Oraciones Católicas, lista de intenciones, peticiones e intercesiones - Año 2004

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Oraciones Católicas, lista de intenciones, peticiones e intercesiones >> El Trabajo de Dios Indice

Para la Gloria de Dios, este Apostolado comenzó en Español en Febrero de 1999,
gracias por unirte a nosotros en oración, tu petición a esta lista.

Ofrecémos misas diarias por estas intenciones.

Por favor reza por nosotros! :


España  IP:

pido a Dios por mi familia especialmente por mi esposo porque ultimamente siempre estamos discutiendo y me viene muy tarde acasa que Dios nos bendiga

2/23/2004 12:36:46 PM


España  IP:

Dios Padre tu que eres grande y poderoso te ruego que tengas misericordiade toda mi familia te pido por la conversion de mi esposo y por mi matrimonio Señor tu que eres todo vodad ten misericordia de todos nosotros dame tu bendicion

2/23/2004 12:54:12 PM


mexico  IP:

grandisimo padre, acudo a ti para darte gracias por todo lo que me has dado en la vida, tambien para de rodillas pedirte perdon por los errores, cometidos, asi mismo de rodillos humildemente te pido una nueva oportunidad para estar unido en amor y armonia a mi esposa y mis hijos, que asi sea. amen

2/23/2004 5:49:57 PM

 Martha Gonzalez

los angeles  IP:

pido en oracion por la paz de mi hogar tengo muchas dificultades, y que pronto me salga un buen trabajo.dame sabiduria señor para salir adelante,se me olvidan mucho las cosas estoy estudiando ingles y quiero darle un buen futuro a mi hijita.

2/23/2004 6:12:10 PM

 sarahi arredondo

mexico  IP:

dios, se que me escuhas y te pido de todod crazion que le des fuersas a mi novio para pasar su carrera que lo ayudes y lo protegas te lo pido señor.

2/23/2004 7:30:36 PM

 Ronny Gomez

Chile  IP:

Pro favo r Ayuden rezando por mi abuelito Don Manuel Antonio Espejo mora, para que se cure de la enfermedad que tiene, muchas gracias

2/23/2004 7:58:39 PM

 Rey y Liza

Puerto Rico  IP:

Queridos hermanos: Favor poner en sus oraciones a mi sobrina Luly García. Se le practicará hoy una operación. Su anhelo es tener bebés y no ha podido. Si es la voluntad de Dios, que le permita tener hijos. Gracias por sus oraciones. Dios les bendiga

2/24/2004 3:37:19 AM


Colombia  IP:

SEÑOR: Gracias señor por tu infinta generosidad. Perdona mis pecados señor. Te pido señor no permitas que contnue solo, dame señor esa mujer que a la cual yo pueda amar.... Tengo mucho para dar QUE SE HAGA TU SANTA VOLUNTAD....

2/24/2004 5:07:17 AM

 eduardo eugenio martinez silva

Chile  IP:

Necesito oren por mi ya que estoy casi en banca rota por deudas,deseo oren para que las pueda pagar todas de una vez. Gracias

2/24/2004 9:26:15 AM

 eduardo eugenio martinez silva

Chile  IP:

Necesito oren por mi ya que estoy casi en banca rota por deudas,deseo oren para que las pueda pagar todas de una vez. Gracias mi senñor Padre Mio

2/24/2004 9:28:31 AM

 eduardo eugenio martinez silva

Chile  IP:

Necesito oren por mi ya que estoy casi en banca rota por deudas,deseo oren para que las pueda pagar todas de una vez. Gracias mi señor Padre Mio Celestial

2/24/2004 9:28:49 AM


Chile  IP:

quisiera que mi hna se sanara completamente de una enfermerdad que no es seguro que la tenga. en marzo se repite un examen que tengo mucha fe que diosito la sane, desapareciendo por completo unas placas en su cabeza

2/24/2004 9:52:40 AM

 Juan Manuel Ramirez Herroz

México / Irapuato, Gto.  IP:

