Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Hungary  IP:

Dear Apostolate, please pray for me Lucy to come out of this terrible depression, shivering, inability to work, talk, just staring at the ceiling which is due to my 35 ys of solitude I guess. Help me get out of this depression.

5/19/2004 5:02:27 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body and when the doctor compares the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – PLEASE Lord, let there be no differences. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father sees the Radiation oncologist this morning, May 24, 2004 – PLEASE LORD let the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

5/19/2004 6:15:55 AM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord, Please I beg of You to help our son and son-in-law find employment soon. It is getting so hard financially and they need to be able to support their families. For our daughter who is in need of success, happiness and love that will last forever. For another daughter undergoing surgery and a daughter-in-law who is due next month. Dear Lord, guide them and help all of them. Thank you.

5/19/2004 6:04:15 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord, I thank you with all my heart and love for your blessings and miracles you are still doing for us,this family, my husband and I are suffering with so much pain....the chronic pain my beloved husband suffers every day and now I myself feel so desperate to see us in this bad and serious situation, not being able to find a decent work yet and I really do not know what will happen to us in a matter of a few weeks; our savings already gone, in debt and so stressed out, why God????? all these tragic events we never dreamed or expected in our life, no family, no friends nobody to count on, only YOU LORD. I am in serious lower back pain, its happening here right now,,,,I beg you to please heal my hernniated disks on my neck, thoraxic and lumbar hurts so much that I really dont know if I am gonna be able to tolerate any type of job, all the hopes and dreams we had in our life seem to come to and end; Lord I beg you to please forgive me,I am not a evil person never been like that, now than ever I feel so frustrated, sad and so confused.......have mercy and compassion for this family please, please....Hope to have some good news very soon,,,I need to work and make some money to be able to survive somehow, I pray for my family, my beloved pet not longer here with us.... For Jayson,and Jerusha Lord, our adopted children who are facing worse and serious problems, we love these teenagers husband and wife...Jesus, I know you are so powerful and maybe you can create a miracle, because we are counting the days, hours and last minutes we will be able to spend with Jayson,,,he will be sentecing to prison next friday, he is a good boy; we all know that. I really dont know how our girl, his wife will over react if the final words from the judge,,,,he will go to prison for 40 years, according to the lawyer who is handling this case this is the latest unfortunate number we hear this week. Please protect them Jesus..give them some light to clear their minds, they both are very vulnerable to make any stupid mistake before next friday....we love them very much, and will miss Jayson if we have to say good bye or so long in 40 years from now on. For us too Jesus.....please Lord I can not continue on having this kind of life,,,,a horrible nightmare we have been living for almost 6 years more agony Lord,,,,no more sadness, depression, and loneliness. You love us ,I know that Dear Jesus; we need a miracle in our own life,,,,,time is running out, what will happen to my own husband who due to a work injury he is unable to work and find work, he is on medication all the time;please forgive all our old supposely good friends, and family members who do not understand our support, no love, nobody cares about us anymore! oh Glory, Oh Holy Mother of God, I as a mother feel and bare your pain, oh my God; how much I miss my beloved kid every second of my life.....I know you are holding her, loving her and my little angel as she used to said, baby angel you are resting in peace, us here struggling to survive. My friends,,,,what a dissapointment, I am trying to reach out for help but alright I understand ; we all have problems. Jesus I love you I will and maybe it will be better for us to take us where our beloved ones are now....I am trying so hard to resuscitate and feel alive, happy again but it looks and seems so dark over here....what are we doing wrong Lord. Give me the strenght, peace, and love to carry on......heal our backs please Jesus Jesus dont abandon us...we need you so much and love you forever. Amen.

5/20/2004 3:01:40 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body and when the doctor compares the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – PLEASE Lord, let there be no differences. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father sees the Radiation oncologist this morning, May 24, 2004 – PLEASE LORD let the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

5/20/2004 5:29:46 AM



Please pray that the test reults and biopsy form ealrlier this week, come back cancer free for me.

5/20/2004 9:44:09 AM



Please pray for my sister's marriage, Corlene, Jane's marriage, Sr. Ann who has carcinoma in the bone, for my family's health, my special intentions, protection for Keana and Briana, for Elizabeth, Ruth and Ann. Thank you.

5/20/2004 6:25:59 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me and my family with our finances, and also help me lord obtaining my licence on the 5th..oh lord please shower your blessing on each and every one of us..pls help me and the children to be strong and healthy and our love to be as strong as ever. we love you lord jesus..most sacred heart of jesus we put our trust in you. Amen

5/20/2004 8:13:36 PM


U S A  IP:

Please pray for a financial miracles and continued financial blessings for me and my family. I ask this, with great love and appreciation, in the mighty name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior and through the kind intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary. thank you and may God bless us all.

