Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Prayer request: My son Cody has been diagnosed with Perthes disease. He had surgery last week to help correct his diability. He is now in daily pain and stuck in a body cast for over a month. He has been extremely brave in facing his adversity. The only thing he has requested was to receive a bunch of get well cards. So far he has received 136 cards. He loves them. He can't wait each day for the mail to arrive. If you would like to help brighten his day his address is below. God bless you for your prayers and your cards. Cody Totten 2141 Southland Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA Please forward this to anyone that can help.

9/16/2004 8:44:25 AM



Please pray for the full restoration, reconciliation, and renewal of the marriage of George and Carrie. This union has recently come under vicious attacks from the enemy with lies, infidelity, alcohol abuse, and witchcraft on the part of the other women in an attempt to break up the home. In Jesus holy name, pray for us.

9/16/2004 9:16:16 AM

 Dana Odom


Please pray for the success of our Enthronement of the Sacred Heart for the parishners at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church in Rusk, Texas this October 3rd-6th 2004.

9/16/2004 11:47:34 AM




9/16/2004 5:40:09 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray Diane does well in school, gets her financial aid soon, that I find work, pay the house & provide for my family, for the health of Ricky, Mark, Joey, Richard, Me & Gregg, that Mark's medical bills get paid by Workers comp., for teens Markie, Cory & Jackie that they stop following an improper lifestyle and return to the church, their family & school. Thank you

9/16/2004 6:39:10 PM

 king d. estrella

philippines  IP:

pleas dear lord , do not let me and marlon be separated, i have endured all pain, and sufferings, i love him so much dear Lord, please enlighten his heart and direct his path, let no harm befall him. king

9/16/2004 8:28:12 PM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/17/2004 6:17:01 AM

 Reginald Smith


I ask prayers for the success of the Charismatic Renewal 'Jesus Rally' to be held in Bangor, Maine on September 25, 2004. For the greater glory of God, that people come to know Jesus, and that others come to know Jesus better.

9/17/2004 9:12:18 AM



Dear Lord Please put your loving and healing hand on Carol, my dear friend, who has been having many challenges -especially these last 11 weeks in Beaumont Hospital. Please heal her from her challenges and pain and bring her home to her family and friends well and happy. Thank you for giving her the stamina that has prevailed her these last weeks. I know that it is you helping her through this. Thank you for all your blessingsd Dear Lord I love you and trust you. Judy

9/19/2004 10:43:22 AM



Dear Lord Thank you for all you blessings - but I cannot do without your help ever. Please place your healing and loving hands on Fairol and me that we will sustain good health to allow us to work. We need jobs and financial assistance and directions with all our debts. Thank you for everything you have done for us in the past. I love you Dear Lord. Thank you. Juydy

9/19/2004 10:45:28 AM


sp  IP:

Dear Father I come to you with this fervent plea. I am due for a liver scan this week. Please help me and let the scan show nothing abnormal. Father please also help all those in bed of pain. If it is Your will, let them have some relief from pain. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

9/19/2004 8:27:40 PM

 John T. D


Carmen Theressa, my beautiful wife, united by GOD, please forgive me and be there for me along with our Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I love our daughter Jennifer, and pray for both of you everyday. I ask that people prays for our marriage since, we redone our vows twice and ask Almighty GOD, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost to help us. My health is not good and I need you and the Lord's forgiveness and guideance. I pray for you so much. Please ALL pray for Carmen, Jennifer and me. I have such a severe illness, but I know Jusus is the Healer of all. God Bless You My Wife. I am your husband in heart.

9/20/2004 12:41:05 AM



Please pray that the fear and ahte wallbetween my wife Anita and I will be torn down by God and that we can reconcile. Thankyou.

9/20/2004 8:30:01 AM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/20/2004 11:16:41 AM


philippines  IP:

Dear Lord please help us to pay all our debts. Please guide us in all our daily activities. Dear Lord help us make our dreams come true. Im wishing Good health for may father & mother. Thank you for all the blessing Lord. Thank you. ---- ellen

9/20/2004 9:35:13 PM

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