Hermanos les envío un afectuoso saludo , por la presente para solicitarles su ayuda para que pidan a Dios por mi matrimonio , mis padres y por encontrar un buen empleo que necesito tanto. Dios Los Bendiga Siempre

2/24/2004 10:21:31 AM

 Marcela Benavides

Costa Rica  IP:

Le doy gracias al Señor por el don de la Vida y por todas las bendiciones que me regala a mí y ami familia. Quiero pedir para que el Señor me repare una casita propia y para que nos ayude con nuestras necesidades y problemas y sobre todo pedirle que nos regale fé y confianza en él para poner todo siempre en sus manos

2/24/2004 12:16:31 PM

 eduardo eugenio martinez silva

Chile  IP:

I TITLE: TO MAKE MONEY FACILMENTE!!!!! NAME: EDUARDO EUGENE MARTINEZ SILVA CONTACT: edwuardmartinez@hotmail.com TYPE: Economic It dates: Febrary 24, 2004 DESCRIPTION YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY FACIL, FAST And HONEST. READ THIS Please And I ASSURE NOT YOU To YOU ARREPENTIRAS. Good first of all the main proposito of this letter is convencerte of which this it is an honest system, legal and extremely profitable and also a form to obtain excellent income in a very short period of time. It is possible to stand out, also, that this system has fulfilled its cycle natural, that is to say, has verified his effectiveness and with excellent results. Also, this system does not require fisico contact with people, it does not require either of a heavy or dificil work, and the best thing: you tendra that not to leave house except gathering its mail. This it is a program of SUPPORT ELECTRONICO that takes advantage of the world-wide platform Internet, which guarantees his operation in perfect form. 100 % OF THE TIMES! Thousands of people have resorted to this average one to obtain good capitals and asi to initiate their own business. Basicamente, becomes possible to traves of a chain that goes to thousands of people and who hara reality also for single You with its collaboration. For that reason I recommend to him TO FOLLOW CAREFUL and EXACTLY the INSTRUCTIONS OF THIS LETTER, stressing to him once again that this is 100 % insurance and that arrepentira of to have leido itself this I do not articulate and put practice... IT OBTAINS FAST MONEY FACIL And... BY MAIL. THIS REALLY WORKS!!!!!! LEELO PLEASE, IS SUITABLE LEELO. TO YOU! MONEY FAST! This in truth works... A TRAP IS NOT A SWINDLE EITHER NOR, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL. If these very anxious and you do not want to read what continuous, it sees the section of the instructions directly at the end of this I articulate. ***************************** Hello, I have the excellent news reason why I create tendrias that tomarte a pair of minutes and reads; if sometimes you thought: "SINCE I CAN MAKE MONEY FAST, IN SERIOUS", or if you have serious debts and these arranged to make any thing with so being able to pay to your collectors, ponte coway, prepárate a cup of cafe and something to accompany it, and listens to this, who can be an interesting one, exciting resource. (If these reading this "Online", I suggest to you you urgently save it in disc - in case algun malintencionado erases it of this servant -. to save it in single disc selects CASES OUT soon (File) in the menu of your program and SAVE AS... (To save Like...). This this in Text Format asi that can be published by any publishing program which you have. Permiteme to finally begin saying that the ENCONTRE. In serious, encontre. And that that hatred all those SCHEMES OF FAST HACERTE RICO. Hatred those schemes of marketing with several levels, or to do you order by mail, or putting propaganda in on of mail, etc., the list is interminable. Probe all those schemes of "rich Hacerte fast" during 12 months and until is "hooked". Pay $14,95 by aca, $29,95 by alla, other $24,95 by that side, other $49,95 by this side, giving what tapeworm and until not loading it in my Cards of Credito... He was in favor desperate of money! I gave to each one of them chance them and all and each one of them failed. Perhaps they are good schemes for some, but surely that was not it for my. MASTER THE INTERNET... HE WAS SAILING when I saw I articulate that decia TO OBTAIN MONEY FAST. Pense... "IN THE INTERNET? Another swindle but... Good, I have to do that type of scheme can present/display in the Internet. This I articulate describia the way to send BY MAIL a TICKET OF a SINGLE DOLAR To FIVE PEOPLE and TO GAIN $ 50,000 