Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for my sister's desperate situation, Stravo's dad - dying, Dean - MS, Michelle - brain complications, health for my family, Rob, Mary, Mary, Sadie, Eliz, my special intentions, Sr. Marie - blood complications, Sr. Rita - dying. Thank you.

4/21/2005 6:28:55 PM

 Natasha De Silva

Singapore  IP:

Please pray for my mum who has a kind of hernia that causes her intestines to move. As she has undergone too many surgeries the doctors do not want to operate on her again as her chances are 50-50.She just have to wait for time.Please pray that she will be lifted up to GOd and she will be healed. Thank you

4/22/2005 2:41:47 AM


Canada  IP:

Please pray for the cure of my wife Neela from her advanced breast cancer without any surgery or further complications. Bring her back soon to live with us again with a normal healthy life.

4/22/2005 9:42:06 AM


usa  IP:

Heavenly Father, your knowledge is infinite and You have given human beings a wonderful capacity to learn on every level: practical, social, cultural, intellectual, and so on. Bless all institutions of learning and all teachers as well as students. Grant to them all as well as to me a dedication to true knowledge, a true love of learning, and a capacity to continue to learn through life, until they arrive at the knowledge of You, and your Son, Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

4/22/2005 10:18:44 AM


usa  IP:

Please help Sue to find family peace and tha Jack has a safe surgery. Please help Mark to be able to take care of all his financial problems, it seems like they never quite coming. Thank you for prayers answered.

4/22/2005 1:03:29 PM


scotland  IP:

please pray for me 2 b given health of heart soul body mind and spirit and also b given courage and srength 2 face up 2 my problems. thanku

4/22/2005 4:53:33 PM

  David Li

China  IP:

Thank God for that I can submit my prayer request here, and thank you for your prayer, may God bless you. Firstly, thank God for that my brother have got a new job because he lost his old job, and please pray for that my brother and my mother can maintain in her job because my mother had reached her retirement age, and please pray for that my family members and I can have safety during working hour.

4/22/2005 6:48:06 PM



Father, I ask for your guidance and support as I apply for the Air Force. Please help me get in, you know the intentions in my heart and feelings. St. Michael, St. Christopher I continue to pray for you intercession on this matter. Holy Mary pray for us Brothers and Sisters pray for us.

4/23/2005 3:25:36 AM

 Cathrine Stephen Jaikul

Malaysia  IP:

Your Prayer Request Heavenly Father and Mother Mary I come to you again pray for my brother Edmond Jaikul for his safty and especially for those people who tried to harm him so many time using evil ways, and forgive them Lord, turn their heart of stone to heart of flesh.And pray for my family & all I ought to pray,for the sick Elisabeth Loise,Wilbur cook,Brian Cook,Flora Kouju,Esther George,James Lanang,Cathrine Jaikul,Melvin Jaikul,Nani Jaikul,George Tinus,Edmund Jaikul,braxston Edmund and those who re sick the suffering,lost,downsyndrome,afflicted,financial problem,world Peace,bussiness partner btw Edmund Jaikul ,James Lai ,Mary Belak,James Jinuli will success.And pray for Maxwell Richard John to get thru his final year exam and help all the parish priest to do the right things so our world will be a better place for all of us. And pray for the soul of John Paul II ,Andrew Tati and all the souls who need most of your mercy. And Bless&help the New pope and all the clergy to do the right things so our world will be a better place for all of us. Help all those i pray for, we need more love and understanding so the future generations can live in peace.

4/23/2005 5:47:02 AM

 Rita Motogor

Malaysia  IP:

Heavenly Father & Mother Mary please soften the heart of Marus Motogor towards his family, take away his greediness&rudeness towards his parent. And Lord pray that Jupian Bolinggi with open heart to receive the Holy Father in his life, he is a new comer Roman Catholic thru married, may you bless our love for each other and strengthen our faith. And pray for Motogor Gulong & Lointing Burong, Lord, show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit, we ask you to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them your peace & mercy. Where there is self-doubting, release a renewed confidence in your ability to work through them. Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, we ask you to give them understanding, patience, & strength as they learn submission to your leading. Where there is spiritual stagnation, we ask you to renew them by revealing your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with you. Where there is fear, reveal your love, and release to them your courage. Where there is a sin blocking them, reveal it, and break its hold over their life. Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders, and friends to support, and encourage them. Give each of them discernment to recognize the demonic forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in you to defeat it. And Lord protect my kids Rizlee Jupian Racheal Jupian, Chelcie Jupian, myself Rita Motogor and give us grace that we will more closer to you. And please help Rizlee Jupian who is sitting his final examination this year (UPSR) to go thru. Send your guardian Angel to him and teach him what he doesn't understand. We ask you to do these things in Jesus' name!

4/23/2005 5:50:41 AM

 Innie Wong

Malaysia  IP:

Heavenly Father I come to you with a special prayer. For all those who have asked me to pray for them, please give them comfort and help where needed. Bless my husband Alban Maluda, myself Aini Juliana Wong, my sons Myron, Marvin and Amos. And bless all the families who needed your blessing. Please dear God help me be able to provide for the family which you have given to me, please help me do my work with your Grace. Lord, You invite all who are burdened to come to you. Allow your healing hand to heal me. Touch my soul with your compassion for others. Touch my heart with your courage and infinite love for all. Touch my mind with your wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim your praise. Teach me to reach out to you in my need, and help me to lead others to you by my example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve you with all my strength. Touch gently this life which You have created, now and forever. I pray for those who are sick especially my mother Tati Bte Alai, Rev. Father Joseph Gapitang, lost and World Peace.And I pray for the soul of my father Larry Wong, Jude Gilbert Johnny, Iris Melissa Chong, Marciana Amin, Peter Wang, Emannuel Bimal Maluda, pope John Paul II and all those who needed most of your mercy. Guide me to the job where you want to use the talents and skills which you have given me, and where I will find the challenges, which can help me to grow in ways to be of more use to you. Thank you God. And thank you Mary, Angels, and Saints for your prayers and assistance.

4/23/2005 5:54:06 AM



Dear Jesus I ask than my son, Billy (William James) be delivered completely from false doctrine and teachings and returnedin whole to the Holy Church of Jesus established by Jesus Through Peter. I ask that he be delivered from evil and hasten his voacation to Jesus in the Church as a Priest. Please pray for us and him Maother Mary, St. Joseph, St. Benedict, St Francis, St Padre Pio, Mother Therese, St faustina and St Philomena, St Anthony St Jude All you St and Holy men and women of Jesus prPlease pray for us and Bill. Amen Amen

4/23/2005 8:46:14 AM



Thank you Jesus

4/23/2005 8:47:38 AM


spore  IP:

Dear Heavenly Father I come to you with a special prayer for myself today.I have just been told that I have brain tumour. By the power of the Holy Spirit Father, please touch me and help me with my ailment. Please let the tumour be gone by the time I go for my next MRI. Help me Father to be strong. Please do not let me be a burden to my family.

4/23/2005 9:30:01 AM



I'm asking with all my heart that my prayers be answered I need to keep my job I need to work Please pray for me and I will thankful to all that prayed for me In jesus name I pray.

4/23/2005 9:45:59 AM

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