Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for a financial blessing for Florence, a widow, who is struggling to make ends meet. Thank you for your prayers & God bless all of you.

9/22/2003 11:20:14 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for our children to return to church. For their health,happiness, success, good jobs, financial help. To protect us while we are living at the location where there is much crime. May the good Lord lead us to the right move and guide us along each days path.

9/22/2003 2:40:20 PM

 barry overstreet

United States  IP:

I am requesting prayers for a very close friend of mine. She is a young mom of three small children and has been in a very bad car accident. she has a broken nose fractured face ,hurt back and broken foot that has had two surgeries and is going to be facing more in the future. She had just left her physically and emotionally abuse husband when this happened. He beat her up and was arrested but was just let out of jail. he has threatened to take the kids and kill her and she is very scared for her and her kids. She is unable to walk now and I am trying to help her the best that I am able but I too am disabled and also trying to take care of my very ill father and two small nephews. She is in desperate need of any and all help she can get. Anything will be appreciated. She is in need og groceries and/or food card to walmart or kroger , she is facing eviction if she cannot pay rent, she has no heat and needs the bill to be paid so she can get it back on before it gets cold which is next month where she lives and clothing for her and the children .. If you cannot help please just keep this young mother in your prayers. Please contact me at if you would like her contact information.

9/24/2003 12:07:39 AM

 Virginia Katsaounis


Please pray for a very good friend of mine,Kathy. Her husband passed away a few months ago and she has been fighting Scleraderma for a few years now. Recently she has been diagnosed with brain cancer. They could only take 60% of the tumor. So now she is beening treated with Chemo Therapy. Kathy has been through so much. Please ask for a healing Our Lord can heal her if He wanted to. But I only ask for His will be done. Thank You, in Jesus and Mary, Virginia K.

9/24/2003 9:23:19 PM

 Jacquie West


I can keep my prayers strong and constant.Only GOD knows how my heartaches daily from suffering.I love my kids.All I want is to provide for them and always be there for them no matter what.All I pray for is strength and guidance because without that i feel sad.I need strength because I believe more than anything GOD will work this issue out.PATIENCE and FAITH.Be my shepherd I need you.I've been evicted and can not find safe and clean housing.I have a disabled son and a 12 year old son.I am a single parent and i work from.I need financial blessing to be stable and stay stable.LORd hear my cry.I have changed alot.

9/24/2003 10:32:45 PM

 Mike B.

U.S.A.  IP:

My relationship with my girlfriend seems to have taken a sour note at this time. Things are not going well. We are no longer together and it hurts. I feel that God has told me not to give up or quit at this time. God has told me to on keep praying for her. I pray that we can work things out and get back together soon. Patience and Faith. Thank you God for answering my prayers. Mike B.

9/26/2003 7:36:55 AM

 ma.victoria s.garcellano

philippines  IP:

dear lord, i would like to requst healing for papa julito who is ill with diabetis. please normalize his sugar,blood,creatine count. also heal his kidney and prostate. also give strength to his family who take care of him and give them courage. answer dear lord their financil needs for the medicines that they have to buy for their father. we know that nothing is impossible through your holy name. and we so believe in you, through Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all your holy saints. thank you Lord, vicky

9/26/2003 9:26:48 AM

 ma.victoria s.garcellano

philippines  IP:

dear lord, i also wish to request for healing for tatang teofilo who is also ill with diabetis. please cure him lord for all the illnesses he has, normalize too his heart enlargement. also dear lord, i would like to request healing for my mother, theresita garcellano who has been blinf due to cateract. we know and we believe that nothing is impossible through your holy name.please regain the good appetite that she used to have. and another request dear lord is spiritual healing for my friend carol delizo who seems to be so insecured. release from her dear lord all those inner hurts that she may still be keeping within her. dear lord, give her the soft heart to renew our friendship in your holy name. thank you so much lord, vicky

9/26/2003 9:41:35 AM

 Fra Dennis Duene Ruiz, oad

Rome, Italy  IP:

for the fast recovery of my lola Lourdes Ruiz who is presently suffering a half body paralysis and is now in the ICU. To God be the glory!

9/26/2003 2:04:33 PM



Dear Lord, Please let my mother, aunt and uncle be cured. Please have my uncle return to his family. Please let me have bodily health. Please help me find employment. Please let me resist overcome sexual temptation, pornography and impure thoughts. Please help me meet a female for dating, relationship and possible marriage. Please hear and grant my petitions. God Bless You, FCD

9/27/2003 2:41:37 AM

 Anthony M. Ceballos


Please pray that I will be forgiven by my ex-wife for my infidelity of my marridge and be re-united with her. I pray that I will be re-united with my 6 children, as well. I also ask that you pray that I have better health.(Stroke in 1999 and insulin-depedent Diabetes.

9/28/2003 9:53:45 PM

 Anthony M. Ceballos


Please pray that I will be forgiven by my ex-wife for my infidelity of my marridge and be re-united with her. I pray that I will be re-united with my 6 children, as well. I also ask that you pray that I have better health.(Stroke in 1999 and insulin-depedent Diabetes.)

9/28/2003 9:56:40 PM

 Sheila Smith

Canada  IP:

I ask for prayers for my husband who ended our 21 year marriage in an email after meeting someone on a roamnce chat line. Please pray for the Lord God to open his heart that he would try and save our marriage

9/29/2003 7:28:14 AM



my friend dee,, has a dieased heart and the dotor will not put her on a heart transplant list because she has no insurance..please she needs your prayers. she is a very wonderful woman..she just needs help..thank you all....

9/29/2003 8:20:42 AM

 jean of hollywood


In memory of our beloved Mother, Estrella, I ask God to give me & my family, to give us strenght and courage, that she may rest in peace and happiness together with the Angels & Saints & with our Lord Almighty. I pray for my Dad's health,my brothers & sisters and their children, my husbang, that he may find work so we can start a family of our own, I ask God for forgiveness and peace in the whole world, Bless us all, O God Almighty, please hear our prayers. We love You Mommy! +++IN GOD WE TRUST+++

9/29/2003 8:04:34 PM

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