Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Thanks for the prayers for our twins during my wife's difficult pregnancy. They were born absolutely healthy and are doing great at 2 years old. Thanks be to God I am now asking for a house for us all to live in which is safe and comfortable. Thank you again.

6/2/2006 5:26:07 PM


Egypt  IP:

Please, pray for my dear friend and I. May God grant us the grace to continue working together in the school which is now under our leadership. May God protect us from all evil and from every attempt from the part of others to separate us. May He continue to bless and guard our friendship and our mission, and make us ever fruitful in our relationship with each other and with all those who surround us. Please, keep us and our school family in your prayers at a daily basis for there is a process of discernment that is taking place and will last for almost a year, regarding whether to keep or not our school. We earnestly count on your daily prayers and spiritual support. May by the end of the assigned year of discernment, our school be completely approved by all those in authority. Do pray for us!

6/2/2006 5:54:32 PM


Egypt  IP:

Please, pray for my dear friend and I. May God grant us the grace to continue working together in the school which is now under our leadership. May God protect us from all evil and from every attempt from the part of others to separate us. May He continue to bless and guard our friendship and our mission, and make us ever fruitful in our relationship with each other and with all those who surround us. Please, keep us and our school family in your prayers at a daily basis for there is a process of discernment that is taking place and will last for almost a year, regarding whether to keep or not our school. We earnestly count on your daily prayers and spiritual support. May by the end of the assigned year of discernment, our school be completely approved by all those in authority. Do pray for us!

6/2/2006 6:16:00 PM


Philippines  IP:

My dear fellow Christians. I earnestly ask for your prayers, for God to heal me of all these anger and hatred in my heart...God's grace, for me to forgive my wife for what she has done to our family... and the courage and strength to do His Will. Thank you and may God continue to bless your families

6/2/2006 7:08:15 PM


Hungary  IP:

Please pray for bodily and spiritual healing for my lonely Aunt JUDIT 68 from her state terrible from almost all aspects. Thank you.

6/2/2006 9:03:49 PM


Canada  IP:

Prayers for friends & family going thru turmoil may god be with them. Prayers for V may her pregnancy continue to be safe n her worries about labour diminished. Prayers for my own special intentions, may god hear my prayer forgive me my sins n think i'm worthy. God watch over S n protect him ensure he has all he needs n open his heart to forgive. May he see how silly he has been n may he live life as an adult dealing with the issues life presents instead of living in denial n trying to pin blame on others.

6/2/2006 9:12:34 PM


Canada  IP:

I prayed for a child. I was fairly happy with life, but felt a great emptiness. I had a hard time conceiving and something happened to me while praying to Mary. I was stirred with a peace and felt a close connection to Mary. I believe our holy mother listened to my prayer and felt the pain in my heart. She prayed for me and now I am the mother of a wonderful 3 year old daughter. Then, I prayed again for a second child. I was lucky enough to get pregnant but lost the child in an etopic pregnancy. At this point in time, I have an intention that I really want to be answered. I desperately want a second baby and, as the saying goes "my clock it ticking". I don't feel I have many childbearing years left and my husband is beginning to back out of the idea due to our age (I'm 40 and he is 47). However, with everything against us, I still have a deep instinct (or perhaps a wish) that I can have another healthy baby. Please pray for me to be able to conceive in the next 6 months (or even year). Please share this with any prayer group you may have - I need the blessing and "miracle" from Mary and God. Thank you

6/3/2006 2:55:49 AM


philippines  IP:

Dear God, Please hear my plea and have my petition granted.I require a miracle for my beloved Ely to please heal his back pain,severe diabetes and pain on his right leg and give him a good and full of life always.Nothing is imposible with your healing grace Lord,please grant my intentions for Ely.

6/3/2006 3:18:54 AM



Dear community, please pray with me so that this third job interview is the final step in arriving at a better and healthier point in my professional life. God, bless me with intelligence and articulation so that I may impress upon my future employer my qualifications for this position. Please pray.

6/3/2006 4:15:35 AM



Joan needs prayer to heal her mind, body and soul. The family was told, in April she has terminal lung cancer. Her age and body condition does not allow any type of treatment. She is a lovely person and has about a year to live. No one has told her. Bless her, she is having problems breathing.

6/3/2006 7:21:13 PM

 mary riley

u.s.a  IP:

please pray for my husband recovery and for our marriage my husband and his family have been told really bad lies and there is no way that they believe me i love my husband so much and would never do anything to hurt him please ask GOD to save my marriage MARY

6/3/2006 11:56:57 PM


Hungary  IP:

Please pray for health and conversion for my Mom SUSAN, dad LASZLO, aunt JUDIT and boss CSABA. Thank you.

6/4/2006 2:11:29 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR US! Please continue to have WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY OF PRAYER..W W W..Keep us in Daily Prayer & into the Future..2006,07...long term for God's Healing Peace & Recovery! Thank you for Praying for us in Our Dark Night of the Soul.Bill & Carol, ohio. usa.

6/4/2006 4:54:39 AM


U.S.A.  IP:

Please pray for Theresa who has a serious drug addiction and was found strangled but not dead. May our Lord Jesus thru the intercession of Mary our mother bring her out of this life and into His loving and merciful heart.

6/4/2006 6:17:16 AM



urgent mom Jean S. in intensive care from test which induced stroke & paralysis, active busy lady now on tubes in a matter of hours and in hyberbaric chamber for 5 hours, unable to speak, highly drugged

6/4/2006 10:02:22 AM

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