Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Dear St. Michael, I deeply ask for your intercession. Just like you I have received a call from God to be a defender of the Good. To defend the allied nations and bring peace to the world. Please pray for me. Oh Jesus, please help me. Please bless the US Air Force Surgeon General and his staff. Please use your divine intervention that they may grant me a waiver to maintain my status in the US Air Force. Brothers and Sisters please pray for us. In Jesus' name Amen.

6/28/2005 5:27:39 PM


usa  IP:

please pray that God surrounds Todd and my friendship with his love and he protects us from all evil things and all people who would try and damage this friendship. Please pray God allows us to love each other freely without inhibition or outside interference.

6/28/2005 5:52:39 PM


Vietnam  IP:

Thank you for the prayers for my wife and for my of my was very successfull it was a normal delivery with your prayer's all was been blessed..Please continue to pray us, for my baby that the LORD will give her good health and protect her in any sickness for my wife also. GOD BLESS.

6/28/2005 10:16:41 PM



Please pray the ALMIGHTY for my daughter's health who is suffering from kidney problem for the past 3 years.

6/29/2005 2:30:34 AM



Lord, I pray for the repose for the souls of the pilots of the downed helicpoters in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bless them and protect their families. Please Lord let the Air Force Surgeon General's office grant me a waiver to maintain my status in the US Air Force. I need to help our Service members overseas who are dying. Use me to do your will in the Air Force. Brothers and Sisters pray for us. In Jesus' name Amen.

6/29/2005 4:17:58 AM



Please pray for Mike. He was in a terrible train accident.

6/29/2005 9:50:34 AM



Dear Jesus, 17 Crewmembers of a Chinook helicopter were killed in Afganistan. I pray for them that their souls are with you and that the holy spirit may come down and comfort thier families. I also pray for Natalie the young women missing in Aruba. Please bring her home safely to her family. Father I also ask that you give strenght to President Bush may he continue to make the right decisions in his leadership. Also my brother had an interview yesterday, I ask that you may grant him this position in that he can finally get his life started. Brothers and Sisters join us in prayer. Amen

6/29/2005 1:36:59 PM



Lord, I pray for Mike you was in a train accident. Please protect him as you have protected me. Amen. Jesus, Ana's daughter is in need. I pray that the holy spirit come down and heal her just as you have healed my illness. Amen. Be with Joseph as he interviews. If it be in your will guide him.

6/29/2005 1:41:11 PM



Please pray for my friend Micah. I don't know why he feels the way he does about himself and life, and why he is driven to use drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with things. I don't know why he feels that he was not as equipped as ordinary people to deal with the world, and I don't know why he "welcomes death"--not in the way of being reunited with God, but in escaping the pain of life. Please pray for his physical, mental, and spiritual healing, and for his family, especially his mother.

6/29/2005 2:51:35 PM

 frederick o. coralde

Philippines  IP:

Pls pray to our Heavenly Father, to grant me the following request: Long life, good health, wealth and prosperity, increase in faith, hope, charity. To be issued a visa number and pass the medical and interview by the consul. Blessings and graces to my parents and children. Good work in the USA.

6/30/2005 2:21:29 AM

 Ana Mellowes

Puerto Rico  IP:

Dear God: Please help my sister Bertha, who was diagnosed with cancer. I pray for you to help her and all her immediate family to cope with this. Please allow her healing and comfort her pain. Amen.

6/30/2005 4:30:48 AM


Hungary  IP:

Pls pray for a JOB for my Mom SUSAN. Searching & being home alone all day is destroying her, she got a light-allergy doctors don't know. we used to hike. Now she can't leave the flat. But: Last year she had a WORK for 2 months - all symptoms were GONE! pls pray for a job for her, thank you

6/30/2005 5:28:29 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for my family and there needs thank you and God bless carol

6/30/2005 9:18:33 AM



Dear Jesus, I pray for the souls of the 17 crewmembers who parished in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Please bring thier souls home and I pray the holy spirit decend upon thier families to comfort them in their time of need. Join us in prayer brothers and sisters. In Jesus' name Amen.

6/30/2005 10:24:34 AM



Dear Jesus, I am here waiting from a call from my recruiter. I ask that when he calls that he has good news about my status in the Air Force. Jesus I pray for the AIR FORCE SURGEON GENERAL and his Staff. That when they review my records have it in their hear to grant me this waiver. You are calling me to this service, I am needed in Iraq and Afganistan. This is out of my phsyical hands. Dear Jesus and through the intercessions of St. Michael and St. Anthony help me stay in the US AIR FORCE. In Jesus' name Amen.

6/30/2005 10:45:51 AM

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