Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Charlotte Russell

usa  IP:

I need my leaky roof replaced. I still thank the Lord that I have a roof of any kind. Thank you

11/23/2004 2:38:18 PM



Please pray for my Mother who is going through Chemo and my Aunt who is taking care of her, since we live so far away. Please pray for my sweet husband who was treated so unfairly and let go from his job because of his honesty. Allow those who participated in this cruel act to be rightfully punished. He has worked so hard for many years...pray he gets good news and a good job before the end of the month-we have very little money left and will loose our house if he doesn't find work by the end of November. We also have no health insurance-please let us keep our health. Lord, give us strength!

11/23/2004 6:02:28 PM


Canada  IP:

O Heavenly Father, it has been 4 months that I have been waiting for my maternity benefits to start paying me. Right now the hold up is that they have to make a decision if I should be entitled to benefits and how much because I was working for my husband's business. Lord Bless this situation, I have no other income to help pay for all the bills. Things are tight and we need to put food on the table. I am exhausted and need this financial situation resolved.

11/23/2004 8:30:20 PM


Canada  IP:

Please pray for my brother as he is attending the church of scientology. Please bring him back to the catholic church and forgot everything else. Keep him free of drugs and alcohol. Guide him Lord with the Holy Spirit.

11/23/2004 8:49:33 PM


United States  IP:

Please pray for my Husbands Sister-in-law she has been told today that there is nothing more that can be done for her Cancer. Please Pray for her to have a miracle, she has 4 children and a Husband who need her. Also my Husband can not see her due to immigration problems and is debating what to do to leave the USA risking a huge immigration problem and go to Ireland to be with his family or Stay and not see here or be there with his family. Please help us we need prayers and a Miracle which I know All is possible with God. Also please pray that we know the right thing to do. PRAISE GOD Thankyou for all your prayers Nicole

11/24/2004 10:03:11 AM



Please pray our family for important legal approval documents for my husband. Please pray to Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit in the Divine Trinity that will permit this document to come on time. In God's will and blessings Amen. May God bless you always. Maria

11/24/2004 12:14:38 PM



Please pray for my friend Liz who had a miscarriage this morning, her and her husband are mourning the loss. Please pray for my friend Gretchen who was watching my friends dog and somehow ran away she is very upset and cannot find him. I pray to St Francis.

11/24/2004 7:05:05 PM

 Flor umba

Philippines  IP:

Dear Sir: I would like to request for prayer for the intention of healing of colon cancer of Mrs. Zenaida Lumba and healing of breast cancer of Mrs. Amelia Mamucud. Thank you. God bless you.

11/24/2004 8:08:45 PM

 Flor Lumba

Philippines  IP:

Dear God, I have been praying that I will finally meet my long lost sister who is living in Florida. My sister and my brother in law are both in their 70's and for 52 long years of search, we finally found them but when we apply for visa in US embassy to visit them, unfortunately we were denied. If this is one of our trials Lord, please let it pass. Grant our wish. Bless our families and loved ones. Bless us all here in Phils. for peace. Amen

11/24/2004 8:30:45 PM


Philippines  IP:

Dear Bro. & Sis, Please pray for the healing of Mr. Felster Fuertes of San Carlos City, Negros Occ. Philippines who have Cirossis and tumors in the liver. The doctor have already deny any midication due to its stages. Thanks and God Bless

11/25/2004 5:39:29 AM


South Africa  IP:

Please pray for my brother Dan, myself, James, Martin, Nancy that we may all be able to find work and have a change of circumstances in our lives for the better. Thanks

11/25/2004 5:49:11 AM


usa  IP:

prayer request for my daughter and son in law going thru a diffecult time with there job. the situation is not stable ,many conflicts I am asking my brothers and sisters in christ for help with prayer. thank you and God bless each one of you . your sister in christ. Alicia

11/25/2004 7:59:28 AM



We pray for the health of our son Erick that he may heal and for our family. May the love and strength of the Holy Spirit be with us now and Always through our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ

11/25/2004 8:07:09 AM


Canada  IP:

Please pray for me. For all the intentions I have in my heart because now, I am exhausted. Financial matters, looking for a buyer for our business, no income, the health of my family, my brother, my weight gain. Lord I offer up all my burdens to you because I can't handle them anymore. I need for my mind to be clear so that I can think clearly everyday. I have alot on my plate and the only direction I can go towards, is towards you. I am exhausted. Send me peace, love and unity. Send me the strength. Please pray that all my situations are resolved. Lord here my prayers. I love you Jesus.

11/25/2004 9:30:26 AM



I ask everyone to pray for my fiance' and myself. He is having doubts of our relationship and/or us being meant for marriage. All I want is Gods will to be done, to guide me and him to Gods will for us. I truly love him and my children love and adore him but if Gods will is for us to not be together that I will receive the strength to accept the heart ache. Or if it is Gods will for us to be a family, that God will remove his doubts and uncertainties and fill him with the love and contentment of us being a family, this ofcourse being what my children and I dearly pray for. For he is a wonderful leader to us in the walk with God. Thank you.

11/25/2004 11:13:08 AM

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