to come to his floack. Kindly remind myself and my wouldbe Gayathri and our families in your kind Prayers. In God's Mercy I would like to baptise her with the name Maria Joan and marry her. Let it be the will of Lord.

12/3/2005 11:23:54 PM


lithuania  IP:

please pray for me.i've been suffering terribly for 10 or more years.i WILL commit suicide if it continues like that.

12/4/2005 10:49:22 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for my family , my son for wisdom, guidence, strength as how to handle his problems . also pray that his xwife appeal does not go thru and that he gets to keep his own personal item, and household item, and that he get a lawyer that will work for him and do a good job court date the dec 7. Also that the property sells.thank you. + pray for my husband who had a very large hernia, he was operated on the 31th pray that the surgery well be successful and that no recurring hernia will follow it pray that his health will improve , he in lot of pain,but not as much now. he has been thru a lot with parkinson, cancer of lung and one kidney remove plus other illness. pray that the cancer does not come back and he feels better we have somepersonal problems going on in our life right now. pray that the Lord >will guide us and give us wisdom and keep us healthy and give us peace of mind please pray for my grand children also, thank you carol

12/4/2005 10:58:16 AM



Please pray for me. Please help me with my frustrations. Please help me to move on. I need your help in improving my self-confidence, communications skills, keeping stuff to myself, dealing with my internal anger, and the image I project. Please help me to dream and be successful. Help me to find and be selective in a work/career with a good situation for me. Please lead me to accepting work for a good company that is right for me. Maybe even somehow becoming self-employed. Please help me with my relationship with Sally. Help with my pain. Please help me with my financial situation too. Do what you have to during my this novena. I am asking St. Pius X to intercede for me. Thanks, Chris

12/4/2005 11:09:11 AM

 kathleen sweeney


Please pray for my husband of 46 years, who recently has been diagnosed as likely having ALS Lou Gehrigs disease. We have such faith in prayer,. God Bless, Kathleen

12/4/2005 1:40:07 PM


canada  IP:

I have been in many years of abusive relationshiop and it was my whole childhood as well. I met a wonderful man this year and we got engaged but due to my jealousy and abuse towards him we drifted apart. I am doing some healing programs now and they are helping. I have turned to god and started forgiving. Tony lost his job as well and he has not forgiven me for being the way I was. He is still with me but I sense a drift between us. Evil surrounds me and any relationship I have been in thanks to someone in my life who continues to do this. I am not sure if tony has turned back to his old ways and away from the lord. Please pray that this tuesday we will be able to talk and be honest to each other and heal this relationship. I really love him and just hope there is a chance with the goodbye's.

12/4/2005 3:50:18 PM


Malaysia  IP:

Please pray for my 2 daughters. One (aged 9) a Thalassemia Major that requires blood transfusion every mth. Another (aged 4) a Cerebral Palsy that could not sit or walk. I believe that nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for your prayers and God Bless.

12/4/2005 8:19:56 PM



Mother please pray for me and my family for good health and prosperity. Also pray that the offer I am waiting for comes this week. Protect me and my family from all danger and from the evel one.

12/4/2005 8:36:55 PM


asia  IP:

please help me pray for the fast recovery of my bf ted, he is sick right now in a place far away from home with no one to take good care of. Hope that God will give him miralce of healing and hope that everything will be alright with him...

12/4/2005 8:48:23 PM




12/5/2005 7:48:54 AM


usa  IP:

For those who are inspired to pray with me and for me… I am requesting a prayer for a job that I've recently interviewed for this past Friday. I've been stressed about paying for bills (rent, hospital, debt etc.) and am sincerely hoping that this is the break I've been waiting for. My account is dwindling and it would be such a peaceful consolation to hear good news the next day or so. They contacted me today regarding compensation, but you never know as they're interviewing the last person today. Jesus, have mercy.

12/5/2005 10:55:48 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

WE CONTINUE TO STAY AT OUR POST IN PRAYER DAY & NIGHT!! Thank you for Praying! Progress is slow,but determined!! Please continue to Pray for us...Christmas 2005,2006...long term!! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PASS ON WORLD WIDE..W W W..PRAYER BOARDS,MONASTERIES,CONVENTS,VATICAN,ABBEYS ETC. LONG TERM!!

12/5/2005 12:44:28 PM


Venezuela  IP:

pray for peace and reconcilation among the Sánchez Durán family

12/5/2005 1:49:23 PM

 Chris and Beth Ellis


Please bless us with more children.

12/5/2005 2:23:47 PM


Australia  IP:

Please pray for Penny and Veronica who have both suffered strokes. Thank you.

12/5/2005 3:11:51 PM

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