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Catholic Prayers

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God

Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia Your testimony of healing or conversion to this list.
Catholic prayers
Testimonies before July 2001, >>>

The Almighty has done great things for me,
holy is his name. (Luke 1:49)



usa IP:

God has done so much for me, it would be hard to think if I did not have him on my side. Dave

10/1/2004 7:56:13 AM

 John D.


God, Lord I waited late in life to know your teachings, I lost my family, my health, my life's work when my wife left me. I hav trid to study th Bible a lot and pray. I converted to your religion as you wanted and redone our vows, then 3 years later you were with another. I forgive you of all these things and still want you and God back in our marriage. Please Honey, you got me started back into Church and I cannot get it our of me nor your loving smile I loved for half my life. May God and you come home. I have a serious illness as ypu know, but Jesus is my Doctor, the best Doctor there is. Love Always; Your Husband.

9/20/2004 12:48:44 AM


usa IP:

I want to give thanks first to my beloved jesus christ. and to my brothers and sisters in christ jesus that help me with their prayers Iask for prayer the day that i went to my doctor for my report on my cholestrol becouse it had been extremly high that the doctor said i was at a risk level but my jesus and the prayer help me .after taking meds the report came back better than normal,according to my doctor I am doing just great in all the blood work that was done. Thank you Jesus for my life and well being is all in his healing hands ..glory and praise be to my God in Jesus name. Alicia

8/30/2004 8:26:21 PM

 Leonard Fowler

england IP:

I would like to share my story of not only having a new life in Jesus, but Healed and filled with God's Holy Spirit I grew up in a Christian home and went to Church every week and joined all the groups and even became a Sunday school. I realized now that I really didn't have a real relationship with Jesus. I became very ill seven years ago and was diagnosed with Parkinson Disease. I became depressed and made excuses not to go to Church with my family. As the years went on I became worst and needed two sticks and wheel chairs to be able to get out of the house. Over the years my wife a Christian took me too many healing meeting, but nothing happened, so I thought this is how God wanted it to be and refuse to go anymore. Easter 2003 the local Elim Church was holding Healing meetings and my wife persuaded me to go. I enjoyed the services they were different but again nothing happened that was until May 14th 2003, after the evangelist had spoke he asked people to go forward for prayer I stayed where I was. As we stood, to begin to worship The Holy Spirit touched my body I felt Him touch me from my head to my toes and I knew in an instant I was Healed. No one was near me no one prayed over me God just did it where I was. I went to tell the pastor who thought I wanted him to pray for me I began to jump and down and wave my arms to show the church how God had healed me. The doctors and hospital specialist are amazed and don't know how to explain it. Also on that day I began a real relationship with Jesus and He has filled me with His Holy Spirit. Praise God my life has been transformed and I know I need to share my testimony with everyone who will listen that God still Heals Leonard Fowler Blackpool England

6/21/2004 5:30:24 AM

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