Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for my brother, Bill, who is going through 16 weeks of chemo. His colon cancer has returned after a 5 year remission and now it has traveled to his lymph nodes. Surgery is not an option at this time, maybe after the chemo treatments. Thank you for all your good works.

4/20/2006 12:26:07 AM



Pray in agreement with me for David's heart & mind to be converted to seeing the truth about our Lord, Our savior & the catholic church.Disspelled all the lies from the enemy that he entertains and believes. Bring him to full repentance before you Lord. Pour out your love upon him. Send him the Holy spirit to guide him in all he does. Give him wisdom were he is foolish. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

4/20/2006 12:48:42 AM


Uganda  IP:

I ask God to get Holy matrimonio ie my husband is born again to change to catholic church soon. I pray for my husband Godfrey that his case may not go in court and the file to be closed. I also pray me and my husband Godfrey to get very good jobs so that God should countinue to use us to help others.

4/20/2006 1:26:40 AM


india  IP:

I am in financial crisis. Some unexpected incidents have affected our financial stability. I am seeking your prayers for opening of new doors of money and opportunities.I seek divine help and your prayers. I feel very threatened and weak.Oh Lord remove my fears and make me confident

4/20/2006 3:08:37 AM


united kingdom  IP:

Dear Lord I pray for my husband for his conversion through spirit mind & body. Grant him knowledge & wisdom to love and live a family life. Help him to open his heart & mind to you & may there be more communication at home Also if he is involved in any other please give him strength to set him free.

4/20/2006 3:38:47 AM

 Mike Fitzgerald

Uk  IP:

That I learn to live with my illness so that it no longer interferes with my life. That Jo and I are reconciled again and that we are married and have the children we always wanted.Amen

4/20/2006 4:28:18 AM

 Ann Dinkel


For my husband Daniel, he is having problems with his liver. His lungs are trying to colapse, please pray for healing.

4/20/2006 4:52:56 AM

 Brian Canton

Philippines  IP:

My wife is outside of the country to take the NCLEX board examination. I hope she passes the test.

4/20/2006 7:03:37 AM


Canada  IP:

Pray that god can give me the strength to understand why the things that have happened have happened, the ability to keep faith as it feels like my prayers are unanswered, the will to keep trying and the strength to not give up on those who matter most. Pray A can find a job to replace the one she lost, keep Vid safe as she goes thru her last trimester and watch over her unborn son. Praying S can open his eyes and heart and face the real problems that have caused us both emotional and mental distress over the last couple months and may god find a way for us to resolve the issues at hand and for us to move forward with love

4/20/2006 8:21:16 AM



Please pray for my son who is struggling with a dangerous drug addiction. I pray for the Glory of God to heal his soul and his heart and help him find a way to heal his life and embrace his faith. Please let him know he is loved and will be forgiven.

4/20/2006 11:48:00 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray with me for my nephew Jimmy Morrison, he has another hearing today at 1:30pm est. I pray that things go well for him. Hopefully drugs will be a thing of the past, we must ask God to save our young from the evils of addiction. Lord hear my pray...God Bless all who pray with me for him

4/20/2006 9:40:58 PM

 Barbara A. Higgins

United States  IP:

Our Archdiocese{NY}ts to close our parish church-not the school-just the church.We can't get a straight answer as to why. We keep on being told-It is NOT about money. Just WHAT it is about,we are not clear on.We are appealing this on May 8, 2006. We don't know just what to put in the appeal.

4/21/2006 12:37:49 AM


Malta  IP:

Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you and I pray you with all my heart and all my love to find me a way to have a suitable home for me and my family in which we can live in peace and in your love. Thank you

4/21/2006 12:47:58 AM

 Kim Pepin

United States  IP:

Please pray for my family and I that we grow in strength with the Lord. That we surrender to his plans for us. That we ask for his mercy and forgiveness. That we receive his grace. That we examine our minds and spirit daily. That we grow in our faith and understanding daily. That we heal.

4/21/2006 2:30:12 AM


India  IP:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Thanks to Lord Who is with us and care us for ever and ever. Please Pray for my mummy as she is suffering from leg pain. Lord Jesus who heals those who believe in Him and Come to Him with humble heart. Pray to Lord she may be cured from this illness. Also please

4/21/2006 2:31:50 AM

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