Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Dear Lord,please bring back good health to our son and grandson who have a virus.May all of our family have good health,happiness,jobs,love,financial needs,a move to a newer home,safety,return to church for lost.Thank you Lord for all and make all my giving to McCrest be with love for You.

7/10/2006 8:36:26 PM


United States  IP:

For complete healing of my father from burns he suffered recently, and for prevention of any infections.

7/10/2006 8:38:22 PM



Thank you GOD for ALL you have done for us! Please heal Frankie! Please keep Clem safe. Please help Kaylyn and Steve know your love for them,please help them you do your will.Help them love each other in a + way.Thank you for ALL that You Do for US!Weloveyou andput all our faith in you Jesus!CMFMC

7/10/2006 9:17:28 PM

 Yahweh Prayer Petitions


Petition: For healing where healing is needed for Jerry. May he have a complete and full recovery. Please continue to give your almighty strength to his caregivers.

7/10/2006 11:10:01 PM



All Thanksgiving and Praise To You blessed Virgin Mary our Mother, and Mediatrix Of all Graces, For all favors and blessings received from The Infinite Bounty Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for all needs and afliction to flee this day. For special intention DJR and JAR. and all. Thanks,Amen

7/11/2006 12:55:51 AM



Please give me strength make him so miserable and unhappy and make him realize every single day that he made the biggest mistake he could possibly make he is so unhappy she is so crazy and totally out of control he hates her and is disgusted by her she brings him nothing but problems he loves me

7/11/2006 1:01:56 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

Daily we continue to stay at Our Post in the Silence & Agony of Prayer Day & Night for His Mercy & Healing,Restoring & Protecting Peace!!! PLEASE Pray for God's Healing,Restoring & Protective Peace! Peace!! Be Still to the Storms that rage against us!! Worlwide Community of Prayer..www..Pray!!

7/11/2006 2:20:13 AM

 Anna Hutcheson


God bless me to find a clerical job this week. God bless Philip to call me today and let me know if he's coming to see me this week. God slow down Philip's life, and all the traveling he does, so he can spend more time with me, so we can get married

7/11/2006 2:49:08 AM



PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!I am so depressed, sad, and disheartened. In my work, I deal with parents in an administrative capacity. Even though I know I shouldn't become friends with parents in my job. We seemed to hit it off. She even got her husband to work on our house. Since I had her husband's number on my cell phone, I accidently hit the button. I thought I was setting my phone to lock it, but his names starts with "A" so it was the first button I pushed. Now she thinks I am having an affair with her husband. We just moved into her neighborhood. We bought the house before this all happened. Now she won't talk to me, spreading rumors about me. Won't let my son or the neighbor kids play with him. Her son is deliberately mean to him. It's so painful. Everytime I try to walk outside, I feel the neighbors are talking about me. No one waves at me, but they do my husband. I am an authority figure in the Catholic schools, so she has tainted my reputation. I tried to take her out to lunch to talk, she won't. I even sent her a fruit basket and just attached at note "Sorry", but I heard from the neighbors. She said to her husband "she's sorry, what the -$%#%$ does she have to be sorry for? I thought you said nothing happened. What is is appologizing for?" I can't win. I even asked our priest to talk to her and her husband. It made it worse!! We had our Ice Cream Social in which she was in charge with her husband. They backed out the day before saying their son was in a ball tournament. She lied, there was no ball tournament. Please pray that their can be some positive resolution to this problem. It has made my life miserable. And I feel so bad that I have lost a good friend.

7/11/2006 3:52:31 AM

 Michael Hurley


Please pray for me. I am having problems with people who are doing things that both directly and indirectly as a result of their actions could cause me to loose my job and some people are doing things to try to get me in trouble at work. Please pray that they stop permanently and can't get me fired.

7/11/2006 6:51:50 AM



I pray that Mary and through her son Jesus can lead my friend to get the help she needs for her alcohol abuse.

7/11/2006 7:25:48 AM



dear heavenly father, please watch over my sister bonnie as she is traveling by car out to california by herself. please keep her safe and sound and away froom any harm.

7/11/2006 10:41:01 AM


usa  IP:

Please- for happy finances soon and peace soon.

7/11/2006 11:04:21 AM


Canada  IP:

Thank God for allowing me safe car journeys by myself for watching n protecting me; for allowing me the chance to do the things i had to n for allowing me a moment to see the truness of the situation that burdens me. May god find a way to make things better n let the light he show me shine thru. Amen

7/11/2006 11:19:01 AM


Canada  IP:

please pray for my sister Paulette who has been admitted to the hospital 4 times since april with comlpications with her lungs they don't know what is causing the infection, they had her on 50mg of preterzones and its not helping, she is my twin sister and she's alonepray for healing or for doctors to find a cure in Jesus name I ask, Georgette

7/11/2006 11:57:31 AM

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