The Work of God Apostolate

The Gospel of Christ as lived by Pope John Paul II - Work of God index

 Gospel of Christ as lived by Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II - Gospel of Christ - Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart   Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart - Pope John Paul II

Matt 11:29
29 "Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.

Matt 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.

Humility is the platform of all virtues, God abides in the highest Heavens surrounded by His Majesty and Glory, but he makes himself at home in a humble and contrite heart.

The Holy Father was a very humble man. During his early pontificate he was strong and could bend down to kiss the ground at every country that he visited, in this way He not only praised God for the dignity of the papacy that he had been given, but he showed that he was also a simple man.

He enjoyed talking to the average person that he came in contact with. He was happy visiting the poor. It was a very rewarding experience for him to visit Mother Theresa in India, because he could hold and embrace the sick, the lepers and the outcast that she had picked up from the streets in order to care for.

She found Christ in them, and so did the Holy Father. If we meditate on the humility of the Holy Father, we will learn from him a very important lesson.

The Holy Father had high regard for the dignity of every human being from his conception in the womb until his dying day. He was a great advocate for human rights and social justice.

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All of you, consecrated men and women, are called to follow Christ more closely and to have his very sentiments in your hearts (cf. Phil 2: 5), to learn from him, meek and humble of heart (cf. Mt 11: 29), to do the Father's will with him (cf. Jn 6: 38) and to follow him on the way of the Cross.

For the disciple, this is the only path. There is no other. Every day, with a joyful and grateful spirit, he or she must set out on the narrow road in the Teacher's footsteps, in order to draw the needed energy from the source from which flows the water of life that never dies.

Pope John Paul II - Gospel of Christ as lived by the Pontiff - Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart
The Work of God Apostolate - gcjpIIŠ#10
The Gospel of Christ as lived by Pope John Paul II - index

 The Work of God

 Pope John Paul II - Gospel of Christ - Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart