Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Kim Lohman


Dear God I pray that my husband will find a job before we lose everything, conversion for my husband and son, and healing for me from panic attacks and agoraphobia so that I can become a part of the local Catholic community and so that I can help support my family. Forgive my sins which are many.

1/13/2006 12:34:06 AM


v  IP:

Please help me to pray for my family especially my baby alex to be always in good health pray for my children also christian maureen chester jane and klein to be always also in good health pray my wife candy pray for my job so that i can do my task especially in making design i ask this in jesus name

1/13/2006 1:23:09 AM



I made a big mistake at work please help this issue get resolved for the best. Also me and my husband are going through a financial crisis help us get out of this and also he is taking the police exam let him pass this.

1/13/2006 6:15:06 AM



Please pray for my desperate financial situation, which as of today has become dire indeed. For the mercies to the Sacred Heart I ask in faith and trust.

1/13/2006 11:15:11 AM



LORD Please Touch with YOUR BLESSED HAND my Sister-in-law Nadine and cure her from the inflamatory breast cancer. LORD YOU PROMISSED "ASK AND YOU WILL SEEK". LORD USE her cure to be YOUR WITNESS. AMEN

1/13/2006 1:25:04 PM

 Grant & Marites Plowman

Australia  IP:

Please Pray that Ned & Dawn will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour, Ned has brain cancer only just found out, doctor's can't help & give him very short time left. Dawn is his Wife please pray also God's wonderful Peace surround them. Thank's God Bless Grant & Marites

1/13/2006 5:31:49 PM



Please pray that I be granted to solitude and freedom from those who wish to harm me. Please pray that I no longer be pursued by Peter. That I don't have to encounter him alone. That I be free to pursue English Lit. alone, in solitude and peace. I pray that he be removed from the class. Amen.

1/13/2006 5:39:49 PM

 L huertanunez

usa  IP:

for Adrianne and arturo;reconcilation they are having marital problems.Pray for Jose Jr,(conversion of heart) and Bettina they are having a baby.For Chris and April and children.(hes in Iraq.and reconcilation with family,Mary-to pay for her traffic ticket so she won't get arrested,(600$) Thank-You!

1/13/2006 7:28:29 PM



Please pray for Deborah and Rayman to be free of all evil spirits and for our protection. Thank you, God bless you.

1/13/2006 10:00:23 PM



Please pray that Tom will meet a wonderful woman whom he will love and who will love him in return. Pray God guides him and protects him. He is a wonderful man who deserves to be with someone very special. Thank you.

1/13/2006 11:47:21 PM

 Deborah Butler


Please pray for my sister she is very ill. She has bad pains in her upper quadrant of her stomach that go around to her back and she is often naseaus and she has extreme fatigue at times. Please pray God will heal her. Thank You for your help.

1/14/2006 6:06:50 AM


uk  IP:

please pray that the lord will heal mario's soul and heart----may he restorehis faith

1/14/2006 7:35:03 AM


United States  IP:

Pray for my son, david, and daniel, who is a friend,who are both in the army reserves and going to Iraq. Please pray that they might not go but if they do-pray for protection and that they stick together. Also, pray that they receive uplifting news because they are both down and home sick.

1/14/2006 2:21:58 PM


Bretana  IP:

I ask GOD for Help, Health (I feel tired, lazy & feeling sleeping. I need a courage) and Healing, for Forgiveness and to strengthen my heart mind, Soul and Spirit with the HOLY SPIRIT. I ask that my family be bless. May my family members stand for in God's love, I also ask that I be successful academically and have positive thinking in order to have a good standard project, career, and new job, finding my soul mate (bless with love) & succeed in life, to remove all the negative things and obstacles that are in my life also to put my past in the past. Thank you for your continued prayers & I pray for all people writing for needs that answer will come. I am a beloved chid of God. I love you Holy Father and your son JESUS. Please pray for me Holy Mother Mary. Amen Marianna

1/15/2006 4:34:29 AM


philippines  IP:

Please pray for me, i hope GOD will let me to marry Scott thunder as my fiancee and then GOD will grant the visa preition with his will and time, please help me also i am too much tired with my life and i hope GOD will give me a understanding and good husband, i drea a foregner husband, GOD bless!!!

1/15/2006 5:49:35 AM

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