Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



End to lifelong personal problem To know Jesus MORE To learn to Love like Him VERY UGENT financial crisis For my friend Paul in Connecticut who is undergoing cancer treatments Thank You LORD for all things!

1/22/2006 12:05:11 AM


Buffalo, NY, USA  IP:

Please pray for my discernment about my vocation. I don't know what I am called to do.

1/22/2006 6:22:51 AM

 Married Couple in Virginia


Our marriage is in distress, tug of war, & no respect. We both love God but our marriage isnt working. My husband doesnt think he is doing anything wrong yet he fights me daily. Its hurting us both so badly but my heart is just broken right now. Thank you for your ministry, may God bless you all.

1/22/2006 6:56:05 AM


india  IP:

I am Vikram from Belgaum, India I have got an email from Mr. Gart from Mauritius, who wants to transfer 1 million US Dollars in my account for the development of poor. I want you to pray that the cash should be transferred as soon as possible because I want to use the money for our 7 Church buildings as well as the spreading of Gospel to villages & development of poor & needy people.

1/22/2006 7:55:54 AM


United States  IP:

Please pray for healing for Paul's back...he is in acute pain and cannot access adequate medical help. God Bless and thank you

1/22/2006 9:36:39 AM


N Z.  IP:

Please pray to stop all the drugs next door. Please stop the man been a bully to everyone and stop him abusing his old dad and wife Their homsexuality does not make them happy as they are always fighting, so please correct that situation. We as for protection. Thank you

1/22/2006 1:13:05 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Prayer Warrior, Would you please agree with me for the right Job I am requesting prayer for decent and affordable housing. also pray for andre hall, he is on crack, stealing from where he is currently residing, and smoking cigarettes in the house the owner doesn't want him there anymore but feels sorry for him, pls pray that he will find permanent housing somewhere else. Also pray that Doc will get his job back at Greyhound. Also, that my friend Bobby Rodgers daughter Camina will not commit suiside. Pray that she be delivered from depression. One last person is my friend Deon who tells people God made him quit his job which is not true. Thank you for your prayers of agreement and God Bless you. Deborah

1/22/2006 1:46:15 PM



Please help my legal problems resolve in my favor. Give me the strength to continue and the courage to face the obstacles. I am so desperate at times and feel so all alone. Please help me Jesus....In Christ name, Amen

1/22/2006 5:24:03 PM

 Rose Ball


The saving conversion of my family and return to the Catholic faith and the sacraments--Mary,Reed,Wendy,Andrew, Jude,Teresa, Diana, Monica,Jerry

1/22/2006 7:24:51 PM



Please pray for my Grandparents they are both dying of cancer Emma and Lloyd. Also, Please pray that I meet someone and have children.

1/22/2006 8:46:56 PM


Philippines  IP:

Almighty Father, I pray for peace, harmony and unity in my family. I pray for right faith, sure hope, perfect charity and pure love in my marriage. I pray for the enlightenment and transformation of my husband, Robert, may You touch his heart to see the path back to You and to us, his family.

1/22/2006 10:10:24 PM


USa  IP:

I am simply asking for prayers of healing for my relationships, especially one in particular. I come from an abusive background want desperately to move past the habits I haven't worked past yet. I want to be loving, clear, courageous... I need to be. Please pray for me.

1/23/2006 11:17:01 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

WE CONTINUE TO STAY AT OUR POST!! Nothing to Report at present! Please continue to Pray for us Now & in the Days ahead...2006,07...long term for Healing?? Please continue to pass urgnet prayer request on world wide..w w w...Monasteries,Convents,Parishes & Others...long term?? Thank you.

1/23/2006 11:28:15 AM



Please pray for my Aunt Carol.Her doctors think she may have had a heart attack. I pray for her faith and health. And for my friend Lana's mom Carol Morgan who has started RCIA classes. That she may grow in faith and find her home in the Catholic Church. Thank you so much and God Bless You!

1/23/2006 12:02:12 PM

 Penny Phillips

Canada  IP:

Prayers for my son who we don't hear from lately.prayers for my daughter who doesn't return our messages prayers for my husband who is ill with copd and has been sicker than usual this week.prayers for peace of mind.

1/23/2006 12:30:04 PM

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