Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray that the Holy Spirit guides me to the man he is asking me to be patient for. And that the Man is accepting of the request of the Holy Spirit for us to be together as soul mates.

9/21/2004 3:00:54 PM


Hungary  IP:

pls pray for safe travel to Sweden and back to Hungary on Oct 2-3 for my boss CSABA (61, professor) and health, real CONVERSION, graces, for him God Bless

9/22/2004 1:56:55 AM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/22/2004 6:19:27 AM


Hungary  IP:

Pls pray for my mom SUSAN. life spent in loneliness. Daddy left her at 36. She spent not one evening in family/friends' circle for 30 years (or so). It really seems she had NOTHING in life. Now she's 65 out of a sudden. No friends Others have relatives, grandchildren). I must tell I've never seen such a lonely person. But nothing is impossible with the Lord. Pls pray for Her conversion and salvation! thank you

9/22/2004 7:43:04 AM

 Angela Hughes


My husband and I are recently married and we have been experiencing many difficulties. Please pray for our financies that we can get out of debt and that God would bless our home and our marriage. Also that God would surround us with his unfailing love and peace. Also that he would send us spirit filled children of God to support and uplift us.

9/22/2004 10:11:15 AM


bogota,colombia,south america  IP:

Hello Brothers in Cristo Our Lord Sorry I dont speak english. I need yours prayers in my life to God. All my Intentions : All my needs materials and spirituals,for job,wife,salud,help of God on my Vocation and Prividence and guía of God for me. Thanks Brothers! and Bishops and Fathers! Sincerely, Javier (Pablo) Eduardo Montaña Santos Bogota,Colombia, South America Mi peticion es: My petitions are: PIDO A DIOS PRIMERO POR MI POR QUE ME CONCEDA PRONTO empleo ESTABLE , AYUDA ECONOMICA BUENO Y BIEN PAGO Y POR MI SALUD,TAMBIEN POR LA ESPOSA QUE TANTO LE PIDO.QUE DIOS MUESTRE SU FAVOR

9/22/2004 4:41:31 PM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/23/2004 5:41:36 AM


United States  IP:

Dear Jesus, I am going at 11:30 am to the police station again to resolve the stalking. I have been there so many times. Let the detective that you choose to assist me come to my aid. Let the person be the one that belongs to you. Assist me with the financial area; this person has destroyed me financially. Please hear my plea and answer me. I love you more than life and everything I have belongs to you. Pat

9/23/2004 6:59:08 AM


Usa  IP:

Pleas include my brother FABIAN GUERRERO in your list of pray. He has muscle atropy. AND Lourdes Guerrero to find the way to God. THANKS AND MILLONS OF BLESSING FROM HEAVEN BE IN YOUR LIVE.

9/23/2004 9:51:28 AM



Please pray that I am healed of cancer in Jesus' name. Thank you all.

9/23/2004 5:11:30 PM

 Dhang Cabuang

Manila, Philippines  IP:

Dear God, Please heal my baby reigne from his cough. Dont let this cough get into more serious illness. Always guide her through Your little angels. Always give her the best of health. All the way until she grow up. Please also guide my husband and all my loved one. Thank you so much DEar God for all the blessings. Dhang

9/24/2004 1:52:36 AM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/24/2004 6:15:00 AM

 Kim Pham Nguyen


Dear Lord, Help me with my relgious life and help me to take the scarfice to save the sinners in hell and help me to join the convent with out temtations so that I won't loose my faith. Amen

9/24/2004 9:15:01 AM

 Rick Brown


Dear Lord, please help me to find a great job, one that challenges my abilities, and allows me to fulfill my needs. I know my current job does sustain me, but I would like a job that is more exciting and fulfilling. Thank you Lord.

9/24/2004 4:06:03 PM


Vietnam  IP:

Lord, help us to look a house to rent for me and my wife guide us in the best way, Lord, may you always be with us, and always take care of us. Lord, pls. give us baby a normal baby for us, we know O Lord,that nothing is impossible to you all things are possible in your Holy name, Lord, we promise to you that me and my wife Candy that our baby we will guide them to you, in your goodness, and your Holy blessing's. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

9/24/2004 5:52:04 PM

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