IN CASH IN 4 WEEKS. Good, when but pense about this but peculiar me ponia of so that. So that of the way that this worked and SO THAT SINGLE IT WAS GOING TO COST 5 DOLARES (and CINCO ESTAMPILLAS), and THAT to ME ERA EVERYTHING WHAT TAPEWORM THAT TO PAY... And Nothing else. O.K., the $50,000 in cash podia to be a high point to reach, but was possible. It appears to me that perhaps podia to have a reach of $1,000 less but or, asi than I did it. As the instructions in Articulo decian, it sends by mail a SINGLE TICKET OF a DOLAR to each one of the five people of the list that contenia I articulate that law. Inclui a pequena note that decia "PLEASE INCLUYAME IN ITS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or email" along with dolar. Soon I remade the list in where it removes to first, movi a position arrives at each one of the rest and inclui my name at the end of her. This was the form to obtain that the money began to arrive to me. Soon it takes this list that finished modifying and IT PUBLISHES it IN ALL the NEWSGROUP (Groups of the News or Forums of Discussion) and BBS LOCAL THAT CONOCIA and hopes that the money began to arrive to me, prepared to receive between $1,000 and $1,500 in cash. But that pleasant surprise when all those you exceed began to arrive to me. I immediately knew that they were when I saw that the return directions provenian of all parts of the world, most of State United, Canada and Australia. I tell you, WAS EXCITING. Whatever recibi altogether, $.1000? $5.000? NOOO. Recibi a total of $20,343! Podia not to believe it! Perhaps it was possible to obtain $50,000 in cash, not it, but IT DEPENDS COMPLETELY ON YOU, Of the INDIVIDUAL. You must follow it and to publish it where it is possible to you, whichever but is published and but people see it, habra but possibilities for all of making but money, this determined whichever arrived to you by mail. He is really facil to do it... Let us review the reasons of so that to do it: the unicos expenses are: 5 Estampillas, 5 you exceed and 5 dolares (a ticket of a DOLAR for each one in the list), soon to publish I articulate with your name including in ALL the NEWSGROUP that are happened to you (this is free) and soon to hope that you exceed them arrive to you. All we have 5 dolares to spend in a facil investment and that does not surround ningun type of effort with a SPECTACULAR RECOMPENsA OF BETWEEN $15,000 and $25,000 in single 3 to 5 weeks. Asi that private to play loteria today, or better eats in house instead of going outside and invests those 5 dolares in which one pleasing surprise can darte. There is no form to lose! As this works exactly, carefully I provide but detailed and simple instructions of as you are going to obtain that facil money arrives to you. Preparate to obtain it, this is the form... ************************************************************* ATTENTION: Lee this carefully. He is not that it is necessary, but it is a good idea to print these leaves like reference in case you have doubts. ************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 1: It obtains 5 white sheets of paper and writes the following thing: "PLEASE IT INCLUDES MY NAME IN HIS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE Or Email" Or "PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR LIST". Soon, it also writes your name, direction and electronico mail (email). Like a pretty detail pon also in which POSITION appeared each name of the people when you sent your dollar (Ejm: "You were in the 3 position" or "You were in slot 3") like making it but complete. That one is, to make money and to pass it well at the same time. Now single one obtains to 5 tickets of AMERICAN USS 1,00 DOLAR each. It doubles each one of the 5 paginas of written white paper around each one of 5 tickets of an AMERICAN DOLAR $ 1,00 (you do not send to checks nor another type of payment, SINGLE TICKETS OF an AMERICAN DOLAR), ponlos within 5 you down exceed and envialos to each one of the 5 listed people line (so that now you have 5 you exceed sealed each one with the mentioned phrase and to dolar respectively). The idea to double the paper around the ticket is for assuring that it is going to arrive at his destiny and THIS I COMPLETE IS VERY IMPORTANT! (Of another way the people who work in the mail podria to detect that she is money and to remain with the thousands of you exceed that they are to you arriving; so that it is