Testimonies, Witnessing
Catholic faith, Prayers answered |
Your testimony of healing or conversion to this list.
Lourdes | United States IP: |
God is always with me in my emergency needs. He answers most of my prayers when I am in need like I almost lost my house and He gave me a way to keep it.. 12/6/2002 10:44:14 PM |
Feliciana Dsouza | India IP: |
Thanks to Almighty God and to you my brothers n sisters for praying for me and my husband who has finally given up drinks and other objectionable behaviour. Thank you very much indeed.
May God Bless each and everyone of you and help you in turn. 9/25/2002 12:11:34 AM |
Amanda | South Africa IP: |
I have benn off sick from work for a week and today was my first day. Knowing who and what causes risk to my health and life made me not feel like going to work, but I eventually did. Now I know why I came to work, its because the Lord wanted to show me this special site to get healing and protection in every aspect. As a Catholic I thank God for every protection and love. May the Almighty grant those who administer this site love, peace tolerance and grace to always touch those like me. Thank you. 7/24/2002 6:45:45 AM |
Marcy | USA IP: |
Praised be God! I had my appointment with the hematologist and found that the health problems I have been dealing with are benign and not related to any kind of cancer!! I am convinced that this is due to all the prayers that have been said for me. 7/14/2002 10:57:35 AM |
Records 125 to 128 of 144 |