Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Would you kindly keep me in your prayers as I will be entering a benedictine monastery in a few months to become a religious brother? Please pray that I grow in virtue, especially charity and humility and that I am always docile to the Holy Spirit. Thank you very much. Your prayers are most appreciated. In Our Lady, Ryan - Indiana

9/29/2003 9:22:08 PM

 Suzanne Cardone

Usa  IP:

Dear Jesus Blessedmother, I am Trying to get pregnant,But there is so much stress in my life.My Husband Bill Cardone,Were He works they are very mean and evil,He runs a collection agancy,His bosses are never honest with him it is always a game, JESUS please PROTECT Him Please,FOR THE FOLLOWING VERY SICK PEOPLE Jesus please heal them, Suzanne WILLARD,DON VITALE,Karen and Kay Attea,Don Vitale,Alex Schmidt,The Mason Family,FATHER SYRACUSE,PAT LUCEY HAS 6 CHILDREN 4 OF of ARE very Ill JESUS PLEASE HEALTHEM PLEASE

9/30/2003 5:17:37 AM



Please pray for the conversion to Roman Catholicism, for the salvation and for the healing of my friend Katy VanSchuyver. May God the Father in His Infinite Love and Mercy send His Holy Spirit down upon Katy and fill her with the fire of Divine Love. May Gods' Divine and Holy Will be fulfilled in and through Katy VanSchuyvers' life. May God in His Infinite Mercy and Love shower down upon Katy His greatest and most abundant Heavenly Blessings and Miracles. I love Katy with all my heart and I miss her in my life. The love that I have for Katy is very deep and very profound. Katy is very precious and very dear to me and I pray that someday we will be together in marriage. Please pray that God will bless, rebuild, restore, repair and renew my relationship and my friendship with Katy VanSchuyver. I pray this special intention in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.

9/30/2003 10:32:11 AM



Would you kindly say a prayer for me as I will be entering a benedictine monastery in January to become a religious brother? If anyone has an intention they would like me to pray for please feel free to email me at Your prayers are most appreciated. In Our Lady, Ryan - Indiana

9/30/2003 9:06:55 PM

 Vera Mejias


Please pray for the healing of my marriage. That my husband Isaac Mejias returns to our Lord and me and his children.

10/1/2003 10:23:36 AM

 Robert Joseph Palombo

U.S.A.  IP:

Please pray for baby Joseph Gaspari and his mother Kathy and His Father Ben. Little baby Joseph is in ICU with interal bleeding after surguery, it appears that some blood is entering his left lung and causing him to have breathing problems. The Mother and Father of Joseph have a very strong faith and leave it up to our LORD. Please join me and others in prayer for his recovery and to give comfort to his parents through our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

10/2/2003 12:35:12 AM



Please pray for Jordana, who has reacurring breast cancer w/ 3 little kids, for Paul to have good test results, Mary and family, Bob's soul, for Wayne's issue, for Diana, for Melanie's surgery, for Mary Jo's nephew, for Mary, for my special intentions. Thank you.

10/2/2003 7:32:24 PM

 tom kennedy

usa  IP:

please pray for my right shoulder and right arm to heal . Ask god to lift me up into the light again . I need a good highpaying job ,the kids back for sleepovers , the land to sell in new jersey . peace in my life . thanks .

10/3/2003 1:30:18 PM



Please pray for my parents to have a safe/fun trip, for Michelle, for Abbi, for Stravo, for my sister's job situation, for my special intentions. Thank you.

10/3/2003 4:22:11 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my family to become one once again...Please open the eyes of my children to see what they have done to destroy our family...Please give us health and happiness....Let every thing turn out good tonite.

10/4/2003 8:31:24 AM

 Steven Starr


Please pray for me that God will give me the grace to resist Satan and his tempations so that I may serve him faithfully, also to increase my love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and his Divine Mercy.

10/4/2003 11:32:01 AM



Please pray for my daughter and her husband to seek counseling to save their marriage. It is hard to see her in such sadness. Please let her husband return and let them return to church together.

10/5/2003 2:54:55 PM

 genie taganile

philippines  IP:

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Lord have mercy on me and my family. We are presently in terrible financial difficulties and I know you know it also please help us to overcome this crisis in our life. Increase our faith in You and give us strength. Mother Mary pray for us. Thanks genie

10/7/2003 1:52:21 AM

 Mrs Terry


Prayer: Father, help me to act as a reflection of You in all I do. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! Father please bring into your kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray: For My family, Pray For My Family Have A Financial Healing, My Hubby Is going get lay off any time now. He all ready been told. My Hubby is 59 years old He going have a hard time to seek a Better Job, & Enough to take care of Us. I am 48 With lots of Health Problems. & I not able to work. Father God in Heaven How Mercey on Us Mrs Terry If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14 Matthew 18:19,20 "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst."

10/7/2003 7:24:15 AM


India  IP:

I am married and have two beautiful kids.Bad luck I did leave my best job in the year 2000 and am very much in deep depression. I am unable to come out and enjoy my life. Feeling.... Please pray for me.

10/7/2003 8:35:04 AM

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