5/20/2004 11:18:23 PM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body. The Doctor compared the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – there was one lymph node in the deep part of our Mom’s back that showed up on the new CT Scan, but the Dr. said it is only ½ cm in size. She told us not to worry and that they would just watch it very closely. PLEASE Lord, don’t let this be cancer. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father sees the Radiation oncologist this morning, May 24, 2004 – PLEASE LORD let the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

5/21/2004 6:23:16 AM



Lord JESUS Please give me a sign that this is the man You choose for my daughter as her husband also Lord help me forgive those that have hurt me. But most of all I ask that You in Your mercy heal my children. We used to be close, but now all my seven children are grown up and don't even go to Mass.Forgive them and give me the strenght to keep on praying for them to come back to You Lord.

5/23/2004 9:31:36 PM


usa  IP:

Lord, I thank you for all your blessings. I have a very difficult challenge, that is, falling in love with the same sex. It just happened, Lord. But I love her so much. And it hurts coz she has a girlfriend whom she loves so much. We became intimate, Lord. She is my first. Help me make it through this pain. Im sorry if i disappointed you. I dont know why this happened. It is breaking my heart right now because I cant see myself being loved by anyone else. I know this is not normal. I used to fall in love with men. Help me Lord. I dont know what to do. Its hard seeing her and just be friends with her after all that happened between us. I dont even know if Im still worthy to be loved by someone after this event in my life. I love her, Lord, so much, that it hurts. But I want her to be happy. She is a wonderful person. I just hope she really loved me back and did not toy with my emotion because I wont be able to take it. We've become intimate already. Im so sorry Lord. Pls. help me. Heal my heart. If we are not meant to be, help me move on. I love you Lord.

5/24/2004 3:00:15 AM



Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Mother Barbara to heal and cure her from this stage IV reoccurrence of colon cancer. Also Lord, if they need to put her back on chemotherapy treatments, let these treatments be successful and don’t let her suffer from any side effects or complications of these medications and treatments. Also Lord, my Mother had her appointment with her Doctor on May 6, 2004 for the results of her CT Scan – The results were good – THANK YOU LORD. They tests did show a few lymph nodes slightly enlarged. PLEASE Lord don’t let these lymph nodes be cancerous. PLEASE Lord let the cancer be gone from our Mother’s body. The Doctor compared the last CT Scan in January to the CT Scan given on April 30th – there was one lymph node in the deep part of our Mom’s back that showed up on the new CT Scan, but the Dr. said it is only ½ cm in size. She told us not to worry and that they would just watch it very closely. PLEASE Lord, don’t let this be cancer. Please Lord let our Mother continue to get stronger and healthier. Lord Thank you for letting my Mother’s eye surgery be successful. Please Lord let the vision in her eye improve with each passing day and please Lord restore the vision in her sight and help her see again. I also ask in Jesus' name that our Lord Jesus will place his divine hand upon my Father Tony, Sr to heal and cure him from this stage II prostate cancer. Also Lord, please let his radiation treatments be successful and don’t let him suffer from any side effects or complications of these treatments. Thank you Lord for allowing my Father’s surgery on April 1, 2004, to be successful. Please don’t let him suffer from any health complications from this surgery and let the radiation seed implant be successful and rid his body of this prostate cancer. Our Father sees the Radiation oncologist this morning, May 24, 2004 – PLEASE LORD let the doctor give our family good news. Let the cancer be gone from our Father’s body. Please Lord keep our father strong and healthy. I pray to our Holy Father that he will let both my parents live a long and healthy and happy life together and let their lives be filled with much love, faith, good health and happiness. Please Lord always be with our daughter Tara and always keep her safe, healthy and strong. Please Lord keep your loving arms around her and keep her near your side to lead and guide her down the right paths through life. Help her Lord so that she won’t feel sad, irritated and depressed, please help her to see the good things in life and be happy. Dear Lord please watch over and protect our entire family and keep us free from harm and evil. I ask this in Jesus' name that by the Grace of God you would please hear my prayers. I Love and Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

5/24/2004 6:06:40 AM



Please pray for daughter's health to improve and that her pressing problems be resolved in her favour. Thank you!

5/24/2004 9:31:32 PM



Please pray for daughter's health improve and that her pressing problem be resolved in her favour

5/24/2004 9:32:08 PM

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