Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Canada  IP:

Thanks for helping me thru the week and i pray for you to help change my current situation, to bring S back to me so we can work on the problems that have caused the void between us. Find a way to let him know i'm still here and forgive him and allow him to firgive me for my wrongs. Guide and prtect

3/3/2006 3:01:24 PM


australia  IP:

please god send the love of my life back to me hes name is robert and i need him to call and see me please lord bring us back together i love him very much need miracle because i feel lonely and sad amen from bree

3/3/2006 4:15:33 PM

 Youngki Rhee

S. Korea / U.S.  IP:

Virgin Mary, I have only one wish in my whole life. Please let your name, Virgin Mary, be ever on my lips and keep your name, Virgin Mary, being resounded in my soul and body, now and forever. Please allow me to pronounce your name, Virgin Mary, at my death and do not make me forget you forever.

3/3/2006 6:02:26 PM


Amsterdam  IP:

Pray for a young woman, who was targeted by the CIA and whose disappearance is not being investigated, because her bank accounts are still benefiting other people. She was betrayed by her friends and her father.

3/3/2006 6:47:33 PM



My most worrying matter has been my financial debts unpaid. MY STARTING DARE IS 1999 YEAR $ 1,316=00 With Interest $ 300=00 With Interest $ 920=00 With Interest $ 264=00 Without Interest $ 878=00 with Interest PLEASE KINDLY PREY FOR MY FIVE DEBTS AND DEBTERS, PRAYER TOFOUR PAY THEMAS EARLY AS POSSIBLE AND GET GOOD PEACEFUL LIFE.

3/3/2006 10:40:23 PM


usa  IP:

I am a 37 year old mother of 5 with Lung cancer. I pray, please help me in prayer that God will heal my body of this cancer. Please Lord take away this cancer so I may have a second chance at life,helping others as I am helped now.In your name God I pray for healing, Amen.

3/3/2006 11:09:34 PM

 Andria Skerl


I would like to pray for my grandmother who is 90 years old. Nothing is wrong with her but she is a true inspiration to me and to a lot of people. She still works, still drives... She is a true Saint! May the Lord always shine on her and make all her days blessed!

3/4/2006 5:36:41 AM

 Mary Girly Rozario

Singapore  IP:

Pls have me in your intercessory prayers as I just suffered a major stroke. I have diabetes and hypertension too. Thank you for your kind support.

3/4/2006 5:40:46 AM


Canada  IP:

God help me thru this. Myabe I ahve been praying wrong to you so help show me the way to do it to make things better, as each day the burden feels heavier and heavier and its getting to be too much to handle. Help find a way to bring things back to normal. Give me strength to survive another day Amen

3/4/2006 7:12:54 AM

 Mike Fitzgerald


That I learn to live and cope with my illness every day. That Jo and I are reconciled again and that we be married and be blessed with children. Amen

3/4/2006 1:16:31 PM



For Fr. Robert Altier of the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. He is being persecuted and punished for speaking the true word of God and teaching the truths of the faith. The archbishop has silenced his ministry by not allowing his homilies to be on the internet and not allowing Fr.Altier to do his radio show on Relevant Radio. He is a true faithful servant of our Lord.

3/4/2006 2:12:11 PM



Please let my son be granted the scholarship he needs for school. He’s worked so hard and through no fault of his own I can’t afford to send him with our overwhelming medical bills and just everyday bills. Also, please grant my heart some relief and let the love of my life mend his ways and be there for us.

3/5/2006 11:11:03 AM


Roma,Italy  IP:

My Dear Friends in Christ, I am a priest student studying in Rome. I humbly ask your prayers for the following intentions: 1. This is last year of my Maters in Theology here in Rome. I have to undergo a few more exams especially my final comprehensive exam and I have submit and defend my thesina. May your prayer help me in my final stage of Masters . 2. I have asked permission to do Doctorate and my bishop has given some positive signs. Through your prayers I shall get a definite answer according to God’s will as soon as possible. Yet another problem connected with this is that I do not have a scholarship to continue my studies here in Rome. But if I get a possibility of pastoral ministry I can support my studies through the small income from it.But I have not yet received any. I am searching for some and one in particular. May your prayers help me to get a Pastoral Ministry. 3. I have a personal problem too. The best friend of mine, who is almost like my own brother is going away from the friendship and brotherhood we had in the past due to some reasons which I do not know. It pains me and disturbs me so much. May your prayers shall help us to regain our lost friendship and brotherhood again. Thank you for Your Prayers, you are in my prayers and in mEucharistic celebrations. Thank you Victor Devamitra Via Carlo Emanuele I/46 Roma 00185, ITALY

3/5/2006 1:29:54 PM


Canada  IP:

Please help us. I do not have enough food to feed my children until next pay day. Our debt is so large that, I am worried all the time. We hardly have enough money left over to buy groceries after we pay the bills. Please pray for us. Thank-you.

3/5/2006 3:06:43 PM



Please give me strength. Make him so miserable every single day with her, he made the biggest mistake and I do forgive him. His life is filled with such horrible negativity...let me be the one wonderful positive influence on him. Have her go away, she is terrible for him.

3/6/2006 7:14:59 AM

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