Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Mary Margaret


Please pray for Butsie who has had a stroke and is in surgery. May Jesus heal her.

3/30/2005 8:09:03 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray that I can find soon what it is that God wills for my life and may I have the courage, strength and grace to accomplish His will and get my affairs in order. In Jesus' name may I please follow the examples of St. Martin de Porres and Mother Theresa. If it be God's holy will, may I always attend daily Mass, say the Rosary and daily prayers, grow in love for Jesus and Mary , attain eternal life for myself and others, and have a vocation I love that is pleasing to God. May it please God to send me the grace to overcome my mortal and venial sins. May God also grant that I have joy, peace, mental and physical health, financial security and finally may myself and everyone who ever came into my life die a holy death with the benefits of the last sacraments. Thank you so much for your prayers, I need to change my situation very soon! +++ +++ Please pray that Ann will find a job soon she loves and that brings good people into her life. May God also grant Ann joy, peace, mental and physical health, and financial security. May she return to God and the sacraments of the church long before she dies with devotion and passion. And finally may God watch over Ann in this life and may she and all her loved ones die a holy death with the benefits of the last sacraments and in the grace of God. +++ +++ Please pray that the problems in Paul’s business resolve themselves and may God be pleased to have his business prosper. May God also grant Paul joy, peace, mental and physical health, financial security and finally may God watch over Paul in this life and may he and all his loved ones die a holy death with the benefits of the last sacraments and in the grace of God. +++ +++ Please pray for the repose of the soul of Linda’s son who died very suddenly. May it please God to send Linda all the graces necessary to heal her broken heart. Please pray that God watch over Linda and her family in this life. Through the intercession of St. Joseph may Linda and all her family have joy, peace, mental and physical health, financial security and finally may Linda and all her loved ones die a holy death with the benefits of the last sacraments and in the grace of God. +++ +++

3/30/2005 8:10:19 PM



Please pray for my family. We are in financial ruins and about to lose everything. I have been praying for wisdom to figure out an answer. I know there is no answer so now our family needs a miracle.

3/30/2005 9:30:46 PM


Canada  IP:

Please pray that myself and my fiance will get our relationship back to what it used to be. We are getting married this summer and I am feeling neglected and unloved by him. Please pray that he once again finds himself deeply in love with me and starts treating me as he always did. Please make him realize that the physical act of love is very important in a relationship and we need to renew ours. I love him and my daughter loves him,I know he loves us very much,please wipe away his doubts and bring him back to us with love, let him shower me with the love and affection I deserve.Thankyou

3/31/2005 4:41:17 AM


usa  IP:

please lord pray for my family i cant pay my bill and my life is going down hill fast i dont know what to do and have no where to turn please god help me

3/31/2005 7:03:05 AM



Jesus, I pray for Terry S. who has passed today. Please take her into your arms. I pray for her journey home as well as Johnny C. who also has passed this week. Lord I pray to you in that you can have the heart to forgive the judges, politicians, ACLU and other Americans who beleived that it was her right to die. Please bless her family and her husband in hopes that this tragic event can spawn an even greater unity with her family and all American's in the United States. In Chrit's name Amen.

3/31/2005 8:17:18 AM


use  IP:

Please help Sue to get rid of her Bell's Palsie and that it does not last too long. Thank you for prayers answered. Also, please help Mark get through his court hearing on the 4th of April and that he does not go to jail.Thank you

3/31/2005 11:49:44 AM



Please pray for the healing and restoration of the marriage of Maria and Charles Y. Please pray that my wife and I will actively seek a marriage therapist, so that we may be able to discuss our issues and be able to better help meet each others' needs. Please pray that Maria will continue to seek out the professional resources that are available to help her cope with her struggles. Please pray that God will continue to place a wall of protection around our marriage in this time of seperation. Pray that Jesus will help lead Maria back to our home. Amen.

3/31/2005 5:58:06 PM



Lord, I pray for Terry S. guide her home. Guide and bless her family including her husband Michael. I also pray for John C. who passed this week. Also Jesus, I pray for the health of our Holy Pope JPII help him recover. If you have decided his will on Earth is complete take him into your arms and guide the Catholic church under it's new leadership. In Christ's name Amen.

3/31/2005 6:21:42 PM



if it is god will -to protect the pope jean paul 11, to heal all his sicknesses,to live 100 years and more as long as god wants him to live.-may terri schiavo soul rest in peace. Thank you and god bless

3/31/2005 8:01:38 PM



Please pray for and with me that God has heard my desperate prayers for me to find Lloyd, and for what I want him to know to be told to him with a positive response from him that will result in Lloyd and me meeting again. This is a very personal and emotional prayer that will take a miracle from the hand of God, but I am begging that He will at least give me this chance; that it will turn out to be what I am hoping for. May this and all prayers posted here be answered, that we all will receive peace and the answers we seek. Amen.

3/31/2005 9:02:01 PM



Please pray for my daughter Nicole that she return to God and faith. Pray for her mental health. Pray that she returns to purity and chasity. Pray that satan leaves her alone.

4/1/2005 10:01:16 AM



Hello. Please pray with me for the healing of my relationship w/J. His heart is full of vanity and resentment. Pray that both his heart and mine be cleansed and that we may find our way back togther. We've both made mistakes and I feel that only God may restore us. Thank you and may everyone posting petions receive inner peace and that which they ask for.

4/1/2005 1:42:46 PM


The United States of America  IP:

For our Holy Father, John Paul II. That he may be gifted with whatever God has in mind for him. That he may accept it with joy and serenity. May we all accept God's will with equal joy and serenity.

4/1/2005 4:51:25 PM



Please pray that our building passes all upcoming inspections and that we shall be able to move into our new Monastery in God’s Perfect Timing. Please also pray for the protection and mental ,physically,emotional and spiritual health of all of our Brothers. Thank you and God Bless you.

4/1/2005 4:55:50 PM

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