Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


United States  IP:

Please pray for Zachary, age 17. Recently, at school, he posted evil, violent death threats against my daughter, her friend, and a teacher. Zach is in jail awaiting a hearing on April 22nd to decide whether he'll be released into the custody of his parents until his trial, scheduled for May 30th. We are requesting prayer for Zach's conversion and healing; for the safety of all involved; for strength and healing from the fear that has crept into our hearts; and for God's continued intercession and justice. Thank you for praying with us about this urgent matter.

4/16/2005 12:55:53 PM

 jeff & kathy foley


Please pray for the success of the Marriage Encounter weekend to be held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 22-24, 2005. Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide the weekend and the couples. Thank you.

4/16/2005 2:47:26 PM



Please pray for Father John West who died this weekend, and for my son to find a job.

4/16/2005 8:22:30 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray that God may give grace to Sean and Jason to meet Jesus and follow Him in their lives. May God bless them richly and make a home in their hearts so that they abandon themselves completely to His Love and beautiful Plan for their lives. Thank you. Good Bless.

4/16/2005 9:56:55 PM


Vietnam  IP:

Please help me to pray for my wife Candy and our upcoming baby girl, to help and blessed them always and give them always good and strong health, help me to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary to place her holy hand to my wife and our baby, so that they will be protected in any kind of sickness and harm. I'am sking this in JESUS name our LORD and our GOD. Amen.

4/17/2005 12:18:32 AM

 john baptist hee

Malaysia  IP:

I am John Baptist of Malaysia. I am 66 years of age.I was operated for colon cancer 7 years ago and praise God I was in good health since my colon operation.However, a prostate biopsy last week reveals that I have prostate cancer. I ask the Lord Jesus to touch me again with His healing touch.Jesus help me!. I have no helper but you. Heal me Lord, I pray Amen

4/17/2005 6:57:53 AM

 CM in SC


Pray for a special relationship Christian teen daughter-Alyssa-many struggles-Lord has brought wonderful Christian into her life-Phillip-Pray they will stay pure, GROW STRONG in Christ & lead to future marriage Lord willing!!! Very Important to us!! Pray to soften the hearts of his parents. Also pray for special friendship of teen son & pray for a positive resolve to a major family financial problem. Thanks in Jesus' name

4/17/2005 2:06:12 PM




4/17/2005 4:41:28 PM


Vietnam  IP:

Lord, thank you for the blessing us for the whole night. LORD JESUS CHRIST, im asking your help and blessing's again for this day especially for my wife and for our upcoming baby, please give my wife and our baby a good and strong health, especially for this coming two more months before her delivery, LORD i know that your holy hand is always on my wife and my baby, that you will not let them get in any harm and sickness. Lord, i offer them to you, to our Blessed Mother Mary. I ask this in your Holy name LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

4/17/2005 6:26:38 PM



Pray for the healing and restoration of the marriage of Maria and Charles Y. Pray for the return of Maria to their home, so that they may honor the vows that they made to each other and to God on June 10, 2000.

4/17/2005 8:56:52 PM



For M to have the inner strength and courage to attend marriage counseling with her husband, C. For them to approach marital counseling with an open heart and mind. For the continued healing and restoration of their marriage.

4/17/2005 8:58:41 PM



A desperate plea for prayer for my sister's family situation, for my family, Mary, Mary, Sadie, Eliz, Liz, Sr. Marie, Rob, my special intentions, Kelli, Frs. S, G, E, A, B, Kay. Thank you.

4/17/2005 8:59:54 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for all living and deceased members of Margaret’s family. Through the intercession of St. Joseph may God grant Margaret and all her family members joy, peace, mental health, physical health, financial security and any special intentions that they may hold in their hearts. Finally when God calls Margaret and all her loved ones from this life may they not leave without the sacraments of the church and in the love and mercy of God.

4/17/2005 11:42:02 PM

 steve combs


PLEASE pray for myselp (steve combs) for a safe travel for me on the JULY 3 and JULY 31 2005. AND to have an spelial and blessed holidays for me and my brother (donald combs) . AND friend in CALIF. and to have an place to live in CALIF.

4/18/2005 9:19:34 AM



I pray for the holy spirit to be vigil, present and intercedding to the holy Cardinals in the vaticant who are being inspired by the holy spirit to choose our next leader of the 2 Billion strong Catholic Church. I ask this in Christ's name Amen.

4/18/2005 5:28:15 PM

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