recommended to surround everything, additionally, in a dark paper or of coal so that it is not seen through on). What these doing are to create a service and like so, makes LEGAL COMPLETELY. From now on these not sending to him to a DOLAR to some person without ningun reason, these paying a DOLAR by I legitimize service (I assure to you, again, that this is completely legal). Immediately afterwards, envia the 5 you exceed to the following directions: ******************************************************************************************************************* 1-Carlos Hindu Ernesto Gonzalez, Av Uruguay 557, Col. South Cuauhtemoc, C.P. 21200, Mexicali, B.C., Mexico ******************************************************************************************************************** 2. - Jesus Alexander Quenaya Buiza, Street Cusco Nº 90 Tacna, Peru ******************************************************************************************************************** 3.-Pedro Jose Ortuño Martinez, Post office box 237, Postal Codigo 30800 Lorca-Murcia (Spain) ******************************************************************************************************************** 4-Ramon Manuel Gutiérrez Amaya, Street Leocadio Salcedo # 293, Col. Balderrama, Hermosillo, Sonant, Mexico ******************************************************************************************************************* 5-Eduardo Martinez Silva Passage 5 the south N°3933 I cosay to postcard 9140298 Pob.Cardenal Jose Expensive Maria Commune of It Santiago-Chile(edwuardmartinez@hotmail.com) Mirror ******************************************************************************************************************* STEP 2: Listening with care, this is the form of as you are going to receive money by mail. It watches the list of the five people, flock the name #1 of the list of above, moves the other names a position for above (#2 becomes # 1, #3 in # 2, #4 in # 3, #5 in # 4) and adds YOUR NAME - IF yours, asi arrived at You in the position #5 to you from the list, that is to say, in the end. It includes ademas of your Name, your Direction, postal Codigo and Pais; asi since it did each one of those of the list. STEP 3: It changes everything what you create advisable of this I articulate, but tries to maintain it but near the possible thing the original one. Now pon your I articulate in at least 200 NEWSGROUP, also calls Forums of Discussion or Groups of the News (they exist more than 24,000 groups). Single you need 200, but whichever but amount you put, but money arrived to you. Aqui goes some indications of like introducing itself in the newsgroup. LIKE HANDLING THE NEWSGROUP: In the first place, your you do not need to write up all this letter again to do the yours own one. Only pon the cursor at the beginning of this letter and drags downwards so that everything is "shaded". Despues, presses keys CTRL+C, of this form is in the memory of your computer. Soon, it opens to an application preferiblemnete Block de Notas (NotePad), Wordpad or MsWord. Soon, once opened anyone of these applications it places the cursor at the beginning of a leaf in target and presses CTRL+V, and already tendras this letter and podras to add your name and direction in #5 following the instructions of but above. By I complete guard this letter with your changes in a new file of the application. HE IS EVERYTHING! Everything what you must do now is meterte in different "newsgroup", or classified, or announcements free, etc. and to publish it. It remembers that whenever you want to do it it was enough with opening the file kept, copying it and to stick it in the area of message of the newsgroup, or classified, or announcement free, etc. In order to arrive at them in any finder pon these terminos: newsgroup, forums of discussion, classified, announcements free or guestbooks; and thousands of paginas would apareceran. You do not forget to publish all the announcement or letter but with YOUR NAME in position 5, disappearing the 1; when you already have practices single took about 30 seconds you by each newsgroup. It is recommended, ademas, that when you publish the description of this I articulate you try to give a name him that "catches", as "IT NEEDS MONEY RAPIDO?, reads THIS I ARTICULATE" or "IT NEEDS MONEY TO PAY HIS DEBTS", etc. and not asi "DESIRE MILLION IN 1 WEEK", because nobody took you in serio.