Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for me, I have been attcked by the devil; very severely !Please Pray for me !

1/29/2006 7:31:32 PM


England  IP:

Please pray that Zoe may open her heart to me,and let our friendship deepen into love.Let her know how much i love her and want to be with her and her children.May her heart know that I am only a call away.Thank you

1/30/2006 8:58:24 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my husband and myself as we go through this difficult time. Lord we know your will be done.

1/30/2006 10:30:21 AM



Please pray for my mother-in-law as she has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Thank you

1/30/2006 10:51:09 AM



Pray for restoration of marriage. I feel I am losing this battle. So please help me pray for the return of my wife healed from what has caused problems in her life. That she may be tolerant of others.

1/30/2006 11:05:25 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING! WE CONTINUE TO STAY AT OUR POST IN PRAYER! Please continue to Pray for us in the Days ahead...2006,07...for God's Healing & Protecting Peace! Hope!! Please continue to pass Urgent Prayer Request on to others..W W W...World Wide..??? Urgent!!! Bill & Carol in Hope!

1/30/2006 11:34:16 AM



I am going through a series of doctors and tests to figure out what is wrong with me. I have ascities (fluid in the abdomen) and a probable omental cake. Currently the thinking is that it might be a malignancy. Please pray that it is not cancer and that if there is a tumor it will be benign. Chris

1/30/2006 4:40:10 PM



Please let the love that brought Mike and I together grow to perfection through Jesus Christ. Please help our relationship grow stronger and more mature with each passing year.

1/30/2006 4:51:42 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray and Keep Minor Safe. May God bless him now and always.He has had some bad times lately. Please pray for him.

1/30/2006 5:38:26 PM


India  IP:

I have been working in a company since 17 years.In my place i face lot of problems. I have not got any promotion. There is discrimanation on the basis of faith, language etc. Kindly pray for me to get good promotion. Also please pray for me to have a good house and my children to study well.

1/30/2006 8:53:54 PM


Philippines  IP:

1) For the enlightenment of Anna Cecilia R. Valmonte, regarding the man she is falling for. 2) For the conversion of Christine Tolentino from Iglesia ni Cristo to Roman Cathoilc religion. 3) For the complete recovery of Evangeline de la Noche who is suffering from cancer.

1/30/2006 8:56:06 PM


america  IP:

Please pray for my family, we are in finacial trouble, as so many other families. I have a handicapped daughter who also needs your prayers for healing. I put my faith in our Lord, but cannot stop worrying, I can't sleep at night. Pray for me, that I can let go of all my worries, I give them to God.

1/30/2006 9:41:09 PM


Canada  IP:

Please pray for my financial trouble. We are so broke. My father's health is failing, please pray for him. Please help K make good choices.

1/31/2006 5:57:46 AM


usa  IP:

Dear Prayer Warrior, Would you please agree with me for the a job at new vision photography. I am requesting prayer for decent and affordable housing in washington dc. also pray for andre hall, he is on crack, stealing from where he is currently residing, and smoking cigarettes in the house the owner doesn't want him there anymore but feels sorry for him, pls pray that he will find permanent housing somewhere else. Also pray that Doc will get his job back at Greyhound. Also, that my friend Bobby Rodgers daughter Camina will not commit suiside. Pray that she be delivered from depression. One last person is my friend Deon who tells people God made him quit his job which is not true. Thank you for your prayers of agreement and God Bless you. Deborah

1/31/2006 8:04:57 AM


usa  IP:

i want to ask for a prayer. i'm in nursing school right now and i love it. my attitude for nursing has been awesome until today. today i took my first test and i didn't get a good grade. it made me feel discouraged about the whole nursing program. pray for me to make good grades.

1/31/2006 11:21:38 AM

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