Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


england  IP:

please pray my op goese ok for my family that my son goes back to mass

9/14/2006 7:13:51 AM


Singapore  IP:

Dear Jesus please look down on my three children and guide them in their life. Especially please heal my son who is unable to walk and talk after a terrible incident. I seek a miracle from you to give my son back to me walking and talking as normal and to be able to go back to his own school soon.

9/14/2006 11:30:40 AM


usa  IP:

i only want peace for my sisters and my brothers i read your pages and my problems get so small i am grateful for all that i have i pray others will be as comforted and blessed as i feel right now , i pray for all of you right now as you read these words that will be blessed in jesus name

9/14/2006 12:08:40 PM



I ask your prayers for my son who is dealing with staying sober from drug and alcohol abuse, for his continued recovery and soberity. I ask prayers for all my children that are dealing with this diease. For my daughter and unborn child safe delievery. thanksgiving for our blessings.

9/14/2006 1:26:40 PM



Can you please pray and ask God to please help our daughter now and to give her now happiness in every way? Thank you.

9/14/2006 3:20:27 PM



Please pray for my brother in law, David. He is an alcoholic, driving drunk frequently and refusing to get help. He's very near to killing himself with his self-abuse. His mother died when he was ten and he has never dealt with that in 25 years. His angry has turned inward. Pray for him to get help.

9/14/2006 3:35:08 PM


ug  IP:

Dear Lord 2day as we remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins i pray that Lord forgives me the sins i hve commited and grant me the grace to forgive those who hve wronged me. I love u Jesus thanks for dying for me. thank u bless me n guide n protect me. save my soul

9/14/2006 6:20:20 PM


Malaysia  IP:

Lord Jesus, I need you! Please help me to carry my cross, I can't do it on my own. Please take care of my mum & brother. Please guide my husband and keep him faithful to our marriage. Please forgive those who are hurting us and keep them away from us. Please..Lord. Why don't you answer me? I need you

9/14/2006 7:24:20 PM



Lord,Thank You very much for everthing that you have given to me. I apperiacated it o lord. Lord I had meet a guy.All my family member like him.I hope that he and I will get married soon.I still waiting for his answer lord.Hope to get a good result.Thank you lord.Praise the lord Alleluia.

9/14/2006 8:56:02 PM



Thank You GOD for all that you do for us. Please heal frankie,keep Clem safe make his time go by fast until he return home. Help MS,NW,LS,RS, and all my family please help them all they need you in their life. Keep may family safe in thier traveling We love you Jesus! Thank you! Help me with healthP

9/14/2006 10:39:03 PM



please give me strength make him so miserable and so unhappy that his life is the way it is make him realize every day the huge mistake he made by marrying her that he will even lose his kids due to her make him so regretful he hates and resents her and is disgusted by her he only loves me

9/15/2006 3:50:07 AM

 Adrian Paul Hewett

usa  IP:

I pray to the Holy Trinity to have their blessing on my marriage to Princess Roxanna Pahlavi;our engagement it been kept very private for security reasons;now is the right time for the the world & the Media to be inform but @ this time I ask the lord for his blessing in jesus name. Adrian Paul Hewett

9/15/2006 8:46:08 AM



I pray for my late husband: DWAINE ATTILA COSEY to rest in peace, may the lord have mercy upon his soul & blessing him with eternal forgiveness & peace, let the holy trinity protected his soul & may he find spiritual development & be in the light with God & many blessing to his love ones. Amen

9/15/2006 8:52:52 AM


Malaysia  IP:

Everyone, please pray now for Val. She is currently in labour and will deliver her pre-term baby anytime soon. Please pray for her safe delivery and that she may bring into this world a beautiful, healthly child of God. They need your prayers, please pary for her. Thank you

9/15/2006 11:45:41 AM

 Emily (Lingg)Leatherman


Please pray for my husband, Chad Leatherman.He is going to find out on Monday, September 18 2006 whether he has testicular cancer.He is only 26 years old and we have beautiful 4 year old twin sons together.We are both very scared because his doctor thinks it is cancer.Please pray for him.Thank you.

9/15/2006 1:34:55 PM

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