Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for George's & Keana's doctor's appointment, my sister's situation, Mary and family, Elizabeth, Sadie, Frs E.,H., S., & A., the Pope, my special intentions. Thanks.

5/15/2004 6:59:06 PM

 Angelique' Mercier

United States  IP:

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon Christopher to heal and relieve the pain that he endures as of his injury to his back and left hip which both his spinal vertebrae' and his hip are in great deterioration of via his injuries. He is on massive pain meds now as well has had surgery. Which either has seem as of to be of help, to him. He is 41 years old they stated he has such deterioration he has the bone structure of a 70-80 year old gentleman. At this time he can hardly walk, And if I could I'd write for him a rainbow, and splash it with all the colors of God. And hang it in the window of his, so that each new God's morning his eyes would open first to Hope and Promise. If I could, I'd wipe away his tears, And hold him close forever. But God never promised, I could write a rainbow. Never promised I could suffer for him. Only promised I could Love him, Pray for him, and Care for him. And that I do. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the grace of God please hear my plea, I beg of thee our Lord Jesus. Amen

5/16/2004 2:29:21 PM


United States  IP:

Divine healing and protection for Michael and his sister Maureen

5/16/2004 5:07:50 PM


America  IP:

please pray for me and my boyfriend tom we are experiencing a lot of problems at this time and just cannot seem to get along..i feel in my heart that this relationship is meant to be and at times i feel like giving up...please pray for the two of us to have a stronger, closer relationship and for it to work out for both of us together thank you.

5/16/2004 7:24:57 PM


America  IP:

please pray for my mother and afther for their health to get better my mother and her thyroid condition and my father and his astma, allergies, & stress

5/16/2004 7:27:47 PM



For my wife Rosary, that the discolor mark in the eye is not cancer.

5/16/2004 10:45:14 PM


usa  IP:

I have Major conflict over a business I am involved with. Pray that if its not God's will for me to work with them any longer, that God would Make it so THEY CLOSE the door to me some how. I have to meet with them again at noon, Please let God Touch this situation and place protection around me, and also regarding the use of the cell phone, help it to be either Canceled or paid for each month.

5/17/2004 6:40:59 AM

 Odette S. Clouthier


Salvation for Travis J. M. My boyfriend, Travis, of 2 1/2 years broke up in February, 2004 due to the stress of him not having a job. His reason was that I deserved better and shouldn't have to worry if he would have a job every month. I hoped that it was God's will that we might be married after things got better for him. I pray for his salvation. He is a very good man, and he deserves better then he gets most of the time. Even though we are not together, I pray for his salvation and he might see the Glory of Jesus Christ and His love for him. I pray that we might (if it is God's will) get back together. I also ask for financial help due to my lack of money to pay bills.

5/17/2004 1:59:58 PM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body and when the doctor compares the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – PLEASE Lord, let there be no differences. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father sees the Radiation oncologist this morning, May 24, 2004 – PLEASE LORD let the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

5/18/2004 5:59:30 AM



Dear Lord, I have suffered for 2 years not nearly as much as you did in 3 days, I am hoping you will grant me a job by the end of May if not June. I am sad and depressed and need to be fufilled. Thank you.

5/18/2004 11:49:39 AM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord I beg of mercy for our children who need to return to church. For their employment as jobs are scarce and a new baby is on the way. For health, happiness, success, love for another daughter and to be able to cope each and every day of our lives. In thanksgiving for all You have given us too.

5/18/2004 1:42:31 PM



please pray for Rachelle who is in a coma after a ruptured uterus and for the baby and husband. Thank you. God bless

5/18/2004 7:41:43 PM

 Fallon Panzke


Please Pray with me. I care about Oscar a lot. He is a Marine and he is in Iraq for the 2nd time. This time he will be there for about 9 months or more. I know that war effects everyone, especially to those who are fighting in it.and who are caught in the middle of it. I know what my chances are. I know what the odds are. I do face the rality. Please Pray that The Lord will help Oscar come back to me when he comes back from Iraq this time. Pray that The Lord will help Oscar not be so scared nor confused about the relationship that we have started together. Pray that Oscar give me a chance to be his girlfriend. All I want is a chance for us to be together. I'm not saying that we will be together forever. I know that there is no forever. I just want us to be together for a while, hopefully for a long while. I just want one chance. I care a lot about him I don't want to lose him. I don't want him to be scared nor confused. and I don't want him to pull away from me. Please pray with me for my Marine. I really appriciate it thank you for your time. May The LORD Bless Everyone Of You.

5/18/2004 7:50:20 PM



Please pray that God touches the heart of John L., from Georgia who graced my life. We had a good weekend of May 14th which quickly turned sour from misunderstandings and perceived obstacles. Please pray that we can get back into each others hearts and that he will let ME back in. May he be touched this very night. Thanks, PJ

5/18/2004 10:01:05 PM


usa  IP:

need prayer for my husband that is suffering from very sever pain all over his body. please help me pray for gods healing to touch his body and make him well. may god bless every on that prays and have mercy on those who suffer. a sister in christ.

5/18/2004 10:48:35 PM

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