Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


canada  IP:

For Robyn who has been diagnosed with emphazema and lung cancer. For strength for her family at this time. for Vince and Bob for their drinking to stop and for health and strength for their wives.An even temperament for Don. And total healing for me. thank you Carol

2/11/2006 6:21:01 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for Christopher who thinks God is calling him to a religious vocation. He needs strength and wisdom and the right people to guide him.

2/11/2006 6:28:28 PM


usa  IP:

Fr. Please pray for Daisy who is having trouble with her son and husband. Please pray for me and my family. Pure heart and a glorious death. God bless you, Diane

2/11/2006 8:33:01 PM


Bahrain  IP:

Please pray for me as i am submitting my accounts today and pray for me to have healthy strong chrisitian family life and pray for me to have enought finicial sources to run a god beliving family and to help others also praise the lord i love jesus i love mother mary

2/12/2006 12:56:17 AM



PLease pray with our family for the physical, cognitive and spiritual healing if my husband,Harry who is suffering from a brain infection. WE love him dearly and ask for a complete and speedy recovery. His children need him now more than ever. Lord, hear our prayer!

2/12/2006 6:25:00 AM


argentina  IP:

pido por la salud de z., y que en el futuro formemos una familia. gracias

2/12/2006 8:02:51 AM



God heal Mark from his alchol addiction. Heal him mentally and spiritually. Return Christopher to your sacremnts, heal him emotionally. Send me finacial help,Heal my son. Please send my soul mate to me. Help me finacially, emotionally spiritually. Place your loving arms around my family keep us safe.

2/12/2006 12:07:35 PM


uk  IP:

please pray for Clare to find a good Christian husband, for melisa to resist temptation, for all our youth groups and leaders, for me to help others, for me to have hlp with my debt burden

2/12/2006 3:22:37 PM

 Vera Mitevski


Please pray for healing for dear Mr. David Gray, 47, who was recently diagnosed with a rare stomach cancer and liver cancer also. I feel that God may want to heal him, and through physical healing, also convert him to Catholicism. Thank you sooo much.

2/12/2006 7:19:24 PM


usa  IP:

pray for tommy, he is very sick with pneumonia, and lung disease.

2/12/2006 9:24:17 PM


sg  IP:

Please pray for me to meet joen again, please pray for me to forget about him if we fated not to be together. please pray for me to meet someone alike him but really love me as who I am. may the lord grant my heart desire.amen

2/13/2006 7:23:28 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for me. please pray for protection for me from my enemies. please pray i do not get in trouble at work and God sends me enough money to leave. please pray for my mental health. i am losing my battles. please pray i win. thank you so much.

2/13/2006 9:56:28 AM



Please pray that I be given the strength to make it through this tough time. Please pray that Philip see the light. Amen

2/13/2006 3:33:58 PM


Canada  IP:

Please help my husband and I get over this stress from the car accident. Please strengthen our family and marriage. Please forgive me of my sins. Let this week-end be okay. Please let my husband behave. Help my parents and our money trouble. Thank-you

2/13/2006 4:21:02 PM



Prayer of healing of the skin and the internals.

2/13/2006 7:59:40 PM

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