Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 The Little One of God


Pleas pray for the conversion of Joe Kepler, that through the grace of God and the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, he may run back to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, choose to lead a chaste and holy life, and embrace the teachings and Sacraments of our Catholic CHurch. Also pray that God will bless and anoint our relationship and unite us in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in accordance to His Divine Plan. Pray that we may both be open to the Spirit. Pray all of these in the name above all Names: the name of Jesus.

11/27/2004 6:06:41 PM

 Irene Gutierrez-Tomlinson


Please pray for my nephew, Bryan Waterman. He fell and broke his right elbow. Help me pray to God that he will not need surgery and will heal well.

11/27/2004 9:22:37 PM



Please pray that my true love, NAC & I are reunited and brought together again. After a terrible misunderstanding we have parted ways. We have been together for 4 years and I need NAC back with me. There is hope in prayer. Thank you Todd

11/28/2004 7:41:47 AM


india  IP:

i donno what to say it seems the prayer's of ppl here are more important than mine,god pls help every body

11/28/2004 11:27:47 AM



I would like to express my praise and eternal gratitude for prayers answered. My reason for posting this praise report is to share with others how prayer has helped my life. St. Jude I thank and praise for his wonderful help!!! Through his intercession to God on my behalf he has helped me so much and I am forever grateful to him!!! I first learned of St. Jude nearly six years ago. I was depressed and felt hopeless. I was close to giving up hope and impulsively wandered into a local Catholic church desperately looking for an answer. There I found several prayer cards, one of them being for St. Jude. I had never heard of St. Jude before but I saw that the prayer was for hopeless cases and at that point I was hopeless. I gave the prayer a try and soon after things improved. I now pray to St. Jude regularly. I encourage anyone with a prayer that seems to be hopeless to pray to St. Jude because he listens and he helps!!! I thank and praise God the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, The Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, St. Francis of Assisi, All the Angels, Saints, Souls In Heaven, and The Holy Spirit for listening to my prayers everyday and for bringing love, comfort, and light into my life. Nearly two years ago I was going through a very difficult period. I was depressed and scared. I hated my life. Then I remembered how much prayer had helped me before. I began to pray again. And things got better. I continue to pray and things continue to improve. Now I finally have hope for a happy future and I know it is because of my prayers everyday. My message to all who read this is don't give up hope!!! I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. Thank you and God Bless!!!

11/28/2004 11:55:01 AM

 Chantal Gaspie


My good friends son was born last night at only 26 weeks, and is considered a micro premi. I ask for all prayers for this small miracle, that he is held in the loving hand of god and watched over to live a long and healthy life. I also pray for his parents that they may have faith and strength at this time. Please keep them in your daily thoughts and prayers. Chantal

11/29/2004 4:01:05 AM


philippines  IP:

GLORY TO GOD!!! Please pray for Nerio Semeniano for financial miracle NOW without delay. Thank you!!!

11/29/2004 5:51:30 AM



I’ve been struggling with financial problems for 2-years and trying to hang on. This along with deaths in both my wife’s family and mine have made for some very tough times, especially this month. I hate to ask for much because I know so many are suffering. I just want to get back to a “normal” life and be able to turn my attention to others. Please pray that we have suffered enough and some relief and better days come our way soon. I will also pray for all who read this. God bless you! Jeff

11/29/2004 10:34:27 AM


canada  IP:

Thank you that they have not abandon him regardless of the situation. Keep those people away that want to harm us and are not sincere. Protect us O Lord, for only you can save us.

11/29/2004 11:40:55 AM


canada  IP:

Lord we no income, and we are 6 people in our family. How will we continue? I am so afraid. Every avenue that could have brought us some money is blocked by obstacles. How will I continue to dress and feed my children, pay any bills and not to mention the debts before, I need miracles.

11/29/2004 11:50:23 AM


qatar  IP:

Dear God I thank you for all the things you have done for me from my birth till today. Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on me and my family.I am most unworthy of them. My son has atlast got a good job and I thank you very much for it. But there are some hurdles remaining to cross, please help him and guide us as to how to cross these hurdles. It is very important to do it so as to join this new job. Please help us Dear God our Heavenly Father. Amen

11/29/2004 11:59:37 AM



Dearest St. Therese, please shower your roses from heaven onto my wife, Maria. Please help heal her broken heart. Grant that she may see the goodness in our marriage, realizing that trials and tribulations are a natural occurrence in relationships. May she understand the true meaning of forgiveness as the Immaculate Mother taught us. May Maria find peach and comfort in my arms once again. Protect her from all evil and evil doers. May she realize that some of those she considers "friends" have done and said things to place our marriage in jeapardy. Give her the strength to work through her problems and our problems and that she may find the courage to talk with me when she is ready. I pray for my wife and for our marriage. Please heal and restore the marriage of Maria and Charles Y. in Florida. Amen.

11/29/2004 12:16:27 PM



Please God, show us your mercy and blessings with a financial miracle. We are seriously in debt, behind on rent and utilities, car payment and medical bills. We need a miracle this week before we are evicted, any utilities shut off and our car repossessed. Christmas with kids makes it even harder. I keep praying, and have faith that something good will happen, but I'm starting to get scared. I feel like I've been put on hold and don't know what to do. Please help us. I know that You are never "too late", but it almost is. In Jesus' name I ask you to manifest Your abundance to us now. Amen

11/30/2004 1:21:28 AM


canada  IP:

Lord,Bless all that I own and have today. Thank you for what I do have,it is through you that I have anything at all. I only want to be able to keep what I have and not lose it. Since I got married, life has been a struggle. My marriage, relationship with in-laws, financial situations and health issues with my innocent children. Everything went wrong since I meet this guy, who is now my husband. So many people wish harm on us and will not leave us in peace. I never knew people could wish harm on others, only until I met my husband's family, they told me to watch out from others. Protect us.

11/30/2004 8:15:23 AM

 Richard Punko

United States  IP:

Blessed Trinity,Holy Family, and All the Saints please grant this petition I plead. My beloved wife Patricia is in severe pain even with medication. Please let me carry her pain and You the Heavenly Father reverse her illnesses and return my wife to health and my loving arms. Have Mercy on Patti, make her well and restore her bright smile, and firey geen eyes.

11/30/2004 9:44:57 AM

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