Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2004

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Please pray for George to be patient and take good care of his daughters, for Georgie, Diana, Kea and Bri, Peeko, Mary and her move, Stravo, Sadie, my parents, Robert, my special intentions. Thank you.

9/25/2004 11:05:31 PM


trinidad  IP:

Dear Lord please pray for me. i ask you to for give me for my sins.please lord my relationship with the man i love dearly is grumbling because i have lied to him. lord i'm sorry .i ask you to please instill in his heart the love and trust he onced had for me lord, because i have learned from my mistakes and i am sorry.please let him regain his trust. i ask this in the msot precious blood of our lord jesus christ.

9/26/2004 9:22:37 AM


usa  IP:

Lord.. thank you for being a constant in my life, you have never abandoned...there would be times were i would go astray ...i get into trouble ... and youwould be there for me now are here ..i love you... i love every one you have place in my life ...thank are so good to me ...thank you for saint theresa and saint rita ...and st charles for giving me a place to worship...i come to you now via internet to ask for special blessings on my cousin veronica who is iraq she is special to me ...also her family i ask this in your precious name amen

9/26/2004 2:20:39 PM

 jared and john

usa  IP:

Please pray for a breakthrough in a relationship impediment between Jared and John. Thank you.

9/26/2004 5:53:50 PM

 Jun Joaquin

Manila, Philippines  IP:

Dear Lord, All praises and glory be unto you! To you my God I pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Cover them with your overflowing love and mercy, that they may find comfort in the pains of purification. May our collective petitions uplift them, so that they may finally reach their ultimate destination, to be with you Lord in heaven, to give you praise and glory through out eternity. I pray to you in our Lord Jesus' name. Amen

9/26/2004 7:29:09 PM

 Eva Hananel

U S A  IP:

Please, pray for Raphael Albert Hananel, my husband, to recover his health and mobility, after a 2nd stroke. Thank you & God bless you.

9/26/2004 7:53:24 PM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/27/2004 6:38:40 AM

 Anna Gael Schell

Canada  IP:

I am requesting prayers for SHARON MOLLOY who suffers from stage 3 bladder Cancer. She undergoes surgery - complete bladder removal - on October 26, 2004. Thank you and God Bless You Anna Gael Schell

9/27/2004 9:52:41 AM

 anthony nicholas

India  IP:

I know my daughter has made a wrong choice. please enlighten her without hurting her feelings. Guide her. Jesus I love you.

9/27/2004 10:42:45 PM


Australia  IP:

Pray for 8 months old Danielle that her head shape would immediately become perfectly normal. Also pray that God would add students to the Bible College I administrate and also the separate Christian Music School I run. Thanks

9/28/2004 12:47:39 AM



Please pray for my great granddaugther Esperanza ( 6 mo. old) that she may be healed of her cleft palette and from choking frequiently after she eats which almost causes her to stop breathing.

9/28/2004 2:43:16 AM


Can  IP:

For peace to reign upon my family & friends. For a healing or a miracle for myself and all upon my heart I know to be sick. For my husband to receive the permanent position he is seeking and help him with all his fustrations that is on his heart. For my sisters husband to be well again & a strong support for her up and coming surgery. For her daughter to be healed of diabetes and both my children to have healthy hearts and ears. I ask these prayers in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus and Praise your Holy Name Amen.

9/28/2004 5:50:06 AM

 Kim W


Please Lord place your divine hands upon my Mother Barbara & my Father Tony Sr to heal & cure them both from this dreaded cancerous disease. Please Lord never let this or any other cancer return to them or any member of our family. Please Lord let my Mother and Father both live a long, healthy and happy life together and have many many retirement years together. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Also Lord, please watch over & protect my daughter Tara & keep her safe, healthy & strong. Always watch over and protect her to keep her free from harm & evil. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

9/28/2004 6:21:26 AM

 john b. hee

malaysia  IP:

My son Leo and his wife Tent are without children. May the Lord be gracious to them , and bless them eith strong, healthy children for this I pray . Praise be to God. john b.hee

9/28/2004 5:38:11 PM

 jun joaquin

philippines  IP:

Dear Lord, All glory and praises be unto you! I unite my prayer with the petitions of my brothers and sisters for their loved ones. I humbly pray for you to lay your merciful hands on those who are lifted up for sickness. Heal them as you have healed the blind and the lepers. Give them comfort in this time of trial and joy of spirit in this time of suffering. To you I pray in Jesus' name. Amen

9/28/2004 9:40:33 PM

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