Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


spore  IP:

Heraven Father please help me. I am so stressed out that I feel a nervous breakdown coming for me. please give me strength to cope with my present difficulites. please help me keep my sanity. Help my husband understand the problems I'm going thru. My mother is ill. My sibling is not on talking terms with us all. And I feel I cannot cope. Please help me. Bless my family please, with peace of mind. Thank you Heavenly Father.

11/25/2004 8:00:40 PM

 Very Troubled Anarita

spore  IP:

Heavenly Father Please help my brother-in-law who is suffering from throat cancer. Help him fully recover. help my mum who is bedridden. Help her be happy and comfortable. Father please give us all peace of mind. Please also help all those who have asked me to pray for them. Please help me with all that is going in my heart. Thank you Father.

11/25/2004 8:15:05 PM


Indonesia  IP:

I hope I can be a priest in SVD. I'm very sad cause my mother didn't permit me. I hope I can be a priest.

11/25/2004 10:03:05 PM


Egypt  IP:

Please, pray for my brother Ivan, 47 years old. We are afraid he might have cancer but we will not know it for sure until monday through the results of some medical tests. Please, do pray, I beg you, that he may be found free from any cancerous threat. He is still young and full of life. He has children to take care of. Besides, he is the one who takes care of our elderly mother. Please, please, do pray for him. Please, agree with me in prayer.... We need a miracle and the whole of God's mercy and love.

11/25/2004 10:42:14 PM


Italy  IP:

Please God teach me to talk.

11/25/2004 11:22:09 PM


Phils.  IP:

Joy, my nephew was born prematured ( only 7 months) & was placed inside an incubator. Miraculously, he lived & is now a fine man (27 years old) but the sad thing is his eyesight was damaged. He had undergone 2 consecutive eye operations a few years ago but the veins connecting his left retina was damaged leaving his right eye (1,350 vision). The Lord performed a miracle when he was 7 months old, he can still do it now. I seek for your intercessory prayers that he may regain his eyesight & possibly have a clearer vision. This I ask in Jesus Name, Amen. (Thank you & God Bless!)

11/26/2004 1:38:39 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for me . iam a sinner. i need help . please pray for me . i need money to pay my bills i am scared. i have 5 payday loans. 6 bad checks i still have to pay for please pray for me and my parents hate me and my sisters to . i have know place to turn.

11/26/2004 2:38:46 AM

 Debra Ruiz

U.S.  IP:

Please pray for me. I feel like satan is attacking me. My husband died in 1999 (we were married 22 years), I am having trouble catching up with and paying my bills, and now my new boyfriend and I had an argument and broke up. (It took a lot for me to fall in love again after the death of my husband and now I'm starting to lose faith in love). Please pray that God will reunite me and my boyfriend make our relationship stronger than ever. We really do love each other. Please pray that God will give me a financial blessing so I can catch up on my bills. Please pray for the soul of my husband Robert Ruiz. Thank You and God Bless You. Debra Ruiz

11/26/2004 3:54:34 AM



Please pray that God will heal Alyson's back and seizure problem and that she'll get her job back. Thank you and God Bless.

11/26/2004 6:57:26 AM

 Pat Rowley

United States  IP:

Pat Shirtzinger is having her lungs flushed today. God guide the hands of the physicians' and the nurses as they do this procdure. Give them discernment as to the proper medication to administer and dosages. As St. Luke was a physician so are the doctor's who will be performing the procedure. Send the Angels to take away the fear from Pat and give her total PEACE and let it be painless. Jesus who gave us the Holy Spirit be there to comfort her and give her courage and Holy Spirit speak to her heart. All the Praise and Thanksgiving and Honor is yours always.

11/26/2004 8:05:44 AM

 Pat Rowley

United States  IP:

Lord I have one more request for a family with four children who will not have a Christmas this year unless you give me the wisdom to assist this family. With your careful assistance this will be a great Christmas for this family. I work with the lady and her trust is in you. All Praise, Thanksgiving, and Honor goes to the Holy Trinity. Three in One!

11/26/2004 8:11:30 AM

 Pamela Black

Canada  IP:

Please pray for the numerous prayer requests that I have, for not only family and many special friends but myself too.

11/26/2004 10:23:25 AM



Pray for the spiritual and mental healing of Maria Y. Pray for the healing and full restoration of the marriage of Maria and Charles Y. in Florida. May the Holy Spirit touch and enlighten Maria, guiding her back to God and the Catholic Church. Grant that Maria will open her heart and accept her husband back fully into her life. May she find comfort and love in her husband's arms once again. Protect Maria and Charles from evil and evil doers. May Maria return back to their home and may both Maria and Charles grow closer to each other, their families, and God.

11/26/2004 8:22:18 PM


usa  IP:

please pray for a relationship to continue and to work out and to result in love happiness etc

11/27/2004 7:30:27 AM



Please pray for George's temper and his words w/his family, for Gina's health, Sandy & Kathy - lost their jobs, Marty - cancer surgery, Gina & Tony's relationship, for Keana & Briana to sleep thru the night, guidance for Robert's decisions, for Diana's strenghth ad faith, for David, my parents, Liz's dad, Mary, Sadie, Mary, Betty, for the Pope and all the priests I know & thank God for everything. Thank you.

11/27/2004 12:30:31 PM

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