********RECUERDA, WHICHEVER MAS NEWSGROUP YOU OBTAIN, MAS ANSWERS (and MONEY) RECIBIRAS! BUT YOU MUST ENTER AT LEAST 200.**********YA THIS!!... Your estaras receiving money worldwide, of places that nor you know and in few days. ** ASEGURATE OF WHICH ALL CORRECT DIRECTIONS ESTEN ** Now So that of all this: of 200 sent announcements, we say that to single receipt 5 answers (bajisimo example). Then I did $5,00 with my name in the position #5 of this letter. Now, each one of the 5 people who already sent the $1,00 does minimo of 200 newsgroup, each one with my name in #4 of the list and single 5 people to each one of the 5 original ones respond, this does $25,00 but that I receive, now these people put minimo of 200 newsgroup with my name in #3 place and single 5 are received answer of each one. Estaria doing other $125,00 additional ones. Now this 125 people put minimo of 200 groups with my name in #2 place and I receive an additional one of $625.00. OK, aqui this the amused part but, each one of the 625 people put their letters in other 200 groups with my name in #1 and each one receives single 5 answers, this causes that I receive # 3.125,00! of an original investment of $5,00 but stamps (seals). INCREDIBLE! and as I said before, that single 5 people respond is very little, the real average serious of 20-30 people! Ahi that we put these numeros but to calculate. If single 15 people respond, this does: In # 5-------$15,00, # 4------$225,00, # 3------$3.375,00, # 2------$50.625,00, # 1------$759,375.00. IF, MAS OF SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY And NINE THOUSAND DOLARES. SIMPLE ESTADISTICA! Once your name no longer this in the list, removes I complete announcement of the newsgroup again. What you must remember is that thousands of people but, anywhere in the world, connect to Internet every day and you would leeran these articulos all the days as your and I we do it. Asi that I believe that nobody tendria problems to invest $5,00 and to see if it really works. Some people get to think "and if nobody decides to answer to me". THAT! As it is the probability that this happens when there are thousands and thousands of honest people (who as your and I) they look for a way to have extra money... and who they estan arranged to treat, because "there is no worse fight than the one than it does not become". Esteem that exists of the 20.000 to 50.000 new users ALL DAYS (anywhere in the world). ANOTHER SYSTEM TO COMMUNICATE IS OBTAINING the email OF PARTICULAR PEOPLE. THEY MUST BE At least 200 DIRECTIONS, And THIS HAS An EFFECTIVENESS MINIMA From The 5 To 15%. IF SINGLE YOU LOOK FOR PEOPLE WHO SPEAK ESPANOL, IT SEES A SUPPLIER DE E-mail And PRINTS A LATIN LAST NAME ALREADY And THIS. Another form is to publish this letter in your PAGINA WEB (if you have it). *** Recuerda to do this of CORRECT, CLEAN and HONEST form and worked with complete certainty. You only must be honest. Asegurate to print this I articulate NOW, tries to maintain the list of all those that always envian money to you and fijate in the newsgroup and sees if all estan participating cleanly. It remembers, HONESTY IS The BEST METODO. You do not need to make tricks with the basica idea make money in this! ******* By the way, that if your you defraud to the people putting messages with your name and not envias ningun money to demas of the list, your not recibiras almost NOTHING. I have talked with people who met who did this and single they got to collect about $150,00, and that despues of 7 weeks. Some decided to prove again, doing it correctly, and in 4-5 weeks received more than $10,000.00. This is but the clean and honest way to share fortune that I jamas have seen, without costing to us much except a little time. The TIME IS IMPORTANT, for that reason you do not let pass but of 7 days of the moment that you see east email or announcement. Let us follow all the rules of the business. "the fruits of the honesty take shelter in very just a short time and always last for" Chinese Proverb. Thanks again. You test. Single a note more, if you know to translate all this message to other languages, you can in addition, insertalos in different forums of paises like, France, Germany, Russia (this you I say it like advice to expand the possibilities that it sees much but people it)... YOU DO NOT FORGET TO PLACE YOUR Email FOR ENVIARTE The ANSWER IMMEDIATELY ARRIVES The MONEY!!!!!!. Good Luck.

2/24/2004 12:41:13 PM

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