Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for our home in Milwaukee to be sold soon, as this is a financial burden on our family and we may lose it.And please pray for us going to court next month.Pray for our family, as this has put a heavy burden on all of us.God bless all of you who read this and prayer for our family.

7/27/2006 7:19:39 AM


Colombia  IP:

Seņor te alabo y te bendigo, te doy gracias por la vida y por todo lo que me das, te pido que ayudes a mi esposo en su trabajo para que pueda pagar todas las deudas que tenemos, que le podamos dar estudios a nuestra hija y bendice nuestro hogar y a toda nuestra familia. Gracias

7/27/2006 12:19:55 PM

 Maryanne Linkes


For Cardinal George of the Archdiocese of Chicago who has bladder cancer and will be having his bladder removed tomorrow (7/27). For his complete healing.

7/27/2006 12:33:32 PM

 Lorey Frazher


For my family in Michigan. Sue and Claire,Emilys employment search and marriage commitment from Steven, For healing of my ear condition and hearing loss, Sale of Grammas house.

7/27/2006 3:04:15 PM



For my mother Christine who was told she has some cancer in her colon. Pray that it is minimal and removed successfully. Please let her live a long healthy and happy life.

7/27/2006 3:32:16 PM



Please Pray for my wife Robin. Help her Dear Lord to get well and return Home.

7/27/2006 3:35:37 PM


Kenya  IP:

Lord God, have mercy on me and grant that I qualify for the Greencard which I have just upgraded. I am very scared that I may lose this, but I surrender all hopes, thoughts and desires to your Perfect Will, Amen. God have mercy on me and my children and give us new hope, Amen. Forgive me God, for my sinfulness and grant my prayer, Amen.

7/27/2006 5:06:32 PM


England  IP:

Please pray for my intentions which are, that I may receive a financial breakthrough to be free from debt, that the Lord will help me in finding another and better job as I have been told that I would be made redundant from my job soon,I also want to have peace of mind from all the worry I am facing.

7/27/2006 7:53:38 PM


Canada  IP:

Prayers for myself may god grace my life with his presence enter my heart n heal my mind body n soul during this rough period, may he forgive my sins n show S the light to forgiveness;May god grace both our lives with guidence n protection. May god show us understanding, patience n unconditional love

7/27/2006 9:17:59 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord please hear my prayers...Very troubled times in my life, my nephew is drinking heavely and i'm afraid for my sister. Please grant us peace and show us hope, we are frightened. With my nephews actions all's we do is cry and live in fear. God Bless all who pray with me. Amen

7/27/2006 9:21:44 PM


U  IP:

Please give me strength make him so miserable and so unhappy at home she is so horrible out of control and crazy she is paranoid and insecure he cannot depend on her for anything and he regrets every single day he married her he hates her and is disgusted by her i'm the one he wants and needs loves

7/27/2006 11:29:44 PM

 Patricia Arena


For beloved Kristine, Michael and Matt may Christ reign in their hearts forever. Thank you and God Bless.

7/28/2006 12:00:36 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR US IN OUR LONG DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL! Please continue to Pray for us ( Worldwide Community of Prayer) Daily...July,August,Sept.2006,07...long term for God's Healing,Restoring & Protecting Peace! Inner & Outer!! Thank you, Bill & Carol,husband & wife in Hope! oh.usa.

7/28/2006 1:22:37 AM

 Javier Montes


Senor sigue ayudandolo con su proyecto en el Versalles darle gracia frente a todos los duenos, favor y sabiduria par lidiar con todoas las autoridares para que poder reabrir el building. Darle mucha fortalisa facilita su negocio para que su tiempo empleado aqui sea recuperado sin perdidas

7/28/2006 3:59:26 AM



Senor facilita todo para que por fin el building sea reabierto manana y mucho pedan regresar a su hogar. Sigue liberando a este lugar. Aparta mal pensamiento,infamia,shisme,palabras mal intencionadas,intranquilidaded. Manda la paz,la union, y armonia. Saca todo aquel que no traiga paz.

7/28/2006 4:05:15 AM

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