Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for my urgent financial needs, I have been given ten days to get $2,682.80 to save my home from foreclosure, please ask God to bless me with a financial miracle to save my home. Thank you and may God richly bless you all.

1/24/2006 9:35:25 PM



I am often left alone and without access to the Sacraments. I fall to temptation too easily and am then depressed and more lonely. Please pray for me, that Jesus will find a way to reach me in this lonely place. Thank you. Amen.

1/25/2006 6:08:30 AM



Please pray for Marlene. She has had a breast biopsy...but has not heard what the results are. Please pray for her family also.

1/25/2006 7:45:39 AM



Pray for our son and his family to find a home to buy or rent soon. To help heal all our problems whether financial, medical or emotional. Children to return to church and employment for me.

1/25/2006 11:09:21 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

WE CONTINUE TO STAY AT OUR POST IN PRAYER! Thank you for Praying! Please continue to Pray for us in the Days ahead...2006,07..long term for God's Healing Peace in our Broken Hearts & Pained Filled Bodies!! Please continue to Pass Urgent Prayer Request on World Wide..w w w...others to Pray??

1/25/2006 11:21:29 AM



for the repose of the soul of Ethel K. please pray

1/25/2006 12:18:46 PM


usa  IP:

We pray that Nicole B. be blessed abd grow spiritually during this retreat, in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen

1/25/2006 2:25:25 PM


Malaysia  IP:

Please pray for me that these symptoms of HIV will go away and I will be completely healed. Through my own sin, i have risked myself. Although i don't have a HIV+ result after 4.5weeks, the symptoms are there and are terrorizing me. Please pray that my Faith in the Lord Jesus will Heal and Save me.

1/25/2006 6:37:49 PM



Pray for the restoration of my marriage. That we may find our way back to each other.

1/25/2006 7:55:52 PM


California, United States  IP:

Oh Dear Lord, I am asking you to please help Brian and I get back together. Please. I Really need you to help me. I know that he has a new girlfriend but I want him to come back to me and to want me back. I love him and I want him. Please!!!

1/25/2006 10:54:35 PM



Please pray to Our Lord Jesus and Our Lady for my daughter so she will be able to regain her health,please keep her in your prayers.Thank you may God Bless you

1/26/2006 12:42:51 AM


T&T  IP:

Please pray for me that RH and DH and all my enemies will be delivered from their wickedness

1/26/2006 4:10:27 AM



Please pray I become more charitable, loving, kind and patient with all of my brothers and that I trust in my Loving God Who only wants the best for me. I am so nervous sometimes and fearful. May the Saints in Heaven pray and manifest in my life somehow

1/26/2006 6:07:57 AM



I am disabled and need to find work. I am good at home design and am looking for a career opportunity in the building industry. Please pray that I will find the work I need, that God will reveal His will to me and I will be granted the health to do my work well. Bless you.

1/26/2006 8:04:36 AM



God,I pray to bring back Love & Happiness backinto my marriage. Help me forgive my husband and to move past his affair. Help me learn to trust him again. Remove all this hatred and bitterness from my life. I pray for Vanessa to leave my husband alone, may she find happiness else where.

1/26/2006 10:08:33 AM

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