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Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia Your testimony of healing or conversion to this list.
Catholic prayers
Testimonies before July 2001, >>>

The Almighty has done great things for me,
holy is his name. (Luke 1:49)




When my daughter was days old she did not eat and I was told that this normal of newborns. My physian was away and I was seeing an associuate. I knew Iwas not crazy like thay said or overreacting something was wrong. I prayed and ask God to be with me through my sleepless nights and heal my daughter. On the 10th day after 4 doctor visits I returned for my regular physician visit and he informed me of a possible problem and after several tests my daughter was rushed into emergency surgery. I pryed and cried out and ask the Lord not to bring us this far to lose her. My friends and family unknowing to me prayed outside the waiting area throughiut her operation and today she is 4 and bright and healthy. God is Good and he answers prayers. keep your faith don't stop praying or praising him. I thank God when I didn't have a praise that someone else did it made the difference. Always remember and never forget what God does for you.

4/4/2003 8:48:10 AM



I asked a miracle, that future bleeding would not indicate a cancer condition. i think my prayers have been answered..thanks and praise god.

3/26/2003 2:53:48 PM

 Liesl ALexander

uk IP:

I was an atheist, brought up in a "haunted house" filled with fear. I was reared with an alcoholic mother, a very distant angry father, and an alcoholic grandfather. A blind grandmother and a neurotic great aunt aided in rounding out this dysfunctional family along with a twin sister and other siblings at least 12 years our senior. After leaving home for school, i was told my boyfriend (age 13) had committed suicide. This was when i began to dwell on death...what did it mean...what is it.. The rest of my schooling seemed to be a waste of time...because i could not think of work, only of death. Because of surgery, i had to leave school early. For one year i went home to live with a drunken mother i hated, with a fear filled household and , in the end...decided to go into nursing. i pondered.....death....but received no answers...It was at this time i got into the occult. and things went downhill from there. Inside i wanted to die...I was a black hole i could not get out of. I took an overdose of drugs stolen from the hospital ward, cut arteries in my wrists and waved goodbye to the world I awoke in pain and with stitches. i was not sure if i was really alive. They placed me in a room about 6x4 and i stayed there for several years. With 36 plus drugs a day, strapped in a straight jacket on occasion No window, no visitors, no furniture. just a mattress on the floor. no clothes on me...where was I. I did not know it then i was in a padded cell. After 17 months they moved me for short periods, to have treatments. they did not work. I hated life, feared everything, felt alone. There was no God... The doctors advised therapy that meant outside the grounds in a hospital. High security wing of a psychiatric hospital In other words..an asylum. On one occasion i managed to escape but was captured and returned. the consultant told me "Liesl Stop running away, you are here for life, the quicker you accept this the easier for us and the easier for you. This is now your home for life." I wanted to die Another time i escaped and got ;into the black market drug scene, became an addict ..My plan was to die from all these drugs. I escaped again to die, on the way went into a hall Heard a man say, *God can do anything absolutely anything, He can heal the sick, Heal the mentally sick and set the drug addict free! I went to leave the *God* bit made me angry,,, a lady at the door said *Jesus loves you! He knows what a mess you are in, he really cares, a new record was in my mind, I returned to the hospital. After many escape attempts those that succeed, and those that failed...some Christian visitors came to see me in hospital.. They laid hands on me and i was healed....It was after that that i accepted jesus into my life... accepted him as Lord and Savior...Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. These are not mere words but reality.

3/7/2003 8:40:01 AM

 Maria Rodriguez

Canada IP:

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ the Lord, Please hear my testimony about how much the Lord cares about us at all times, if we turn to Him in our low our of life and in times of depression. Turning to Him, I mean finding Him in Our hearts, and keeping Him in there indefinitely. Yesterday, I came to a awakeing, that I have supported this husband of mine of 29. months, and his family in the old country, yet he is working. He keeps all the money to him self, the house we live belongs to me, and all bills are on my name, but he never contribute anything he takes all his money and spends it on expensive electronic items. He is always in debt with his credit card. He just purhased a ticket on credit at 28% to go visit his family in the old country. He was going to make me to go to debt, like last year, but I said no this time, I definetely not going to charge something on the card I have no money for. He is going alone. And I yesterday said to my self, I feel so low of a self esteem, oh please Lord, let me stand tall, dont let me loose my self esteem, because I have done nothing wrong. I was washing dishes, while these thoughts came to me, I felt inside me Jesus moving in my heart, because my side where the heart is becoming warm, I know he was there inside me, and I was quieted down, in my mind, and I got this message, .....you have everything ...you have my love, and there I again became strong, and understood, just how much He cares. I became strong, and alive, but not arrogant, because of this revelation, but humble, and I thanked Him, for His love and for making it possible for me to feel Him, and to hear Him. I became filled with joy, I know that my life is going on the right way, free of debt, just the way He wants to see me, and He know I had to be strong, to not to succumb to temptation of the Devil, that is forceful, to lead me to the wrong, unhappy, troublesome life. My husband he is challenged by the devil everyday, and he can not go on the right path, but Jesus, my Lord, will not let me slide down with my husband to the devil, or his ways, because I am precious to the Lord. So, this morning I prayed to the Lord, to lead me where I should go to grow, and to be filled with the Spirit of God, the power of God, and with the Love and Light of God, and here I am, through obedience, faith, and trust, I have found his site. Praise God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen, Amen, Amen, Father, please continue shower me with your blessing, guide my ways, show me what I need to see, let me hear from you, what I need to hear, please reveal to me what you want me to know, so,that I can glorify you just like I should, and please forgive me my sins, this child of you sending out thanksgiving, and gratitute. Your child .....Maria Rodriguez

2/27/2003 8:31:46 AM

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