Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Debi Wolford

United States  IP:

Please let things get better again for my son and I financially. I want to move to a bigger apartment and right now finances will not allow that to happen. I beleive in miracles and know God will see us through. Please keep us in you prayers.

4/5/2005 1:08:13 PM

 lydia mendoza

u.s.a  IP:

pls. pray for my mom who si terminally ill. pls. ask god to grant her peace, comfort 7 protection, to grant her mercy , and to sorround her with all the angels & saints during this time. pls. strenthen me & take away all my fears. pls. we need all the support & consolation of our friends, pls. make this happen as a sign that my mom will be at peace with the almighty lord. thank you, god bless.

4/6/2005 12:46:38 AM



Heavenly Father, I pray that You grant Sean grace to meet Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and follow Him in his life. Bless him richly that he opens his heart to Your Love and Your beautiful plan for his life. Also, please strengthen my faith and increase my love for You. I ask You this in the name of Jesus.

4/6/2005 11:03:12 PM



Please pray to the lord to come into my body and cleanse me from any disease my body may have that hasnt been diagnosed yet. I am recovering from pleurisy right now and ask for healing. Please make my body whole and clean again.

4/7/2005 7:26:35 AM


Vietnam  IP:

Lord, i'm asking your forgiveness for my sin's especially when my money lost and i blame my officemate. Fogive me O Lord forgive me....Lord, i'm asking your blessing's again for this day to guide in my work today teach me more Lord, to know more about autocad, so that i can use it in my design's. Lord, blesse my wife and our baby give always good and strong health, keep them in any harm and protect them in any sickness. Lord, bless our children Christian, Maureen, Chester, Jane and klein give them good and strong health keep them in any harm and sickness. I ask this in Jesus name.Amen.

4/7/2005 6:14:39 PM



Please pray for my special intentions, for Bao, who's been abducted and her safe return, healing for my parents, Diana, George, Bri, Kea, David, Rob, Kelly, Sadie, Mary, Mary, Don, Fr. S, E, B, A. Thank you.

4/7/2005 10:02:14 PM

 Irene Yates

England  IP:

Please pray for the many spiritual and physical blessings needed so urgently by my family. Thank You Irene

4/8/2005 4:50:33 AM



Please help Mark get through thie trying time, and keep his spirits up, and the future will be much brighter.

4/8/2005 2:16:38 PM

 George c.


Please pray for god to resolve the several dilemnas which torment me day & night and terrify me about my future. I beg God to hel pme find a small studio to buy so I can stop losing my resources on rent. I ask God to help me find a job which i can handle. I ask Godd to direct me to where I should move - if NY is too costly for me. I ask Jesus to help me invest what I have left into something which will give me income. I have been unemployed for nine years and living off dwindling resources. I live in daily dread of becoming homeless & indigent,.Iask God to help me prosper financially.

4/8/2005 5:34:48 PM


US.A.  IP:

pls. pray for my mom who is terminally ill, pls. ask god to grant her mercy, comfort, peace & protection, pls. ask god to forgive her of her misgivings & to sorround her with all the angels & saints during this time.pls. strenghten us & take away all our fears.pls. we need all the consolations & comfort of all our friends, pls. make this happen as a sign that my mom will be at peace with the almighty god. thank you.

4/9/2005 12:50:33 AM


Italy  IP:

I have mental problems pray for me

4/9/2005 1:49:12 AM


canada  IP:

for all intentions here, i pray to you dear Lord. for M. and I, please help us through our studies, and with this exam on monday (a lot is riding on this final).

4/9/2005 7:56:17 AM


Spore  IP:

Hevenly Father I come to you with a fervent prayer. Doctors have discovered a growth in my brain. Please Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, please help take away this growth. Don't let it be malignant. I know that with your help I can beat this.Thank you.

4/9/2005 9:20:53 AM


spore  IP:

Heavenly Father I come to you with a special prayer. Please help Joyce and Jerry get well. For all those who have asked me to pray for them, please give them comfort and help where needed. Bless my husband, daughters and their respective families,especially my grandchildren . Help my mother be reasonable and not be too much trouble. Thank you.

4/9/2005 9:26:11 AM

 Juan R.

usa  IP:

Please dear God help me be able to provide for the family which you have given to me. Please help me do my work with Your Grace. Guide me to the job where you want to use the talents and skills which you have given me, and where I will find the challenges which can help me to grow in ways to be of more use to you. Thank you God. And thank you Mary, Angels, and Saints for your prayers and assistance.

4/9/2005 8:11:50 PM

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