Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Richard Co

Philippines  IP:

Hi. I’m Richardson Co. Please do pray for me to find sponsors for my medicine for OCD. I’m greatly in need of it. If you know generous and kindhearted people, send me a reply. Also, I would like you to know that for you successfully battle with it, God must be pursued. At present, I go to mass often for me to have spiritual healing. It’s because if that has occurred, automatically all will be okay. Medicine are just an accompaniment. Have faith and you can make it. Better for you because you can afford to buy medicine for yourself, while me I still have to look for sponsors. Thanks.

12/12/2005 10:49:35 PM


indonesia  IP:

I pray 4 peace on earth, goodwill 2 all men. I also pray that God will answer my prayer regarding a new job/position in the organisation i work in. I want that job if it's His will. trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind & understanding. in all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

12/13/2005 4:28:13 AM


United States  IP:

Please pray for Dot. She is having breast cancer surgery Wednesday. Please pray for Dawn that her health will get better. Please pray for Bobby that he can sleep without breathing problems. Also, please pray for all their families.

12/13/2005 5:45:02 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

WE CONTINUE TO STAY AT OUR POST! Thank you for your continued Prayer Support Now & in the Days ahead...Christmas 2005,2006...for God's Healing Peace & Hope! Please continue to Pass Urgent Prayer Request on World Wide..W W W...Monasteries,Convents,Parishes,Abbesy etc. Long Term!! Thank you,

12/13/2005 11:30:01 AM



Please pray for emotional healing for myself. I lived a life of being brought up in an abusive household. I am not able to trust men from what my father has done to me.

12/13/2005 12:28:36 PM



Please help to pray for my parent, who haven't known God. They are very had to Christian, and he never agree to me about religion. I am going home next week. I hope you'all can help to pray my family will open their heart and also my boyfriend, he will never mad on me, and pray for everybody healthy

12/13/2005 1:05:43 PM


usa  IP:

dear lord, mama mary pls pray for me & my family that we may be able to surpass all trials and struggles in life,& to pass my nclex exams.pls pray for my family back in the philippines for good health.strengthen my faith & accept things according to your will, & thank you for all the blessings. Amen.

12/13/2005 2:52:55 PM



Please pray for guidance so that I may do the best for my sons. Not hurt them anymore with my actions, and separate myself from negative forces. To be free of those who try to control me when they think its for my betterment instead of that of my sons. They need their mom to be whole and at peace.

12/13/2005 3:35:34 PM



Please pray for my nose bleeds, grieving and depression. For my husbands pain and depression. For my childrens welfare and health. For our family to heal and become better to ourselves and each other. For my anger to those who have hurt me.

12/13/2005 3:42:19 PM

 Reymond M. Pamintuan

Philippines  IP:

please pray my brother, reymond pamintuan, he will be operated in the head.and full recovery

12/13/2005 4:30:58 PM

 Jeferson Labunda

Malaysia  IP:

Please offer Mass for my intentions throughout this month of December. Please pray that I(Jeferson)May pass my exam paper which will be out on the 22nd of December and please pray that my parents Richard Labunda and Emely Julius Makajil may be heal from high-blood, diabetes, ulse, migrain and any oth

12/13/2005 5:15:01 PM

 E. H.

usa  IP:

Please pray for my family: Eva, Diane, Harley, Evelyn, Susan, Richard, Mark, Ricky and Joey that we have a happy, healthy Christmas, everyone in peace united in family and in Our Lord Jesus Christ. The past years have been very difficult with everybody sick, our family divided and some have not even been attending church. Please pray that this Christmas will be different, that we have more faith, get along with each other and get well. Thank you

12/13/2005 5:35:29 PM


Kenya  IP:

Dear mother of perpetual help, I need a miracle to get out of the current financial situation.My husband has had no regular income for a while.In the meantime i have accumulated so much debt to make ends meet.I currently have not paid rent for two months as i have to feed my family first.Currently there's a promotion going on safaricom where with your intecession i may win 1 million .This will go a long way to ease my debt and restore the strained relations in my marrige.Mother of Perpetual held pray for me. Perpetua

12/13/2005 9:09:48 PM


Malaysia  IP:

Please pray that I may pass my exam paper which the result will be out on the 22nd oF December, that my parents, Richard and Emely may be heal from high-blood, diabetes, ulser, migrain, and any other hidden sicknesses. Also please pray that my family may be financially aid to pay our credetors before the end of this December. Love, Jef! Happy Advent!

12/14/2005 1:53:22 AM


usa  IP:

p;ease pray for our family help us financialy ,in good health and bring us closer to God please also bring my grandchildren to church.

12/14/2005 6:40:20 AM

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